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Available Reviews
Die Hard Arcade (Saturn)

Die Hard Arcade review (SAT)

Reviewed on June 18, 2007

It's quiet. Too quiet. As your red battleship sits at the very top of the screen doing nothing, the rest of the watery field that takes up most of the screen... also has nothing going on with it. But then you look at the sonar and see a bunch of dots arriving from the left and right side of your screen. Seconds later, white submarines pop up and start launching torpedoes to the surface. Obviously, this is the point where you counterattack by throwing depth charges into the sea. It starts off a b...
dementedhut's avatar
SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS (DS)

SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters DS review (DS)

Reviewed on June 17, 2007

SNK vs. Capcom. That phrase conjures up images of dozens of martial artists slaughtering each other with a slew of fireballs and flurries of kicks and punches. Those epic clashes were a fighting game fan’s dream come true; who could imagine that Street Fighter’s Ryu would ever trade blows with Fatal Fury’s Terry Bogard? Accordingly, the crossover games were a huge success; they were so popular that they even got their own spin-off titles. Thus SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighter’s Clash...
disco's avatar
Valhalla Knights (PSP)

Valhalla Knights review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 17, 2007

Valhalla Knights is a game designed to sell X copies to X gamers for (X*Y) dollars. You could say that about anything, but most games have something more. Something catchy. Unfortunately, there's nothing catchy about Valhalla Knights — nothing to make me even want to pick the game back up again.
zigfried's avatar
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (DS)

Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 review (DS)

Reviewed on June 16, 2007

It must be easy having a superhero in your life. Gotham City would be screwed without the exploits of Batman keeping its people safe from the Joker and other villains. Without Superman crushing Lex Luthor, the denizens of Metropolis wouldn't stand a chance. And for the people of the Morning and Evening Cities, their problems are danced away by a group of superheroes known only as Ouendan.
espiga's avatar
The Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar (PC)

The Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar review (PC)

Reviewed on June 15, 2007

Despite all the hype, while it does a good job of being true to the Tolkien genre, and they did a fine job of producing a fantasy world that doesn't look like it is in a fantasy. The graphics reproduce a natural view of woodland nature. Still, the game is very rough. IMHO they released it wayyy too early.
geekwoman's avatar
Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior (Arcade)

Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior review (ARC)

Reviewed on June 14, 2007

Poor Robert. He’s the secondary hero of the Art of Fighting series, but nobody really cares about him. The games are focused more on Ryo, the main hero, and his ability to kick evil’s ass throughout the city of Southtown. The only things that Robert has going for him are a vast amount of wealth, facial features worthy of a Spanish soap opera heartthrob, designer jeans (because you have to look stylish when you’re beating criminals to a bloody pulp), and the fact that Ryo’s little s...
disco's avatar
Lineage II: The Epic Collection (PC)

Lineage II: The Epic Collection review (PC)

Reviewed on June 14, 2007

Return to Lineage 2 : Chaos Chronicle 5 and Interlude Review by Geek Woman
geekwoman's avatar
Rayman: Raving Rabbids (PlayStation 2)

Rayman: Raving Rabbids review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 14, 2007

Rayman Raving Rabbids Review by Geek Woman
geekwoman's avatar
Yakuza (PlayStation 2)

Yakuza review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 14, 2007

Published by: SEGA
geekwoman's avatar
Rayman: Raving Rabbids (Wii)

Rayman: Raving Rabbids review (WII)

Reviewed on June 12, 2007

A console launch can cover a multitude of sins. At any other stage in a machines life, games that are blatantly a bit crap receive no attention, and head straight for Bargain Bucket Hell. And rightly so. But when a console is preparing to launch, every game that is heading it's way receives a slice of the spotlight - especially if a recognisable video game character is involved. Games journalists chart the progress of the game, stores put up posters, full-page advertisements reach the magazines....
tomclark's avatar
Dawn of Mana (PlayStation 2)

Dawn of Mana review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 12, 2007

A boulder is as likely to bounce as not. A pumpkin could very well float like a balloon. Worse, anything you try to toss could inexplicably head to a nearby wall, bounce off it and into Keldy, then send him plummeting to a ledge below and into the midst of a bunch of enemies. Taking your chances with object interaction is a bit like sticking your hand into a bowl of piranhas and hoping they aren’t hungry.
honestgamer's avatar
Mad Tracks (Xbox 360)

Mad Tracks review (X360)

Reviewed on June 12, 2007

One odd mechanic that definitely will affect how you play is the acceleration feature. You press the right trigger to accelerate, but as you do there’s a gauge on the bottom of the screen that reflects a dwindling supply of energy. Thus, simply holding the trigger for a race’s duration is going to come back to bite you at the worst possible moment. Strategy is necessary.
honestgamer's avatar
Pac-Man: Championship Edition (Xbox 360)

Pac-Man: Championship Edition review (X360)

Reviewed on June 11, 2007

The more pellets you eat, the stranger things become. You’ll grab a piece of fruit and instead of simply causing some pellets to appear, it’ll shift half the board. The arena glows and morphs until you have a new environment to explore. The seamless change prevents you from easily memorizing a pattern and keeps you on your toes.
honestgamer's avatar
Tamagotchi Party On! (Wii)

Tamagotchi Party On! review (WII)

Reviewed on June 10, 2007

The mini-games in Tamagotchi: Party On! are entertaining at first, but quickly grow tiresome because of the frequency with which they are repeated. You might play the same one three or four times in a single round of default length, which certainly isn’t optimal.
honestgamer's avatar
Planet Puzzle League (DS)

Planet Puzzle League review (DS)

Reviewed on June 10, 2007

Once upon a time, Panel de Pon (and its American counterpart Tetris Attack) ruled supreme over the puzzle gaming genre. At first glance, the game didn’t seem like much; what’s so great about switching a bunch of rainbow-colored blocks around the screen while a gang of fairy kids cheered you on? While it had a presentation childish enough to send insecure male gamers running for the nearest gore-heavy fighter, Panel de Pon had an ace up its sleeve: pure, unbridled addictivene...
disco's avatar
The Lion King (Genesis)

The Lion King review (GEN)

Reviewed on June 10, 2007

Imagine being born a prince, knowing that one day you will have to lead a great kingdom forwards through the times. The responsibility is enormous. Such is the position that our young lion cub, Simba, finds himself in Disney’s The Lion King. But he couldn’t really care less. Instead of building himself up to be a worthy successor to the throne, he yearns to roam carefree about the Pridelands day after day; he wants it all right now and he just can’t wait to be king. Whi...
arkrex's avatar
Marvel Trading Card Game (PSP)

Marvel Trading Card Game review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 10, 2007

I watched Spider-Man being ever paranoid about being late to meet M.J. and I even got chastised by Xavier when I opted to follow the villain path the second time around.
True's avatar
Final Fantasy (PSP)

Final Fantasy review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 09, 2007

Like many older gamers, Final Fantasy on the NES was what initially got me into RPGs. It wowed gamers with its awesome graphics and playability, just as the series continues to do today. It’s no surprise that the franchise has grown to dominate the RPG genre. My taste for the Final Fantasy series has mellowed out since then (with a brief spike for VII), but the PSP remake really took me back and renewed my appreciation, having not played the previous PS1 and GBA remakes. What we have here is the...
apossum's avatar
TMNT (Game Boy Advance)

TMNT review (GBA)

Reviewed on June 09, 2007

I'm sure the majority of us adults will surely remember sitting in front of the TV, watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles way back in the 80's or 90's. Infact, I'm sure everyone one of us at least had one Turtles merchandise, whether it was a shirt, or action figure. Turtle mania was so huge back then, video games were released for the series. Though the first game was a flop, the second game is arguably the best Turtles game, as is the fourth one. Both of them played like an Arcade Beat 'Em...
peterl90's avatar
Tales of Legendia (PlayStation 2)

Tales of Legendia review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 09, 2007

You know, I'm pretty sure that some of the people that trashed Tales of Legendia were completly spoiled by Tales of Symphonia. That's not to say Tales of Symphonia wasn't a good game, because it was, but because of it, Tales of Legendia seems to get the silent treatment from a lot of people. I've seen plenty of people say that Tales of Legendia sucks, and then they say they only played it for about two hours before giving up. And that's what just infuriates me right there. They don't play long e...
peterl90's avatar

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