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Available Reviews
Tomb Raider: Anniversary (PC)

Tomb Raider: Anniversary review (PC)

Reviewed on June 26, 2007

Tomb Raider: Anniversary is Crystal Dynamics' reimagining of the original Tomb Raider. Whether Tomb Raider's greatest contribution to gaming was its generously portioned main character, Lara Croft, or its unique platforming gameplay, very little about the original game has actually aged well. However, Anniversary takes those few elements that remain strong today -- namely the level design -- and combines them with modern gameplay to create a game that feels fresh and that is spectacularly fun...
Daisuke02's avatar
Final Fantasy II (NES)

Final Fantasy II review (NES)

Reviewed on June 26, 2007

When it comes to Square's incredibly popular Final Fantasy series, there's one thing that becomes readily apparent right from the start:
espiga's avatar
Revolution X (Genesis)

Revolution X review (GEN)

Reviewed on June 26, 2007

The New Order Nation is ruining everything, attempting to put an end to anything resembling fun. So, as this oppressive army slowly tries to take over the world, what devastating thing do they do next? Kidnap the President of the United States? Invade and take over countries? Threaten everyone with nuclear weapons? Nope, it's much, much worse than all of that. Brace yourselves... they abduct Aerosmith. Oh my God, it's on now. Of course, you just happen to be at the club where they were ab...
dementedhut's avatar
Touch the Dead (DS)

Touch the Dead review (DS)

Reviewed on June 25, 2007

Zombies have had quite the resurgence in popularity lately. And why not? You can beat them mercilessly, chop off their limbs, set them on fire, and generally vent all your frustrations about humanity without feeling a shred of guilt.
pup's avatar
Trackmania United (PC)

Trackmania United review (PC)

Reviewed on June 25, 2007

If you persevere with the single player racing mode, you'll find beautiful scenery, gravity-defying tracks, and uber-fast speeds. If you're unlucky, you may also encounter another issue - crashing into the barriers occasionally causes the player to become impaled right through the scenery.
lisanne's avatar
Just Cause (PlayStation 2)

Just Cause review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 24, 2007

As the sun rises over the nation of San Esperito, the local townsfolk prepare for another day of senseless bloodshed. Drug traffickers and petty criminals have long overrun the land, turning into it their own private haven. Things have gotten so corrupt that even the President Mendoza is in on the action. Meanwhile, innocent civilians are being gunned down by the dozens, la policia are idly standing by, and poverty continues to run rampant. Indeed, things look pretty grim. Along a curving...
disco's avatar
Shining Force (Genesis)

Shining Force review (GEN)

Reviewed on June 24, 2007

I bought Shining Force because of the cover.
True's avatar
Chaos Legion (PlayStation 2)

Chaos Legion review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 23, 2007

Meet Sieg Warheit. Despite his fancy title of the Dark Knight of Glyph, his job basically involves kicking evil’s ass. Armed with little more than a glowing sword, divine magic, and a flowing cape, Sieg has to wander through medieval Europe and annihilate all the demons roaming the countryside. While brutally slaughtering hordes of random evil beings is little more than a day at the office for him, Sieg’s latest assignment is a bit more intriguing. An angst-ridden villain (who happens to be his ...
disco's avatar
Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure (PC)

Safecracker: The Ultimate Puzzle Adventure review (PC)

Reviewed on June 23, 2007

Although there's a loose narrative that ties the adventure together, Safecracker is almost all about cracking safes. And, in spite of my whining, it’s actually a lot of fun.
EmP's avatar
Coryoon (TurboGrafx-16)

Coryoon review (TG16)

Reviewed on June 22, 2007

Shooters are often characterised as incredibly hard, intense games so it's only natural that someone in Japan had the brilliant idea of making a pure shooter aimed squarely at kids. Behold Coryoon: Child of Dragon, the garishly cute product of that idea. Surprisingly enough, it all works well enough that any kid could pick it up and have a blast... until they die. And die. And die again. This sporadically brilliant game is nearly killed by its one major flaw.
johnny_cairo's avatar
GrimGrimoire (PlayStation 2)

GrimGrimoire review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 22, 2007

Plot plays a large role in GrimGrimoire. You’re either viewing the story or you’re fighting a battle. There’s no character customization in between, since you learn skills as you go, at set points in the narrative. That’s all there is to it. Every time you win a battle, you’re rewarded with a few more pages’ worth of information.
honestgamer's avatar
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic review (PC)

Reviewed on June 21, 2007

Re-watching Star Wars: Episode III lately, I marveled at the complex politics that the ill-fated prequel-ogy introduced to every nerd’s favorite very, very distant galaxy. Indeed, before the vicious Empire and the heroic Rebellion, there was the noble Republic and the scheming Separatists, and, ho! Before all that, there were the Jedi and the Sith—the religious zealots, if you will, of the interstellar Crusades.
Knux's avatar
Hot Brain (PSP)

Hot Brain review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 21, 2007

That’s the hook to Hot Brain: you have to do everything as if your pants were on fire. When you’re in high school and looking at a series of pictures in a test booklet, you aren’t cramped for time. You start to think “Wow, I could be out at recess or checking out the cutie in row three.” When you’re holding a PSP and a timer is ticking down and your performance will have instant results, the activity you formerly may have found tiresome suddenly becomes interesting.
honestgamer's avatar
Sonic CD (Sega CD)

Sonic CD review (SCD)

Reviewed on June 21, 2007

Today's platformers have lost their magic and zing, partly because developers add in gimmicky features that simply do not work. I'm talking about the talking water pumps, the vacuum cleaners, and the freaking pointless "teamwork style" (controlling three characters at once) gameplay that no one (at least not I) asked for. Just because a feature is new in a game series doesn't mean it's good or worthwhile, get that through your heads, game making people, Jesus Christ on a stick. Sonic CD is a shi...
KompressorFromGFAQs's avatar
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (DS)

Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords review (DS)

Reviewed on June 20, 2007

Winning and losing should be based on skill and strategy, not a roll of the dice. Although it’s their first venture into the RPG genre, 1st Playable Productions found an intriguing way around this problem, through puzzles and a rich character building system.
pup's avatar
Threads of Fate (PlayStation)

Threads of Fate review (PSX)

Reviewed on June 20, 2007

Imagine yourself as you run quickly through a beautifully detailed cave. The bluish-green crystalline walls, the distant sound of a waterfall rushing through your ears, and a haunting melody that plays in the background as you hack + slash your way through a myriad of monsters. Suddenly, you come to a ledge. Floating tiles, one of which is flashing, circle around this ledge, and you have to jump on the ones that flash. You hold your breah, and take a leap of faith... and miss. Plunging into the ...
espiga's avatar
Code Lyoko (DS)

Code Lyoko review (DS)

Reviewed on June 20, 2007

Code Lyoko is the game adaptation of of a French children's cartoon. The back of the box outlines the game's sales gimmick in one succinct, entirely capitalized phrase. "4 UNIQUE WAYS TO PLAY!"
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Power Stone Collection (PSP)

Power Stone Collection review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 20, 2007

The Power Stone series has returned and delivers great multiplayer fighting action for the PSP. The overall game experience isn't actually new, but due to the fact the Dreamcast console that carried the game was only sold for two years, most gamers probably haven't played it, which means most people will truly be playing a brand new game.
japanaman's avatar
F-15 Strike Eagle II (Genesis)

F-15 Strike Eagle II review (GEN)

Reviewed on June 20, 2007

The Cold War is over, America having triumphed over the hypothetical Russian threat. Our military technology won out over what the Communists tried to call an "air force". As a downside to that, lots of cheap USSR military surplus became available to neighboring regions, such as the newly formed and conflicted Eastern Bloc territories and further into the Middle East, a mecca for terrorism. In short, the region has not yet been fully stabilized. Enter you, The Destabilizer, in your pimpin' F-15 ...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Pokémon Pearl Version (DS)

Pokémon Pearl Version review (DS)

Reviewed on June 19, 2007

Since the beginning of mankind, anyone who has told a story, has furthered the idea of the Hero. In the 1940's, Joseph Campbell wrote a book called "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", in which Joseph claims every story has already been told and it is necessary to continue to retell these stories. He went on to detail the Hero's Journey and the Characters who accompany the hero. So we are telling the exact same story as our ancient ancestors. Campbell's book his inspired one of his best friends to ...
Calvin's avatar

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