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Available Reviews
Hitman: Blood Money (Xbox 360)

Hitman: Blood Money review (X360)

Reviewed on July 25, 2007

Hitman: Blood Money would be the perfect Hitman game if it actually made you live up to the series' name. Mass murder is unsatisfying but easy: fire a shot up into the air and then go ballistic as every single living (if not intelligent) being on the map strolls right into your crosshairs, laughing off any return fire that barely chips away at your charitable health bar. Wiping out an entire cruise ship should be impossible, not impossibly tedious, and that the filthy money you're whacking folks...
mardraum's avatar
Medal of Honor: Frontline (PlayStation 2)

Medal of Honor: Frontline review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 25, 2007

For the love of Goebbels, EA, I get it already. Saving Private Ryan was a milestone in film. This does not make it a template for all your subsequent World War II games to follow to the letter. What else should we attribute the big, loud, overlong battle sequences to, if not the defining vision of WWII for this generation? The influence of popular cinema on the Medal of Honor developers is essentially helping to ruin a franchise that was once so full of promise, any original ideas ...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Advent Rising (Xbox)

Advent Rising review (XBX)

Reviewed on July 25, 2007

The first time I booted up Advent Rising, the game crashed while the Majesco logo was being displayed.
Suskie's avatar
Dragon View (SNES)

Dragon View review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 25, 2007

Part of the reason I found so many of the monsters to be easy to kill was because I'd wind up blundering through so many one-way doors and had to fight the same groups of enemies repeatedly that, for a good portion of the game, Alex was over-leveled for just about everything he faced.
overdrive's avatar
Medal of Honor Underground (PlayStation)

Medal of Honor Underground review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 25, 2007

May 1940. Hitler has moved his Nazi war machine into France after a hasty surrender. Flanked by Goebbels, they watch gleefully as a formation of SS goose-steps down the Champs-Élysées. The Arc de Triomphe looms in the background. Standing for a photo opportunity, the Nazi leaders pose before the Eiffel Tower. Surely this black-and-white film will motivate troops fighting abroad, poised to lunge into the vast Eastern Front. The Thir...
johnny_cairo's avatar
Transformers: The Game (Xbox 360)

Transformers: The Game review (X360)

Reviewed on July 24, 2007

Rearranged and mutated, much of the epic feel of the film has thus been lost in translation and Transformers is left to stand solely on its playability and graphical achievement.
carcinogen_crush's avatar
Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em (Atari 2600)

Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em review (A2600)

Reviewed on July 24, 2007

While Mystique is promoting godless onanism and shall burn in the lake of fire for all eternity, I must commend them for avoiding their usual mix of copulation, rape, and dick-devouring alligators.
sho's avatar
Phantasy Star II (Genesis)

Phantasy Star II review (GEN)

Reviewed on July 24, 2007

To live a life full of regret is a regret itself. No man understands this more than the twenty year old Rolf Landale, the protagonist of our story. At first glance you may pass him off as a generic RPG hero, with his blue hair, determined expression, mastery of swords and do-gooder attitude. However, you would be quite mistaken to simply pass him off as such.
espiga's avatar
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)

WarioWare: Smooth Moves review (WII)

Reviewed on July 24, 2007

Another Nintendo console, another WarioWare collection of silly, crazy, zany, madcap, way out, off the wall and wild microgames. This time, Wario and his gang of silly, crazy, zany, madcap, way out, off the wall and wild characters have a new toy to play with: the wii-mote. What does this new-fangled device have in store for us? Are the microgames as charmingly addictive as they were in the four prequels that came before? Does Wario finally wii-n?
arkrex's avatar
The Horde (Saturn)

The Horde review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 23, 2007

Do The Horde next -- that won't get a 7!
dementedhut's avatar
Oregon Trail (Apple II)

Oregon Trail review (APP2)

Reviewed on July 23, 2007

You’re less than a day out of Independence, Missouri, and you’ve already got a problem. Less than a hundred feet away from you, a massive river separates you from the vast expanse of the American frontier. The midmorning sun is reflecting off the frothy waves, a vision of the beauty and natural splendor that awaits you on your journey. Despite such appearances, however, this river can spell your utter doom. You’ve got a few options. You can try to ford the river, forcing the few wagons in your p...
disco's avatar
Sword of the New World: Granado Espada (PC)

Sword of the New World: Granado Espada review (PC)

Reviewed on July 23, 2007

Time to phone your friends and family one last time and wave goodbye to your social life for a good long while: there's a new MMORPG in the shops, and it's a biggie.
lisanne's avatar
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (PlayStation 2)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 23, 2007

The effort you must apply toward the protagonist’s social progression is one of the most interesting things about Persona 3. If he doesn’t seize every opportunity for a conversation with one of his peers at the local high school (or in the community that lies outside its halls), he’ll be significantly outclassed by his enemies when battles occur.
honestgamer's avatar
Brooktown High: Senior Year (PSP)

Brooktown High: Senior Year review (PSP)

Reviewed on July 22, 2007

The one thing that The Sims sold was complexity; the thing that Brooktown sells is fun. From the very beginning, you realize it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The game starts out with huge-headed, tiny-bodied characters playing volleyball, jumping freeways on skateboards and racing to class, while “Out Here All Night”, an upbeat and edgy tune blares in the background.
True's avatar
Disney/Pixar Ratatouille (Game Boy Advance)

Disney/Pixar Ratatouille review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 22, 2007

There are license-based adventures on the Game Boy Advance that provide a fantastic experience. Ratatouille isn’t one of them. It doesn’t even come close. Without ever truly failing on a technical level, the game sucks all of the fun out of its license. The resulting product isn’t entertaining in the slightest.
honestgamer's avatar
Transformers: Decepticons (DS)

Transformers: Decepticons review (DS)

Reviewed on July 22, 2007

Whether you choose to follow the game’s story, which is told through a series of missions, or elect to simply spend the afternoon driving the police nuts by raising and lowering your “wanted” level (a gauge measuring how vigorously the authorities pursue you; smash stuff to raise the level, behave and the cops will leave you alone), there is a lot of sadistic fun to be had with the game. Being that you’re playing as a bad guy, you’ll probably want to break as much stuff as possible, if only just to live up to your name.
nimerjm37's avatar
Transformers: Autobots (DS)

Transformers: Autobots review (DS)

Reviewed on July 22, 2007

Activision and developer Vicarious Visions have really pulled something spectacular with this game. Transformers: Autobots is the kind of “sandbox” game that people have been waiting for. In the most popular “sandbox” title, the Grand Theft Auto series, players are given control of a racial stereotype and have the ability to steal cars and shoot people in an urban cityscape. Yawn. In Transformers: Autobots, you have four full stages to explore and the ability to become any car or vehicle you can imagine.
nimerjm37's avatar
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (DS)

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 review (DS)

Reviewed on July 22, 2007

randomnoob1284, says "any1 in hear play yu-gi-oh?"
phoenix_crow's avatar
Splatterhouse (Arcade)

Splatterhouse review (ARC)

Reviewed on July 21, 2007

The wanton cruelty of SplatterHouse is what really makes it worth sinking one's teeth into, much like the famished parasitic leeches that soon bore out of the surrounding rancid flesh to feast upon Rick’s warm, tasty blood if given the chance.
sho's avatar
Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube)

Super Smash Bros. Melee review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 20, 2007

I thought I'd begin by mentioning that I really ripped into two player competitive matches with my best friend's Autistic brother. Through this, I came to see this game for what it really is.
carcinogen_crush's avatar

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