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Available Reviews
Elmo in Grouchland (Game Boy Color)

Elmo in Grouchland review (GBC)

Reviewed on July 09, 2007

Of all the insane plots a movie could possible have, one of the most insane is that of 'Elmo in Grouchland'. Elmo, a furry character from the Sesame Street franchise, has dropped his blanket into a bin, that leads to the mystical land of Grouchland. Grouchland is a horrible place built mainly from old garbage and Elmo must trek across fast food wrapper mountains, and plastic bottle forests in order to get his blanket back. Despite the film being a relative flop at the box office, a game was prod...
bodo_parkour's avatar
Pokemon Play It v2 (PC)

Pokemon Play It v2 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 09, 2007

As you remove your opponent's card from play and place it in his or her discard pile, you feel invincible. You place your hand next to your overturned prize card. Holding your breath, you flip over the card, and it's a Charizard! Now you can evolve your Pokemon and defeat your opponent once and for all!
bodo_parkour's avatar
Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight (PlayStation 2)

Pacific Warriors II: Dogfight review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 09, 2007

One of the most gruesome battles in World War Two was the battle for the pacific ocean. The Americans and the Japanese fought at sea, and in the air. Pacific Warriors 2: Dogfight allows you to become an aircraft pilot and help your allies take control of the pacific. You can choose between flying for the USA, or for Japan. In each campaign, you must complete missions, which range from simple dogfights in the air, to a controlled bombing of the enemy's airbase runway.
bodo_parkour's avatar
Pokémon Battle Revolution (Wii)

Pokémon Battle Revolution review (WII)

Reviewed on July 08, 2007

As dusk falls over the city of Poketopia, the streets are abuzz with activity. People of all ages wander through the brightly lit streets, gazing at the all the flashing neon lights, massive balloon floats, and plenty of other distractions. Children are happily guzzling down soda and cotton candy, dragging their parents from one store window to the next. Clean-cut street vendors are wandering around with just about every souvenir possible, be it an “I <3 Pokemon” t-shirt to an assortment of jang...
disco's avatar
The Lord of the Rings: Tactics (PSP)

The Lord of the Rings: Tactics review (PSP)

Reviewed on July 08, 2007

Electronic Arts seem to be exploiting the 'Lord of the Rings' franchise to it's full. However, you may be surprised to hear that the first Lord of the Rings game released for the Playstation Portable is not an action adventure, but a turn based strategy one. You'll be directing your forces throughout many levels to victory and you'll be responsible for the future of Middle Earth.
bodo_parkour's avatar
Art Alive (Genesis)

Art Alive review (GEN)

Reviewed on July 08, 2007

On almost every gaming platform under the sun, there are a variety of titles that do not really fall under the category of a game. Art Alive is one of these titles. Art Alive is a painting program that allows you to create and draw your own masterpieces. It really is like the Sega version of Microsoft Paint. There's only one problem. For a drawing program, it's not even that good.
bodo_parkour's avatar
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (SNES)

Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 08, 2007

You've all probably heard of Thomas the Tank Engine but just in case you haven't, Thomas is a tank engine who is one of the engines working on the fictional Island of Sodor railway. Along with his friends, he gets up to mischief and is part of many thrilling adventures. In 'Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends' for the SNES, Thomas takes part in a series of mini-games and puzzles.
bodo_parkour's avatar
Free Running (PlayStation 2)

Free Running review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 08, 2007

As a traceur myself, this game is a little strange for me. I can pick up the controller and do everything that I can do elsewhere on my television. It's a great idea to extend the reach of parkour, or freerunning, to the masses who aren't able to participate themselves. But the game doesn't just teach or show parkour, or even freerunning for that matter. It leaves behind most of the rules and jumps straight up to the jaw dropping stuff we see in the professional media.
bodo_parkour's avatar
Crimson Tears (PlayStation 2)

Crimson Tears review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 07, 2007

Tokyo has seen better days. Somewhere in urban sprawl of seedy karaoke bars and flocks of gothic lolitas, someone has figured out a way to create virtual reality labyrinths. It’s not like society has any practical use for such scientific advancements; ever since the dimensional-warping technology went haywire, the entire city has been reduced to a desolate concrete wasteland. In fact, the entire planet is now little more than a jumbled mess of shifting dimensional rifts haunted by mutated freaks...
disco's avatar
The Sims (PC)

The Sims review (PC)

Reviewed on July 07, 2007

The Sims is a videogame simulation of something that you experience every day: Real life.
Suskie's avatar
Geist (GameCube)

Geist review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 07, 2007

It's a shame Geist isn't very good, because I would like to be able to jam pack this review with lame, obvious puns. "It will possess you!"
Suskie's avatar
Ys Eternal (PC)

Ys Eternal review (PC)

Reviewed on July 07, 2007

espiga's avatar
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (GameCube)

Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 07, 2007

Us reviewers like to exaggerate. Just look at Panzer Dragoon Orta, hailed the world (wide web) over as a grand philosophical statement, or Play magazine's ten page review of Super Mario Sunshine that may as well have called it the second coming. A certain someone on this very website even called that Dead or Alive Volleyball game good. Negative commentary is even worse--I'd know, I've been there myself. It's just too easy to get carried away in one's own hyperbole and say th...
mardraum's avatar
Blinx: The Time Sweeper (Xbox)

Blinx: The Time Sweeper review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 06, 2007

I find it rather difficult to write a review for Blinx: The Time Sweeper, because many of the words that come to mind in my struggle to write a non-troll review for the game just aren't very acceptable. Crap, trash, rubbish, garbage, sucks, worthless, junk, catastrophic, mess, sludge, grime, feces, pitiful, nightmarish, devilish, disgusting, stupid, moronic, idiotic, dumb, mindless, thoughtless, train wreck, nuclear waste… All of those words scream “troll review,” and thus, let's see if w...
Suskie's avatar
Space Megaforce (SNES)

Space Megaforce review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 06, 2007

Is Space Megaforce the best space shooter ever made? I don't know. Probably not. As much as I like space shooters, I'm no expert of the genre, and I'm sure that plenty of shooter buffs would argue the point. I can tell you, though, that of all the space shooters I've ever played, Megaforce takes the cake. No doubt about it.
Suskie's avatar
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo 64)

Pokemon Snap review (N64)

Reviewed on July 06, 2007

It seems that for every great Pokemon RPG we get on handhelds, we get six thousand lame spin-offs on consoles. See, a few people have yet to realize this, but the earlier Pokemon games for Game Boy mark some of the greatest RPGs of all time – they are massive, extraordinarily deep, expansive, immersive, open for all sorts of play strategies, and, as we've seen, accessible to all ages. Pokemon Snap came around the beginning of the great Pokemon revolution – and just wh...
Suskie's avatar
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (GameCube)

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 06, 2007

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean is a game you can almost review without even playing it. It was published by Namco, who generally issues quality products, and it's the joint production of Monolith Soft and tri-Crescendo; the former is responsible for the Xenosaga series, while the latter I'm not familiar with but is probably related to tri-Ace, the team responsible for the stellar Star Ocean games. The title's stunning art direction was handled by Yasuyuki Hon...
Suskie's avatar
Shadow Hearts (PlayStation 2)

Shadow Hearts review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 06, 2007

There are certain people I know that scan the Internet and store shelves in hopes of finding a hip kind of game.
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation)

Metal Gear Solid review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 06, 2007

This alleged PSX "classic" has been ravaged by the years, made totally irrelevant in less than a decade. Even when Metal Gear Solid first hit, consensus was it was "too easy" and contained "too little gameplay"; even though either of those things could kill your garden-variety stealth adventure, most of the overwhelming praise was directed towards its storytelling, rather than actual content. Leave it to rock star game designer Hideo Kojima to make the first interactive spy/romance...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Disney/Pixar Ratatouille (Wii)

Disney/Pixar Ratatouille review (WII)

Reviewed on July 05, 2007

It also happens to be a title that was clearly developed with the PlayStation 2 in mind. The game works like a charm on the system, and there are times when the Wii version feels clunky by comparison. Fortunately for the Wii, the inverse is sometimes true. For example, there are many places where Remy will run along a series of wires, or jump across a series of poles suspended high in the air. With the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, it’s easy to pull off such daring moves.
honestgamer's avatar

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