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Available Reviews
Final Fantasy VI Advance (Game Boy Advance)

Final Fantasy VI Advance review (GBA)

Reviewed on March 01, 2007

(Note: I never played the original FF6, so I have no real views on the new translation debate. However, from comparing scripts, I think the new script is a lot better and more clear. If you are playing the game for nostalgia, you should probably be doing it with a SNES controller in your hand anyway, that’s all I have to say on that…)
icehawk's avatar
Meteos: Disney Magic (DS)

Meteos: Disney Magic review (DS)

Reviewed on March 01, 2007

There are familiar films like “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “The Little Mermaid,” but “Aladdin” and “Beauty and the Beast” and many others don’t make an appearance at all. At least those characters who do show up are represented well. You get neat little pseudo-animations, like Mulan riding a surfboard with Stitch or the fairy godmother getting ready to cast a spell.
honestgamer's avatar
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PlayStation 2)

Deus Ex: The Conspiracy review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 01, 2007

Establishing Cyberpunk Deus
EmP's avatar
Devil May Cry (PlayStation 2)

Devil May Cry review (PS2)

Reviewed on March 01, 2007

Talk of Devil May Cry being a Resident Evil sequel may seem less ridiculous in light of the fairly slick RE4, but even then it's a bit of a stretch. It's tough to imagine that the game was originally set to be a slow trek through cramped corridors, or that its arsenal of shotguns, pistols, and grenade launchers would have limited and carefully rationed ammo, or that its sword-toting antihero Dante might have been caught wielding a puny knife. More than anything, I can't picture him obeying those...
bluberry's avatar
Pac-Man (Arcade)

Pac-Man review (ARC)

Reviewed on March 01, 2007

I know what you’re thinking. Pac-Man? Survival Horror? Yes, a genre made famous by such classics as Alone in the Dark, Clock Tower, and Resident Evil actually got its start as one of the first video games ever created.
turducken's avatar
Grandia (PlayStation)

Grandia review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 28, 2007

Grandia is one of the most clichéd RPGs ever made. It’s also one of the best. The key is execution.
lasthero's avatar
Dark Cloud 2 (PlayStation 2)

Dark Cloud 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 28, 2007

Even worse, many of these foes have holes in their AI large enough to drive the robotic Steve through. For example, those tiny dragons can be targeted from a distance and shot from long range AND unless their random flight pattern takes them a bit closer to Max or Monica, they won’t even notice they’re getting butchered.
overdrive's avatar
Last Gladiators Digital Pinball (Saturn)

Last Gladiators Digital Pinball review (SAT)

Reviewed on February 28, 2007

Man, I love playing with balls. Especially silver balls I get to smack around with flippers. And when I play with one long enough, a whole bunch of silver balls come out wanting to get smacked as well.
dementedhut's avatar
Dance Dance Revolution Universe (Xbox 360)

Dance Dance Revolution Universe review (X360)

Reviewed on February 27, 2007

I appreciated being eased into the game, and as a result I was able to more fully soak in the Dance Dance Revolution experience. Konami took a risk by adding such simple songs right at the start, but it paid off.
honestgamer's avatar
Rez (PlayStation 2)

Rez review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 26, 2007 must be heard with a blur of the real to be seen with seamless clarity.
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Lunar Knights (DS)

Lunar Knights review (DS)

Reviewed on February 26, 2007

Trapped in a never-ending night, humans have no choice but to be enslaved in the cities, or fight for survival on the fringes of society. Even in the darkest of times, one thing the human race can not be stripped of is hope.
pup's avatar
Sam & Max Episode 4 - Abe Lincoln Must Die (PC)

Sam & Max Episode 4 - Abe Lincoln Must Die review (PC)

Reviewed on February 26, 2007

If the question was “did Taletale listen?” the answer offered by Abe Lincoln Must Die is “as much as they could".
EmP's avatar
Lunar Knights (DS)

Lunar Knights review (DS)

Reviewed on February 25, 2007

After centuries of getting their asses kicked, vampires have learned one important thing: Dracula is overrated. No longer must the creatures of the night rely on some dark lord to suddenly appear. Instead, the bloodthirsty villains have taken over the world with a blend of magic, technology, and brute strength. To ensure their success, the vampires have created the paraSOL system, a satellite that blocks out the sun and envelops Earth in perpetual darkness. Without their precious sunlight, regul...
disco's avatar
Clockwork Knight (Saturn)

Clockwork Knight review (SAT)

Reviewed on February 24, 2007

In Clockwork Knight, you play the role of a wind-up toy, Pepperouchau, who has the daunting task of saving the kidnapped Princess Chelsea (yup, that plot). As you take control of this little toy knight, you'll end up traveling through eight stages in a house filled with toys that have gone bad. In one bedroom, you'll encounter nuisances like rotating clowns and knight helmets with pitchforks as you run across giant desks and bookshelves. Later on, you'll be in another room, walking on top...
dementedhut's avatar
Altered Beast (Genesis)

Altered Beast review (GEN)

Reviewed on February 24, 2007

disco's avatar
Twinkle Tale (Genesis)

Twinkle Tale review (GEN)

Reviewed on February 23, 2007

As soon as the girl enters that mountainous area of the first level, rocks start plummeting from the top of the screen. While they are easy to dodge, smart players may choose to not have their favorite weapon equipped during this section, as it could be quite damaging to blunder into a boulder and wind up weakened after this brief section. Because, with magic-firing mages and gigantic golems providing a gauntlet to pass before engaging in battle with the chimera that serves as the stage’s boss, being at top offensive capacity is definitely desirable.
overdrive's avatar
UFO: Afterlight (PC)

UFO: Afterlight review (PC)

Reviewed on February 22, 2007

For a solid attempt and otherworldly genocide, things worked out great.
EmP's avatar
DefCon 5 (Saturn)

DefCon 5 review (SAT)

Reviewed on February 21, 2007

Overwhelmed and irritated. Those are the feelings you'll get when you play through Defcon 5 for the very first time. As you set foot on a defense station in space, you need to make it all the way up to the Control Room and install a defense software. Getting there is an adventure in itself, since there's nothing within the game that really helps you move in the right direction. The only real help you'll get is from the instruction manual, and even then, it's still a bit confusing. If you ...
dementedhut's avatar
Sam & Max Episode 1 - Culture Shock (PC)

Sam & Max Episode 1 - Culture Shock review (PC)

Reviewed on February 21, 2007

Most reviews of the latest Sam and Max game (Sam and Max – Culture Shock) begin with the reviewer recalling his or her past experiences with the series. I don’t have those experiences. In all honesty, I’ve never particularly cared for adventure games. The only one I ever bothered to play through was The Secret of Monkey Island and the only reason I did play through it was because I had a guide that held my hand the whole time. I can appreciate the storylines of adventure gam...
asherdeus's avatar
Devil May Cry (PlayStation 2)

Devil May Cry review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 21, 2007

Whoo! Rock and roll and eat lots of pizza, baby!
turducken's avatar

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