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Available Reviews
Freak Out - Extreme Freeride (PC)

Freak Out - Extreme Freeride review (PC)

Reviewed on April 20, 2007

Whenever I'm exposed to skiing or skiing games, someone inevitably mentions powder hills, and immediately my mind drifts to donuts. Specifically the mini powdered-sugar ones. It seems strange, but after spending some time with Freakout, the comparison became surprisingly apt. You see, a donut is characterized by the fact that it's got a hole in it. So is this game.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Resident Evil 4 (PlayStation 2)

Resident Evil 4 review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 20, 2007

In RE4, you are armed to the teeth, but your enemies’ insistence, their thirst for your pain, and their sheer numbers create more compelling and dire circumstances than a few zombies or “nurses” after an unfortunate pipe-bearing player ever could.
Masters's avatar
Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2)

Final Fantasy X review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 20, 2007

Being even eight years old, you have to have seen these sort of guises in one type of media or another:
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP)

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure review (PSP)

Reviewed on April 19, 2007

Rather than rely on an obvious weapon like a sword or stick, Parin uses a drill. It’s her sole offensive measure and one more reason Gurumin is so memorable. With a sword, all the rock walls she encounters might have lacked any significance. With a drill, though, they represent the opportunity for exploration.
honestgamer's avatar
Star Ocean: The Second Story (PlayStation)

Star Ocean: The Second Story review (PSX)

Reviewed on April 18, 2007

I remember easily winning one of the final boss fights with ease solely because my constant attacking was preventing him from doing much of anything. On the other hand, an earlier battle seemed near-impossible because one of my two opponents had no problems with slipping away from me and leaping into the air, immolating himself (while screaming dementedly) and slamming into the middle of the fray, creating a fiery inferno worth several thousand hit points of damage to any of my characters unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.
overdrive's avatar
Mademan: Confessions of the Family Blood (PlayStation 2)

Mademan: Confessions of the Family Blood review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 18, 2007

If you’re looking for a innovative game with blazing action and insane challenge, you could do a lot worse than Made Man…but you could do much better, too.
lasthero's avatar
Super Paper Mario (Wii)

Super Paper Mario review (WII)

Reviewed on April 17, 2007

The end of the world is nigh. Nations are rising against each other. Calamities are ravaging countless innocents around the planet. And in the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach and Bowser are getting married. That’s right. The classic damsel in distress and ineffectual villain are going to tie the knot and live happily (well, probably just one of them) ever after. Don’t take this as one of Bowser’s half-baked schemes; a more dangerous foe named Count Bleck is pulling the strings behind the scenes...
disco's avatar
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Xbox 360)

Need for Speed: Most Wanted review (X360)

Reviewed on April 17, 2007

Most Wanted has a lot going for it when you play it for the first time. Of course, you'll be doing a lot of street racing in this game, but the developers actually tried interesting ways to spice them up. In the Speed Trap races, making it to the finish first ain't gonna cut it. With speed traps scattered throughout these courses, you have to build up as much speed as possible as you go through them, because when you make it to the end, they'll all be tallied up and compared to your oppon...
dementedhut's avatar
Battalion Wars (GameCube)

Battalion Wars review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 17, 2007

Late in the GameCube's life, Nintendo started funding all sorts of different types of games from random companies. Some turned out pretty good, some were terrible. Predictably however, they all bombed sales-wise. The good news though is that means they became dirt cheap real quick, and thus allowing those of us who are fairly cautious about these sorts of things a chance to try them out with minimal risk. Battalion Wars, needless to say, is one such game. And though it shows plenty of the r...
mariner's avatar
Metal Slug 6 (Arcade)

Metal Slug 6 review (ARC)

Reviewed on April 16, 2007

As the wind rolls across the plains, the Peregrine Falcons Special Forces Unit ventures forth into yet another battleground. Somewhere out there in that flowing tall grass, a bunch of General Morden’s Rebel goons have set up camp. It’s not like they were careful about hiding their whereabouts; there are shell casings littering the dirt and supplies strewn about. Even the soldiers’ voices can be heard on the breeze. You’d think that getting their asses kicked so many times in the past, the Rebels...
disco's avatar
Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii)

Sonic and the Secret Rings review (WII)

Reviewed on April 14, 2007

Once upon a time, King Shahryar discovered that his wife was cheating on him. Though he had the queen and her lover executed, the king was traumatized; he believed that infidelity was a characteristic that all women shared. But since he couldn’t go for long without acting out his lusty urges, Shahryar remarried and took steps to ensure that no woman would betray him again. Since prenuptial agreements didn’t exist back then, the king took a more direct approach: wedding and bedding a new bride, t...
disco's avatar
Ridge Racer (PSP)

Ridge Racer review (PSP)

Reviewed on April 14, 2007

The first thing that pops up when you switch the game on is a retro arcade game from Namco's archives. Ridge Racer, it's "New" Rally-X, a top-down 2D 8-bit wonder from 1981 which involves you steering a little blue go-kart around to collect all the flags on a map and trying to avoid little red go-karts that want to crash you.
forelli_boy's avatar
Animal Crossing (GameCube)

Animal Crossing review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 12, 2007

I don’t hate Animal Crossing for its N64 quality graphics, terrible music, childlike nature, or terrible attempts at comedy. I dislike it simply because it just isn’t fun. What was supposed to be an interesting and innovative life simulator turned out to be a completely monotonous experience.
Halon's avatar
Kororinpa: Marble Mania (Wii)

Kororinpa: Marble Mania review (WII)

Reviewed on April 11, 2007

It’s quiet inside the room. Or at least, you think it is. There’s an upbeat tune coming out of the screen in front of you, and your breath is coming out in soft sighs. You’ve blocked the noise out, though; you’re too distracted to notice your surroundings. Your hand is trembling as you rotate it ever so slightly, turning the object with your fingers with the delicacy of a brain surgeon. Failure is not an option here; one slight miscalculated movement could spell utter disaster for your efforts. ...
disco's avatar
Rogue Galaxy (PlayStation 2)

Rogue Galaxy review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 09, 2007

Imagine, if you will, the following scenario: A young blond orphan living on a desert planet ruled by galactic war suddenly finds himself confused for an infamous hunter and whisked away on glorious adventures. Now, but for a few key points, many gaming fans find this core idea so irritatingly familiar it near instantly drives them away from this game.
Lavieta's avatar
Sam & Max Episode 5 - Reality 2.0 (PC)

Sam & Max Episode 5 - Reality 2.0 review (PC)

Reviewed on April 09, 2007

Max demands your attention!
EmP's avatar
Bullet Witch (Xbox 360)

Bullet Witch review (X360)

Reviewed on April 08, 2007

NES classic, Contra. You ran from left to right, as either Blue Man or Red Man, dependant on whether you played with a friend or played with yourself, and shot guys who ran towards you.
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Sengoku 2 (NeoGeo)

Sengoku 2 review (NEO)

Reviewed on April 08, 2007

By the leather of my bootstraps, they've gone out and done it. SNK has made the first game totally according to surrealist principles, and if it were done today, John Romero would more or less be involved. It's never too late to drop the old dependable Daikatana joke, I say. Now, I'm not totally against throwing together a bunch of set-pieces and not even bothering to link them with a storyline. Today's subject, the conglomeration of virtual ejacu-late known as Sengoku 2 (which tr...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (Wii)

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 review (WII)

Reviewed on April 07, 2007

Meet Goku. He’s the hero of Dragon Ball Z, a man who has dedicated his life to martial arts and assisting the less fortunate. Of course, that’s just a euphemistic way of saying that the guy is nothing more than an obsessive martial artist with little understanding of the society around him. Few anime characters have the ability to be childishly naive and brutally lethal at the same time. Along with his merry band of super-powered vigilantes, prodigies, and rivals, our hero defends the Ear...
disco's avatar
Metal Slug Anthology (Wii)

Metal Slug Anthology review (WII)

Reviewed on April 07, 2007

There’s a man dying in front of you. His gut has been shot wide open; he’s feebly struggling to keep his innards from slipping out onto his uniform. His camouflage used to be green to blend in with the jungle around you, but the blood seeping through the fabric has blown the man’s cover. This guy is just another nameless soldier fighting for a greater cause; his country will list both him and his fallen comrades as mere statistics once the fighting is done. Somewhere back home, he has a life. A ...
disco's avatar

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