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Available Reviews
Dead Rising (Xbox 360)

Dead Rising review (X360)

Reviewed on June 04, 2007

A "Thrilling" Zombie Game!
japanaman's avatar
Dawnspire: Prelude (PC)

Dawnspire: Prelude review (PC)

Reviewed on June 04, 2007

Then the amount of people on the server dropped and the bots came. Playing Dawnspire with the bots is an exercise in tedium.
EmP's avatar
Bug! (Saturn)

Bug! review (SAT)

Reviewed on June 04, 2007

There was something oddly familiar about BUG! when I played it for the first time. It reminded me of another game. But as I made my way through the first area, going in and out of the background on a maze-like, narrow path, I couldn't put my finger on it. I just kept going through these long acts, collecting blue crystals scattered everywhere, jumping on top of various bugs with unusual designs (one's outer skin falls down when you attack him, revealing his boxers), and venturing into sim...
dementedhut's avatar
Gears of War (Xbox 360)

Gears of War review (X360)

Reviewed on June 03, 2007

Upon its explosive debut on Microsoft's next-gen console, Gears of War was almost universally lauded as a classic of its genre, the "killer app" for the 360. Its lineage is certainly impressive, with Epic having previously done the immortal FPS Unreal Tournament -- which still remains just as stunning and addictive almost a decade after its release -- before tackling the tactical shooter with Gears. Visually it's a masterpiece, an impossibly beautiful piece of technical wiza...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PlayStation 2)

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 02, 2007

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia is the latest 2-D RPG from the developers at Gust, who are mostly known for the long-running Atelier series. The game was released in North America by NIS America, over a year after the Japanese release. The release was originally scheduled for a much earlier date, but the game was delayed several times due to NIS America not realizing just how much dialogue needed translating.
forweg's avatar
The Red Star (PlayStation 2)

The Red Star review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 31, 2007

One part shoot-'em-up, one part beat-'em-up, and all parts "old school," this adrenaline-fueled hybrid is a blitzkrieg embroiled in frenetic gunplay and hard-hitting melee combat.
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Spider-Man 2 (DS)

Spider-Man 2 review (DS)

Reviewed on May 31, 2007

If you have been keeping up with the flow of DS reviews that have been trickling out of my head recently, Spider-Man is a name that should be firmly embossed inside yours. There are 4 Spidey games currently available on the DS platform, and Spider-Man 2 was the first one released, back when the DS made its sketchy debut. I now bring the quadrilogy of reviews to a close by spilling my guts on this launch title. Bear in mind that it’s quite disgusting – my guts that is.
arkrex's avatar
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP)

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X review (PSP)

Reviewed on May 31, 2007

What happens when you remake one of the best games ever, substituting classic 2D sprites with more modern 3D polygonal models? Well it can no longer be considered one of the best games ever anymore. Close enough though.
arkrex's avatar
Just Cause (Xbox 360)

Just Cause review (X360)

Reviewed on May 31, 2007

Just Cause starts out in spectacular style ; It throws you out of a plane! As you hurtle towards the island of San Esperito, you can't help but think "This is cool." Upon landing, you are thrust straight into a gunfight with several assailants attacking your friend, with your job being to save his life by ending theirs. Then, before you even have time to catch your breath, you jump on the back of a truck which speeds off towards your destination. Cars chase you, and even helicopters join ...
cheekylee's avatar
Time Gal (Sega CD)

Time Gal review (SCD)

Reviewed on May 30, 2007

Time Gal is a frenetic romp that’s full of action rather than frustration as you hop back and forth along its chaotic sequence of time periods with our title character likewise bounding to and fro in her skimpy outfit – not that I have any problem with lithe adventuresses who meddle in the workings of time and space, no sir.
sho's avatar
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (PC)

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened review (PC)

Reviewed on May 30, 2007

Remember playing Grim Fandango or The Longest Journey and getting stuck? Remember trying to find that needle in the haystack by moving your mouse and covering every inch of your screen, hoping to come across a hotspot and finding a key item or initiating an action? Well, those haystacks have grown exponentially thanks to The Awakened being played in first-person.
freelancer's avatar
Silver Surfer (NES)

Silver Surfer review (NES)

Reviewed on May 30, 2007

I’m not sure who Emperor is or what his powers are, but if the best he can do is stand in back of a wall of guns and immediately give up the ghost after they are destroyed....well, he’s a pretty sorry excuse for a villain. Usually, boss fights are the awesome part of superhero games, as players are going against well-known bad guys with a slew of cool abilities and powers. Here, the Surfer is taking on a bunch of (for the most part) no-name chumps that really aren’t much more than regular foes that take more damage before falling.
overdrive's avatar
LMA Manager 2007 (Xbox 360)

LMA Manager 2007 review (X360)

Reviewed on May 29, 2007

That’s not how I want a team under my charge to play, and it’s a shame that you can’t train you team out of such habits; it’s not their fault, it’s LMA 2007’s match engine that spits these problems out.
EmP's avatar
Doushin: Same Heart (PC)

Doushin: Same Heart review (PC)

Reviewed on May 28, 2007

You've probably played games in the past where you made a choice and were greeted by hours of dialogue and suddenly found yourself thinking woefully that somehow, somewhere, you were missing out on an orgy. Not so here! Now you simply click to jump to one of the other sisters. If no one around her seems randy, well, click to the other. Surely, a zipper is dropping somewhere.
honestgamer's avatar
God Hand (PlayStation 2)

God Hand review (PS2)

Reviewed on May 28, 2007

The first thing that will strike you about God Hand is that the story is god damned insane. The initial cinema alone has the main character telling a his really hot female companion that some rough looking Road Warrior type male thugs are “sexier” than she is, which is followed up a little later with a scene where he tells two blatantly homosexual boss characters in gold & silver bikini armor that he “isn’t that kind of guy”. Those two scenes are pretty tame though compared to some of the most...
guts's avatar
Master Jin Jin's IQ Challenge (DS)

Master Jin Jin's IQ Challenge review (DS)

Reviewed on May 28, 2007

The worth of your brain levels are easy to call into question, too. They never decrease with incorrect answers and, if one set of puzzles prove too hard for you, you can dodge the harder incarnations of them and instead do several of the same puzzles on an easier setting to rack up the same promotion. In fact, after only about half an hour or so on the easiest setting, you can climb your level onto that of a PhD mind – which sounds very impressive for a few shape-nudges and math sequence algorithms.
EmP's avatar
Egg Monster Hero (DS)

Egg Monster Hero review (DS)

Reviewed on May 28, 2007

The Almamoon Kingdom is in trouble. No, there aren't invading troops led by an evil warlord. There is no famine, pestilence is under control, and the only epidemic around is the flu during wintertime. The problem lay with Almamoon’s leadership (or rather, the lack of it). After inheriting the position from his father, the prince of Almamoon has been shirking his royal duties. He spends his days snoozing on the throne, chowing down everything edible in sight, and completely ignoring his education...
disco's avatar
Dual Blades (Game Boy Advance)

Dual Blades review (GBA)

Reviewed on May 27, 2007

Meet Alperen. He’s the villain of Dual Blades, the wielder of a powerful weapon of the same name. He doesn’t actually use two swords, though; he somehow stumbled across a mystical blade, sold his soul to claim it, and thus created the legendary sword. In return, the Dual Blades granted him immortality, leaving him doomed to wander the Earth as an ageless swordsman for the rest of his existence. Of course, the possibility of such power has led several other warriors to defeat Alperen and g...
disco's avatar
The Punisher (NES)

The Punisher review (NES)

Reviewed on May 27, 2007

"A hitman is just another fighter waiting for The Punisher's knockout punch," says the titular hero, strangely referring to himself in the third person like one of his many eccentric nemises. This would seem to indicate right away that LJN, notorious for exclusively developing horrible licenced titles, is conducting business as usual, this time on Marvel Comics' vigilante demi-god. It's clear they just don't get much out of the material, other than "shoot criminals", just like the makers of Dolp...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault (Game Boy Advance)

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle Assault review (GBA)

Reviewed on May 26, 2007

Gundam. For anime fans, that name should conjure up images of massive robots decked out with laser cannons and energy blades. Since its inception in 1979, the franchise has spawned multiple series featuring these hulking mechs and lives of their pilots. Gundam SEED follows in the tradition of its predecessors by portraying an ongoing struggle between the Earth’s military alliance and ZAFT, a group comprised of the united space colonies. This series focuses more on the issues of genetic en...
disco's avatar

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