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Available Reviews
Banjo Pilot (Game Boy Advance)

Banjo Pilot review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 12, 2007

"Hey, you know, that Banjo game with the bear and the bird did pretty good on the N64."
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Dizzy the Adventurer (NES)

Dizzy the Adventurer review (NES)

Reviewed on August 12, 2007

Meet Dizzy. Dizzy is an egg. Dizzy comes from Yolkfolk village. Dizzy has an egg girlfriend (hot, I know) named Daisy. On one eggcelent day (I'm sorry, really I am), they discovered a secret entrance to the evil wizard Zak's castle. Little did they know, Zak himself was watching them through his crystal ball! He set a trap for them in the form of a horrible, awful, terrifying, spinning wheel (DUN DUN DUUUN!). It mysteriously spun infinitely due the magic spell placed on it by the wizard. ...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Kuri Kinton (Arcade)

Kuri Kinton review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 12, 2007

He can see it now. It looks like a tiny, rusted shack, but it’s actually the entrance to one of the most extensive underground fortresses in the world. You’d think that criminal masterminds would come up with a less obvious entryway (because we all know that little shacks in the middle of the desert are so commonplace), but none of that matters now. Kuri Kinton zooms forth on his oversized motorcycle, leaps over a rocky embankment, and charges toward his fate. About halfway there, he rele...
disco's avatar
Bank Panic (Arcade)

Bank Panic review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 12, 2007

I love the old West. You know why? Because everyone just shot everyone else all the time. Okay, so maybe actually being in the time period wouldn't be the best thing, as I'm not a big fan of being shot. Shooting other people though, is a different story. Bank Panic allows me to shoot all the outlaws I want as they pop into the bank and try to grab some cash. I sit down and wait for the action to unfold, then I must shoot at the right time at the right person. I can see three of the twelve...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Rule of Rose (PlayStation 2)

Rule of Rose review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 11, 2007

"But with big sister dead in a pool of amber blood, who is there to read the letter to? Bah bah."
forweg's avatar
Tetris DX (Game Boy Color)

Tetris DX review (GBC)

Reviewed on August 10, 2007

You know what Tetris is. Yes, you. I'm talking directly to you, reader, the one on the other side of the computer screen. I can say this with certainty because if you're on this website, reading this review right now, the chances of you not having played one of the millions of Tetris spawn are treading on nothing. In the very least, I'm sure you've seen Human Tetris (and if you haven't check it out because it's hilarious). Anyway, bec...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Taito Legends: Power-Up (PSP)

Taito Legends: Power-Up review (PSP)

Reviewed on August 10, 2007

Most arcade compilations from even the best of companies will include a few obvious misses. Taito was never the best of companies, but it was solid and enjoyed its fair share of classics. Taito Legends: Power-Ups combines games from two different classics compilations, leaves out quite a few good ones, and mostly makes it clear that someone figures there will be a sequel.
honestgamer's avatar
Perfect Bowling (NES)

Perfect Bowling review (NES)

Reviewed on August 10, 2007

It's quite a bold statement to say something is perfect. This is obviously because there are few things on this planet that we can say honestly have no flaws. One of these things, of course, would be a fresh roasted s'more. Another might be Maria Sharapova's body. One thing that we can definitely rule out as perfect though, is Perfect Bowling on the NES. The title isn't so much a bold statement as a dirty lie. This game isn't even worth the title Good Bowling or Mediocre Bowling...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Simple 2000 vol. 101: The Oneechanpon (PlayStation 2)

Simple 2000 vol. 101: The Oneechanpon review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 10, 2007

In this sequel to the popular Oneechanpuruu, you assume the role of a hot Japanese babe in a bikini who carves up the walking dead with her bloodthirsty katana. Besides providing a little insight into the Oneechanbara series’ selling power, this may lead you to conclude that The Oneechanpon features more of the same. You’d be pretty much dead on, too – except that virtually every facet of the original has been improved upon.
sho's avatar
Tetris DS (DS)

Tetris DS review (DS)

Reviewed on August 09, 2007

I've said before that Tetris is one of the few games that will never, EVER get old. I stand by that statement, and no matter how many times countless developers will try to reinvent it to make more money, the basic, primitive game of Tetris is probably all we'll need.
Suskie's avatar
Iridion 3D (Game Boy Advance)

Iridion 3D review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 08, 2007

When Iridion 3D was released as part of the Game Boy Advance launch lineup in 2001, it was almost without question the greatest technical marvel the system had. The jump from GBC to GBA was such a great one that most developers didn’t know how to utilize it, yet this little space shooter, as boring and uninspired as it was, managed to pump out an amazing 3D engine unlike anything I’d ever seen on a handheld. It was the kind of game you’d buy alongside your system with the sole intention o...
Suskie's avatar
The Amazing Maze Game (Arcade)

The Amazing Maze Game review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 08, 2007

Let me start off by asking a simple question. Do you enjoy stabbing yourself in the eyes with pointy things? If you answered "No" to the above question, there's a great chance that the pain suffered in this game will not appeal to you. If you said "Yes", well then boy have I found a game for you: horrible eye pain, and no sharp objects required! See, the game is a plain, black backdrop with a tiny white maze in front. There is two entrances/exits in the maze: one for you and one for the computer...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
Barbie Game Girl (Game Boy)

Barbie Game Girl review (GB)

Reviewed on August 08, 2007

Firstly a disclaimer is warranted. Barbie Game Girl is not, strictly speaking, a game. See, the word "game" generally brings connotations of something which is fun and which you play, and with Barbie Game Girl you do neither. There is nothing fun about this and the playing experience is non-existent. Instead you sit around bashing the buttons in a desperate bid to get Barbie to JUST FUCKING STEER, with your mood becoming increasingly dark and irritable. Eventually, rainclouds form ...
lisanne's avatar
The Muppets: On with the Show! (Game Boy Advance)

The Muppets: On with the Show! review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 08, 2007

Dear reader, please allow me a moment of misty-eyed recollection. Let me remember the times I spent as a young child - blonde-haired, blue-eyed, grinning broadly, full of life and hope for a bright future, untainted by the rigours of corporate society as we know it today - watching my favourite programmes on television on a weekend evening. Such happy memories - Dukes of Hazzard, Grandstand with Des Lynam, and my favorite programme of all - The Muppet Show. Those brightly coloured bundles of sla...
lisanne's avatar
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP)

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure review (PSP)

Reviewed on August 07, 2007

Welcome to Tiese.
espiga's avatar
Dead to Rights (Game Boy Advance)

Dead to Rights review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 06, 2007

Jack Slate wasn't kidding when he said Grant City was the hardest place on Earth. Every inch you walk in his world, you'll confront criminals and bad dudes that wanna kill you. This being an action game and all, you'd figure that would be a great thing, right? I mean, who doesn't want to bust into an area, guns blazing, killing anyone who dares stand in your way? Well, unfortunately, the developers screwed up this simple formula for an action title, because you won't be having any fun at all in ...
dementedhut's avatar
Clock Tower: The First Fear (PlayStation)

Clock Tower: The First Fear review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 05, 2007

As its title implies, The First Fear is an enhanced update of the original Clock Tower on Super Famicom. Unfortunately these enhancements are so meager that you’d have to be a really hardcore fan of the series to even bother with it.
sho's avatar
Slave Pageant (PC)

Slave Pageant review (PC)

Reviewed on August 05, 2007

One fateful night, I was working at my usual place of business when a disheveled gentleman hobbled into the spaghetti warehouse. This man was draped in a conspicuous trench coat, as if hiding something on his person. He was sweating bullets from his messy hairdo as if he had been engaged in strenuous activity and exercise for many nights. He hobbled over to me, hands clenching my shoulders as he shook my body and yelled, “You must take this from me!” He then handed me a black jewel case barren e...
Hermione's avatar
Doom (Game Boy Advance)

Doom review (GBA)

Reviewed on August 05, 2007

It's a future day. As a Marine for Union Aerospace Corporation, or UAC, you're no pushover. You walk with purpose wherever you go, flexing as many muscles as possible. On the job one day, you hear a rumor that the Mars moonbase is having problems. This is somewhat surprising, as ever since its establishment, it had been surprisingly well-kept with few if any issues. As you hear more of the story, you realize that this is serious. Marines and scientists at the base are being slaughtered by hellis...
iamtheprodigy's avatar
LEGO Racers (Nintendo 64)

LEGO Racers review (N64)

Reviewed on August 04, 2007

I've always hated Legos. Perhaps it's my lack of natural building skills, as I've never been into models, Tinker Toys, Jenga, or whatever else there is out there to stack, mold, or design. Figuring that the N64 racing game was just, well, a racing game, I didn't worry that my strong dislike of the toys might come into play. Well, put simply, I was completely wrong. The game involved building and customizing your car and your driver using animated Lego pieces. Alright, so this bugged me. I once a...
iamtheprodigy's avatar

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