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Available Reviews
Baseball Simulator 1.000 (NES)

Baseball Simulator 1.000 review (NES)

Reviewed on May 02, 2007

Even ancient games like Tecmo Super Bowl proved capable of doing entire weeks of games in mere seconds. So, why does it take a good five to 10 minutes to simulate ONE game here? If you want to play two or three games at a sitting, you better have a good book on hand or you’ll be spending as much time blankly staring at your TV screen as you will playing.
overdrive's avatar
Raiden III (PlayStation 2)

Raiden III review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 01, 2007

Imagine my surprise when I took Raiden III home, excitedly put it in my PS2, and found there were no surprises to be had. There is only one ship, and the weapon system is about as barebones as they come.
pup's avatar
Great Greed (Game Boy)

Great Greed review (GB)

Reviewed on April 30, 2007

Having been abruptly stolen away in the middle of an epic battle against acid rain by the fell sorcery of Microwave, the task now falls to you – Sierra Sam, Earth Guy! – to protect once-pristine Greene Kingdom from the horrifying machinations and discarded Styrofoam containers of dread lord BIO-HAZ.
sho's avatar
JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)

JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 29, 2007

Jet Set Radio Future is an easy game to like even if it's an impossible game to love. It's dripping with the sort of self-consciously hip style that only Sega could pull off, and were it human, I'd expect nothing less out of it than oldschool checkerboard Vans and a garish blazer to go with 'em. Funky, pseudo-cartoony graphics lend developer Smilebit's graffiti/skating hybrid an impeccable sense of popping, colorful style, with areas like nightlife hub Benten Street brought to life by its orient...
mardraum's avatar
Mega Man X Collection (GameCube)

Mega Man X Collection review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 29, 2007

As X walks along a deserted city street, he kicks up dust and moves around the rubble. There aren’t any other people around. They either died in yesterday’s massacre or fled underground. It’s not like running will help mankind, though; now that most of the robots around the world have gone berserk, there’s little chance that society will recover anytime soon. In the meantime, the city continues to crumble into dust. The arched overpass has been ripped to pieces, leaving chunks of gray debris str...
disco's avatar
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (GameCube)

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean review (GCN)

Reviewed on April 29, 2007

When thinking about Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, one mundane locale sticks in my head. It’s a simple airship port nestled on the side of a mountain. We view it from such a distance that the gnarled rock inhabits most of the left side screen. Gigantic faces are haphazardly sculpted into ledges, their eyes closed against punishing winds. Purple lightning flashes periodically, followed by distant thunder claps. Billowing clouds surround and speed by the cliff, close e...
woodhouse's avatar
Biing!: Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle (PC)

Biing!: Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle review (PC)

Reviewed on April 28, 2007

Biing! (Sex, Intrigen und Skalpelle!) is more than just a hospital management sim; it’s a hospital management sim full of German – and naughty nurses!
sho's avatar
Deus Ex: Invisible War (Xbox)

Deus Ex: Invisible War review (XBX)

Reviewed on April 28, 2007

Deus Ex: Invisible War is made by Ion Storm and published by Eidos. It's the sequel to the critically acclaimed Deus Ex: The Conspiracy. Invisible War, like the original game, is a first-person RPG/FPS.
digi_matrix's avatar
Flashback: The Quest For Identity (Genesis)

Flashback: The Quest For Identity review (GEN)

Reviewed on April 27, 2007

Conrad Hart?
carcinogen_crush's avatar
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)

WarioWare: Smooth Moves review (WII)

Reviewed on April 27, 2007

Videogames, when you get right down to it, are all essentially the same. There is movement, and conflict, towards an end. The methods of movement may alter, the conflicts may be disguised, and the ends are many and varied. However, even with all these variables, there is ultimately little difference between Pong and World of Warcraft. The two games are merely at opposite ends of the same definition.
cheekylee's avatar
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (PC)

Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards review (PC)

Reviewed on April 26, 2007

Are you a hopeless dork? A real pathetic loser? Do your nights of great lays involve a bag of potato chips? Well take heart, for you’re not alone! Come along with Larry Laffer, socially inept computer programmer turned socially inept polyester paramour and the original 40-year old virgin, as he bumbles around the seedy city of Lost Wages looking to finally get laid!
sho's avatar
Daughter of Serpents (PC)

Daughter of Serpents review (PC)

Reviewed on April 25, 2007

Perhaps if someone had spent more time hammering out the adventure aspect of things instead of thinking up all sorts of illusionary role-playing options at the beginning the result wouldn’t be such a complete, not to mention completely obvious waste of potential.
sho's avatar
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All (DS)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All review (DS)

Reviewed on April 24, 2007

The 2005 release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney captured hearts with sensational mysteries, humorous characters, and witty dialogue. In this second installment of the graphic adventure, subtitled Justice for All, Capcom’s most famous lawyer returns for more of the same. The sequel presents a quartet of tragic cases that will put your analytical ability to a moderate test. More important, it continues to expand on the characters so carefully developed in the first game. The fam...
woodhouse's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past review (SNES)

Reviewed on April 24, 2007

The Legend of Zelda series has always been a staple among the gaming community and is an essential franchise of Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past has achieved a particularly vast fan following of the series on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It has been raised from mere 16-bit adventure to near cult status. The success and endearment of A Link to the Past is perhaps due to the superior logistics of the Super NES when compared to the original NES. The graphical aspec...
redpyramid's avatar
Demolition Racer: No Exit (Dreamcast)

Demolition Racer: No Exit review (DC)

Reviewed on April 24, 2007

Forget Destruction Derby: The best videogame to ever capture this is Demolition Racer. Even the name oozes more machismo.
EmP's avatar
Spectrobes (DS)

Spectrobes review (DS)

Reviewed on April 23, 2007

That your angry little pets never leave your side is doubly annoying; not only does it mean you need to put yourself right in the face of intergalactic forces that want to eat you, but should you move away when they’re attacking to avoid being hit, or should your pets get smacked across the screen, they’ll come running back to you in as direct a line as they can, even if this means running right through a group and getting smacked up themselves. Spectrobes are very stupid creatures when they’ve grown up.
EmP's avatar
Toon-Doku (DS)

Toon-Doku review (DS)

Reviewed on April 23, 2007

Toon-Doku turns things on its head by replacing the familiar digits with non-offensive picture tiles. Not only that, but it throws a whole bunch of them at you and lets you choose which you would like to have in play. It’s a nice touch, but it doesn’t do a thing to change how Sudoku plays. You still do nothing more than line up your characters the same way you have in any of the million rounds of Sudoku that you’ve played before.
honestgamer's avatar
Super Princess Peach (DS)

Super Princess Peach review (DS)

Reviewed on April 22, 2007

Now that I've finally gotten along to getting a DS, I got this game because it looked promising in the previews. I wasn't let down, but it felt a bit easy for a Mario game.
llamaman2's avatar
Virtua Tennis 3 (Xbox 360)

Virtua Tennis 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on April 22, 2007

The first time I played Virtua Tennis 3, I wasn't that thrilled with it. I avoided the World Tour mode and went straight to an exhibition match to get a good feel of the gameplay. Well, after about three or four matches... I was bored, and I was just about to give up on the game at that point. And it's not due to it being a tennis game, where you basically hit a ball back and forth, because I enjoyed Table Tennis. It's just... you can pretty much figure out how most of your opponents play...
dementedhut's avatar
Top Spin 2 (PC)

Top Spin 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on April 21, 2007

With that said, Top Spin 2 is still the most intricate, most amazing tennis game I have ever played. I built rivalries, I toppled pros. I found myself hunched over my desk, completely oblivious to the outside world, utterly enthralled. Every win I fought for, every shot I calculated.
True's avatar

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