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Available Reviews
Spider-Man 3 (PlayStation 3)

Spider-Man 3 review (PS3)

Reviewed on May 19, 2007

Such moments rock, but they’re counter-balanced by tedious missions. Early on, those revolve around stopping the various gangs that are battling for control of the city. Later, you have to take on super villains. The problem with these missions is that they’re not particularly fun, not when you could be out swinging around the city, riding on top of cars and whatever else interests you.
honestgamer's avatar
Primal Rage (Genesis)

Primal Rage review (GEN)

Reviewed on May 19, 2007

Blood! Gore! Dinosaurs!!!
goldenvortex's avatar
Custer's Revenge (Atari 2600)

Custer's Revenge review (A2600)

Reviewed on May 19, 2007

If anyone finds Custer's Revenge disturbing, horrible or anything other than hilarious, then you've clearly got issues with your sense of humour. Sure, as far as games go, it's crap but when people tell me that it's tasteless, I just tell them to get a grip. Besides, the Atari 2600 had loads of really funny, yet horribly bad, “pornographic” games. Now, the reason I used that word in inverted commas is because that none of these games are anything but erotic or stimulating in any way. If you're p...
goldenvortex's avatar
Bust-A-Move Bash! (Wii)

Bust-A-Move Bash! review (WII)

Reviewed on May 18, 2007

Rather than press ‘left’ or ‘right’ on the d-pad, you hold the controller toward the screen like a wand and turn it toward the left or right. This causes the launch mechanism at the bottom center of the television screen to shift accordingly. It’s truly a satisfying improvement that brings a new dimension to the game… when it works. The problem is that sometimes things go haywire.
honestgamer's avatar
Bone: The Great Cow Race (PC)

Bone: The Great Cow Race review (PC)

Reviewed on May 18, 2007

What the game lacks in complexity, it makes up for with simple charm. Bone quite nearly drips with personality. Every bit of dialogue is an opportunity for a wry quip or a zany grin-to-yourself kind of line, all of which are delivered with stellar voice acting. Where else can you find a stuffed chicken for a vendor who makes soup with 'a pinch of sawdust', or tangle with a giant honeybee that has a New York tough-guy accent? Nowhere, that's where.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
7 Wonders of the Ancient World (PSP)

7 Wonders of the Ancient World review (PSP)

Reviewed on May 17, 2007

After all, the 8 levels you get here will probably last you around that many hours before you complete them, and you can then go back and play them for better scores. Really, it all comes down to how the game plays. Thanks to power-ups and cornerstones, it plays pretty well.
honestgamer's avatar
Ankh: Heart of Osiris (PC)

Ankh: Heart of Osiris review (PC)

Reviewed on May 16, 2007

Anhk: Heart of Osiris starts off directly after the original Ankh finishes. After a misunderstanding with Thana over a love letter sent by the spurned pharaoh’s daughter, he hits the tiles, gets wrecked and wakes up in a side ally with a killer headache and a conspicuous lack of Ankh. After being convinced by a clairvoyant bet-taker that his fate was inter-tined with the odd artefact, Assil is grudgingly forced to start a new quest all over again.
EmP's avatar
Aegis Wing (Xbox 360)

Aegis Wing review (X360)

Reviewed on May 16, 2007

As multiple ships soar through space, you’ll find that you can approach an ally and latch onto his ship. Though doing so consigns you to whatever evasive maneuvers your ally feels are appropriate, there’s a tradeoff: you receive boosts to your firepower. Suddenly, those intimidating warships aren’t such a big deal.
honestgamer's avatar
Viewtiful Joe 2 (PlayStation 2)

Viewtiful Joe 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 16, 2007

I went to college with a girl named Gina Tiranelli. I never really knew her until senior year, but she showed up in a lot of my Psychology c|asses all of the sudden. Through random chance, she and I wound up working together quite a bit. She was, hands down, the hottest woman I'd ever met, and is still in my personal top five. Viewtiful Joe 2 reminds me a lot of Gina Tiranelli.
skrutop's avatar
The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided (Xbox 360)

The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided review (X360)

Reviewed on May 16, 2007

During the rare occasions when the History Channel isn't airing something related to Nazis, they will cover this dark chapter in our nation's formative years. The Civil War! A conflict waged by men able to fire muskets accurately from hundreds of yards away, reload in a flash, and single-handedly decimate companies of weaker soldiers with awesome skill. In other words, here's the most intense combat of the 1860s rendered with the Call of Duty engine. Yes, it's every bit as snooze-inducing...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Alpine Ski Racing 2007 (PC)

Alpine Ski Racing 2007 review (PC)

Reviewed on May 15, 2007

The actual performance of your skier is also directly linked to the stats in such a way that you can feel those new poles doing their job and you can feel those boasted levels taking effect. Clumsy turns become sharp ones; your acceleration becomes quicker; the ability your skier has to carve tight turns through the white stuff become more crisp and competent
EmP's avatar
Crack Down (Genesis)

Crack Down review (GEN)

Reviewed on May 14, 2007

At the beginning of the 21st century (we're a long way from that), an Artificial Life System was created. Of course, it didn't take long for some crazy doctor to use this system in an attempt to take over the world. Obviously, the government weren't having any of this. So, they send two special service agents, dressed in awesome spandex clothing, to destroy the heavily-guarded facility with guns and special (normal) time bombs. Their names? Ben and Andy. And you know with names like that, a whol...
dementedhut's avatar
Hannspree Ten Kate Honda SBK (PlayStation 2)

Hannspree Ten Kate Honda SBK review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 14, 2007

Crashes are great. Bikes will smash off competitors, spin madly in the air and whack other riders into oblivion; with 22 racers eagerly pushing for places, wheel-clipping and faring-rubbing is going to happen. In full credit to SBK ‘07, the great sense of speed the game presents doesn’t slow down one iota should ever single on of these bikes find their way on-screen – quite the achievement for the seven-year-old hardware it’s housed on.
EmP's avatar
Pit-Fighter (Arcade)

Pit-Fighter review (ARC)

Reviewed on May 14, 2007

As you step into the pit, the stench of cheap beer wafts into your nose. You can’t see very far in front of you; the florescent lights overhead only give off a meager glow, leaving nothing but moving shadows where the surrounding crowds should be. But even if you can’t see the people very well, you can hear them all too clearly. Amidst the curses, racial slurs, and drunken gibberish, you can sense that these patrons are ready to see some ass-kicking. In fact, that’s exactly what you’re here to d...
disco's avatar
Mortal Kombat 3 (Genesis)

Mortal Kombat 3 review (GEN)

Reviewed on May 13, 2007

Even though Shao Kahn is a sadistic overlord from another dimension, you’ve got to feel sorry for the guy. He’s granted his minions the power to invade the Earth Realm on two occasions, only to suffer defeat in return. It’s not like Shao Kahn, his shape-shifting subordinate Shang Tsung, and the rest of his cronies are a bunch of wimps; they just can’t keep up with their superior human foes mano-a-mano. However, such ego-deflating defeats have led him to try a different angle to his devious schem...
disco's avatar
Red Steel (Wii)

Red Steel review (WII)

Reviewed on May 11, 2007

Red Steel presents what I feel is an amazing formula for a game. Whoever came up with the idea to wrap together a Yakuza story with motion censored sword fighting and gunplay should be offered a medal for his brilliance. I mean that's an idea for a game that I can really get into! I was pumped for Red Steel! As it turned out, though, Ubisoft just wasn't the developer to be put in charge of making such a game. Red Steel doesn't do the idea any justice whatsoever, and the game falls flat on its fa...
sayainprince's avatar
Final Fantasy IX (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy IX review (PSX)

Reviewed on May 11, 2007

Eventually, my favorite “mini-game” simply involved me finding all the references to early Final Fantasy games in this one. Square went above and beyond the call of duty in making sure us players got enough nostalgic moments to last any number of lifetimes. Look! It’s the classic black mage design! Hey, that old geezer’s named Garland! He was the bad guy in the original Final Fantasy!
overdrive's avatar
Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos (PSP)

Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos review (PSP)

Reviewed on May 10, 2007

What all this amounts to is a game that’s akin to a great movie with a terrible ending. You plan out each move and become completely engaged in the experience. Then the battle (the ‘movie ending’) comes and you’re left wondering where the rest of the game went.
louis_bedigian's avatar
Spider-Man 3 (Xbox 360)

Spider-Man 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on May 10, 2007

Gang wars take over the streets. An alien symbiote pops out of nowhere and gives him a new suit with incredible strength - but makes him a complete asshole. Kraven the Hunter, Calypso, the Lizard, the Rhino, the Scorpion, the Kingpin, the Sandman, the New Goblin, Venom - New York City is a battleground, and there’s only thing standing in the way of complete chaos is one little spider.
lasthero's avatar
Sam & Max Episode 6 - Bright Side of the Moon (PC)

Sam & Max Episode 6 - Bright Side of the Moon review (PC)

Reviewed on May 09, 2007

A fitting conclusion.
EmP's avatar

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