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Available Reviews
Final Fantasy Tactics (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy Tactics review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 03, 2007

It is hard to remember any games that rival Final Fantasy Tactics in longevity, depth, and dare I say beauty. Obviously this is nothing more than a piece of software, but it is a pure fusion of RPG and strategy, combining the best aspects of both and enhanced by (although not in service of) one of the most elaborate and intrigue-filled stories ever concieved in any medium. The unique magical kingdom of Ivalice combines a medieval aesthetic with a bestiary bursting with all sorts of twiste...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Xbox)

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

It’s a dark, stormy night. Your ship rocks and sways in the ocean, and the rain beats down upon your hooded head. As you near the enemy vessel, wood grinds and arrows fly. You can see the shining eyes of dozens of enemy goblins burning into your mind. You board the enemy ship, and swords clash.
Suskie's avatar
Killer 7 (GameCube)

Killer 7 review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

If weasels could swim upside-down, Tuesday would accidentally be Thursday.
Suskie's avatar
Disney/Pixar Ratatouille (PlayStation 2)

Disney/Pixar Ratatouille review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

You just never know what a mission will involve until you accept it. Some have you completing mini-games, others have you sliding down huge slides and collecting stars, others have you rushing to the highest points of an area and still others ask you to run toward through cluttered environments while an enemy chases you. If you don’t feel like completing a mission at the moment, you don’t have to.
honestgamer's avatar
Tortuga:Two Treasures (PC)

Tortuga:Two Treasures review (PC)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

The damage engine in particular is exceptional, as you can see individual sails being ripped, and holes appearing in the sides of the ships due to cannon fire. Honestly, it is quite an impressive sight. The sea itself is handled very well, with sharks circling for snacks in the form of men overboard!
cheekylee's avatar
The Darkness (Xbox 360)

The Darkness review (X360)

Reviewed on July 02, 2007

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~ Chinese proverb
Squanty's avatar
Pferd & Pony: Mein Pferdehof (Game Boy Advance)

Pferd & Pony: Mein Pferdehof review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Behold, the clip-clopping of hooves. Elegant society ladies will recognise this sound from Ascot, on a race day associated with the wearing of hats and the frittering away of millions of pounds on a fancy steed for the stables. The rest of us may be more familiar with this sound as being from Monty Python and the Holy Grail - the bashing of coconut husks together. Either way, this sound is synonymous with horses - perhaps necessary to feel the true atmosphere of racing ponies. It is this sound t...
lisanne's avatar
Sonic the Hedgehog (Xbox 360)

Sonic the Hedgehog review (X360)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Coming from someone who played and A-ranked every 3-D Sonic from Sonic Adventure 2 to Shadow the Hedgehog, I've come to accept Sonic's transition from his roots to what we now see before us in 2006. Sonic Adventure was the blue blur's first step into total 3-D gaming. That was 1998. This is 2006. I expect more from Sonic Team than the same horrible camera, myriad glitches, and deviation from Sonic that both Sonic Adventure and Sonic the Hedgehog supply. This goes especially since this Sonic game...
SuperPhillip's avatar
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition review (WII)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Since its original release in the early part of 2005, Resident Evil 4 has reached a total of four different platforms. Originally a Gamecube exclusive, RE 4 was ported with added goodies onto the PS2 and a year later ported to the PC. Now it has been ported to the Nintendo Wii with the PS2's bonuses and the Wii's trademark waggle controls. This rendition of Resident Evil 4 is easily the best, and quite possibly is the one of the best games of all time. Read more to see why.
SuperPhillip's avatar
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP)

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X review (PSP)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Mega Man X premiered on the Super Nintendo in the early part of 1994. The title didn't really change the formula of choose one of eight levels, beat boss, choose another level, beat boss with previous boss' weapon, rinse and repeat as much as it did add to that formula. Now this version of Mega Man could latch onto walls, scaling up them, charge up his X-buster, find capsules to learn new armor modifications, and pummel plasma into new animal-themed bosses. More than a decade later the title has...
SuperPhillip's avatar
Phantasy Star Universe (Xbox 360)

Phantasy Star Universe review (X360)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

Phantasy Star Universe is the tale of a young man named Ethan Waber.
espiga's avatar
Ancient Wars: Sparta (PC)

Ancient Wars: Sparta review (PC)

Reviewed on July 01, 2007

While Sparta may look nice, it feels as though somebody took great elements from all over the RTS genre and put them all together in one game. It's a case where the whole is less than the sum of its parts, probably due to the fact that most of the parts are quite dated.
WilltheGreat's avatar
Time Killers (Genesis)

Time Killers review (GEN)

Reviewed on June 30, 2007

The foulness of Time Killers is legendary, but only in the form of its woefully belated Genesis port. The version which hit arcades in 1992 was a direct and pretty sleazy response to Mortal Kombat; Strata's only strategy was to feature more dismemberments and 16-bit gore fountains than Midway's seminal fighting opus. Instead of digitized actors, it used a homey hand-made approach which made it a little more disturbing. While it wasn't too much of a looker, the sprites and backgroun...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox)

Dead or Alive 3 review (XBX)

Reviewed on June 30, 2007

Dead or Alive 3 relies heavily on the structure of its predecessors. Somewhere along the line, Team Ninja made a compromise. In their assertion that fans of fighting games didn't need any more content than what was available to them in the last entry. There are only two fresh faces aside from Hayate's alter-ego, EIN. If you haven't tried the other DOA games, there is a singular cross-over from Team Ninja's only other gaming property, which is enough of a reason for any self respecting Ninja Gai...
Calvin's avatar
Rogue Galaxy (PlayStation 2)

Rogue Galaxy review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 29, 2007

Rogue Galaxy is the latest, and most likely last, Playstation 2 RPG from Japanese developer, Level 5. The game takes a number of the action RPG elements from their past series, Dark Cloud, refines them, and throws them into an outer space setting. The result is a game that stands tall even amidst the stiff competition on the Playstation 2.
Daisuke02's avatar
Final Fantasy (PSP)

Final Fantasy review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 28, 2007

In the original Final Fantasy, frequent encounters meant that players had to carefully execute each dungeon assault. Preparations sometimes required an hour or so of play time, just because each labyrinthine complex posed such a risk. On the PSP, the frequency of those battles has been toned down by something like 50%. You’ll still find moments where your avatar leaves one battle behind and takes only two or three steps before finding another, but such instances are infrequent.
honestgamer's avatar
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm (PlayStation 2)

Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 28, 2007

If you spend too much time aimlessly running around an alterworld, you’ll get zapped back to town before accomplishing what you set out to do. Same thing if you get into too many fights against tough foes. If you’re able to beat them in the first two turns of battle, you won’t be penalized any time, but a lot of tougher enemies are capable of lasting longer than that.
overdrive's avatar
RollerCoaster Factory (PC)

RollerCoaster Factory review (PC)

Reviewed on June 27, 2007

When it comes to some so-called games that you see in the bargain bin at your favorite electronics store, it really gets to the point where you sometimes wonder at what point someone on the design team said aloud "Hey, this is finished! Alright, let's go home, I need to watch TV and drink large amounts of beer! Yay for liver damage!" It was clear that something like that was said far, far too early in "Roller Coaster Factory's" production, because this coaster building sim doesn't feel complete ...
KompressorFromGFAQs's avatar
Silent Hill 3 (PlayStation 2)

Silent Hill 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 27, 2007

My personal fears are sporadic, but unusual. I'm not afraid of death. I'm not afraid of heights, insects, spiders or pain. I'm not scared of ghosts. However, I am afraid of clowns, dolls, enclosed spaces... and anything that looks like it should be alive but isn't (think: ventriloquists' dolls and mannequins). We are all different. Our hopes and dreams, our feelings, and our fears. None of us are clones and none of us think the same way. To frighten your audience, you must understand your audien...
lisanne's avatar
Puzzle Scape (PSP)

Puzzle Scape review (PSP)

Reviewed on June 26, 2007

It’s neat that you can move pieces around at will, but the fact that vertical movement isn’t possible really stinks. Sometimes, you’ll see a killer move but you can’t execute it because there’s nothing available on your row. Other times, everything is moving quickly as the stage is about to wind down, and the only block you can use to finish your combination is on the opposite side of the screen.
honestgamer's avatar

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