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Available Reviews
Fighting Force 2 (Dreamcast)

Fighting Force 2 review (DC)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

I like to think of myself as a nice person. The kind of girl who holds doors open for old ladies and who feeds the birds at the park. Even better, I'm sane to boot. So imagine how cringe-worthy this title must truly be to have incited me to do the following, barely an hour ago. Please note: this is a true story. Those of you with a nervous disposition may wish to refrain from reading this.
lisanne's avatar
Rayman 2: The Great Escape (Dreamcast)

Rayman 2: The Great Escape review (DC)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

Rayman 2, predictably, is the follow-up to the interminably dull Rayman, the latter being a very simple platformer aimed at children and with a less than hard difficulty rating. One would naturally assume that this sequel would be very similar in terms of game play to the original, but the similarities are superficial. Rayman 2 is an epic, multi-world, truly 3D beauty of a platform game that bears little resemblance to the original. All levels are fully 3D and immersive, and the difficulty level...
lisanne's avatar
Barbie Pet Rescue (Game Boy Color)

Barbie Pet Rescue review (GBC)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

It is rare that I find a game so utterly soul-destroying that I start deliberating the passing of time, but those ninety minutes I spent completing this lackadaisical creation are minutes that I will never live through again. In a way, we're all dying, as every passing moment brings us closer to death. The one inevitability in life is that we will all die, and it's for that reason that every moment is precious. Life is what you make of it, whether you live it, or waste it. When I played t...
lisanne's avatar
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (PlayStation)

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

Having spent a wholesome summer in the country on your grandfather's farm as a young child, singing out of tune with some random girl or other and being chased by chickens, you later inherit this farm in young adulthood and return to the village where you spent that lazy summer. Being welcomed by the Mayor, who makes the ominous statement that the village as a whole has decided that you have three years to return the now run-down farm to its former glory (but without stating what will happen if ...
lisanne's avatar
Flicky (Genesis)

Flicky review (GEN)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

Flicky is one of those intriguing titles that makes you wonder, "What the heck is all this about, then?!". I do not know what the heck this is all about then, to be honest, as the story is barely apparent during play, and glossed over somewhat fleetingly in the manual. This game has no need of stories or other trifling incidentals such as that. It has something far more important - actual gameplay. Yes, back in the golden age of gaming, developers used to be able to get away...
lisanne's avatar
Crash Bandicoot: Warped (PlayStation)

Crash Bandicoot: Warped review (PSX)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

There is something remarkably profound about the scenario of an endangered creature struggling to survive. One can imagine it speeding through deserts or forests, running for survival, working on adrenaline and primal instinct to out-run its pursuer against all odds and make it to safety and freedom. One can picture the desperation of this animal and perhaps begin to understand how it must feel, through our own similar experiences in life. The bandicoot is one such species struggling to survive,...
lisanne's avatar
Beach Life (PC)

Beach Life review (PC)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

Oh, the sound and smell of the sea. Beautiful! Walking across the beach, sand between your toes and down your pants, hair blowing in the gentle coastal breeze as you check out the local talent and make your way to the nearest generic beer outlet. You can't beat a beach holiday. Well, actually you can beat a beach holiday by doing just about anything ever if you're me, but some people like that sort of thing. There's certainly no denying that catering for those who DO like that sort of thing is a...
lisanne's avatar
Indigo Prophecy (PlayStation 2)

Indigo Prophecy review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 22, 2007

I’m a sucker for a game with a good story…no, let me rephrase. I’m a sucker for a game that promises a good story—that’s what ultimately makes me a sucker. Many months ago, years now, I started reading a preview for a game called Indigo Prophecy, and my pulse quickened.
jeeeehad's avatar
Ecco the Dolphin (Xbox 360)

Ecco the Dolphin review (X360)

Reviewed on August 21, 2007

I glide through the sea with the grace of an Olympic swimmer. The sun's rays burst through the surface of the ocean's water, making everything sparkle beautifully. A friend nearby challenges me, dares me to see how high above the water's surface I can leap. I accept his challenge, pointing myself toward the sky and launching straight into the air. I break the water's surface, a gorgeous silhouette as I pose in midair...
espiga's avatar
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm (PlayStation 2)

Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 21, 2007

Most people today overlook the real beauty of what the 2D RPG is all about. Sure, there are lots of pretty looking RPGs these days like Star Ocean 3 or Final Fantasy X. But a 2D RPG has the beauty of the old days, when games didn't have to look pretty to catch an interest from someone. It gives you that feel of when you were playing games like Breath of Fire or Lufia II or maybe even Dragon View. Thankfully, Atelier Iris 3 still holds that charm of 2D RPGs, something that Atelier Iris 2 couldn't...
peterl90's avatar
Concentration (PC)

Concentration review (PC)

Reviewed on August 21, 2007

It's not that the artwork is bad—it's not—but it's obscure and could mean a few things. Half the time, you'll look at a picture and say to yourself “Hmm, that's either a stick, a log, a limb, a branch or a twig or something else I'm forgetting.” Solving the puzzles is tiresome instead of fun.
honestgamer's avatar
Shadow Hearts (PlayStation 2)

Shadow Hearts review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 21, 2007

Shadow Hearts is a shining gem in the collection of RPG's everywhere. This December-2001 release was unfortunately overshadowed by the releases of other popular games. Sacnoth was not a big name at the time and it got little attention. The most notable reason this masterpiece of gaming was ignored is because of the release of Final Fantasy X, which was released at practically the same time. Shadow Hearts is an unsung hero in the RPG world. After the high of Square's own gem in the form of an RPG...
mgtonvac55's avatar
Brave Story: New Traveler (PSP)

Brave Story: New Traveler review (PSP)

Reviewed on August 20, 2007

This is the story of a young boy named Tatsuya. He absolutely loves to play videogames (who doesn't?), so much so that his girlfriend often feels neglected around him. One day, his dearest falls ill under mysterious circumstances; this is Tatsuya's wake-up call. Desperate to save her, our ten year old protagonist drops to his knees and as fortune would have it, he opens up a portal into a fantasy world called Vision: a realm where one's deepest desires are granted by an almighty Goddess who lies...
arkrex's avatar
Kudos: Rock Legend (PC)

Kudos: Rock Legend review (PC)

Reviewed on August 20, 2007

If you can find satisfaction in high percentages, Rock Legend just might be your game, as It's basically clicking through menus until as many bars as possible say 100%, but with a theme. Because without the theme, it'd hardly even be a game. Almost nothing it impresses except ideas, but those are ruined. It isn't horrible execution that ruins them, however, but an utter lack of execution.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Indigo Prophecy (PlayStation 2)

Indigo Prophecy review (PS2)

Reviewed on August 20, 2007

The relentless gravity of Indigo Prophecy pulls you through a vivid storm.
draqq_zyxx's avatar
Sonic CD (Sega CD)

Sonic CD review (SCD)

Reviewed on August 20, 2007

I'm sure that many know of our friend Sonic the Hedgehog's forays into the world of 3D. Aside from the Sonic Adventure games, they haven't been all that good. All have been plagued with a wonky camera, fetch quests, and shooting levels. Though the recent next-gen bomb Sonic the Hedgehog for Xbox 360 and PS3 attempted to remedy these issues, it actually gave the entire gaming world suck pains. The game was that awful.
wayne_steed's avatar
Violence Fight (Arcade)

Violence Fight review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 20, 2007

I was trying to think up a good intro for this. You know, something that had to do with the story, maybe a little descriptive scene. Unfortunately, no words can quite describe the plot of Violence Fight, so here it is, taken directly from the game itself:
disco's avatar
Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)

Ninja Gaiden review (XBX)

Reviewed on August 18, 2007

Ninja Gaiden is a mean game. The enemies you encounter are absolute ass-kicking, in-your-face, unforgiving, top-of-the-line butt-whooping badasses, and they know nothing but your demise. So determined are they to bring about your end that I received the impression that the game itself was out to get me. The free-floating sense of hostility I picked up from Ninja Gaiden is so extreme that I’m somewhat surprised the load screens don’t say, “Loading, bitch!”
Suskie's avatar
Sam & Max: Season One (PC)

Sam & Max: Season One review (PC)

Reviewed on August 18, 2007

Everyone’s favourite dog and rabbity-thing – the noir-detective canine Sam and his psychopathic friend Max – are finally back on the videogame scene after nearly fifteen years. Developed by Telltale Games, a studio consisting of many experienced adventure game creators from the Lucasarts days in the 1990s, Sam and Max were placed into a television-styled format, wherein a series of six ‘episodes’ were released online each month. These six separate adventures form a more cohesive picture on the w...
AdamSchedler's avatar
Killer 7 (GameCube)

Killer 7 review (GCN)

Reviewed on August 15, 2007

Killer7 squandered more potential than most any other game this decade. On top of making me wonder if Capcom was an LSD production front, its hyper-stylized and totally off-the-wall trailers made it seem downright unbelievable. A hero that can burst into a cloud of blood and reforming as any one of his seven split personalities at will; a crippled old sniper with a maid who slaps the shit out of him when she isn't pushing his wheelchair around; and a TV news dude with an afro and a yellow t-shir...
mardraum's avatar

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