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Available Reviews
Jet Force Gemini (Nintendo 64)

Jet Force Gemini review (N64)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Years ago, I forgave Jet Force Gemini.
drella's avatar
Forza Motorsport (Xbox)

Forza Motorsport review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Those that dismiss Forza Motorsport as just another racing game have entirely missed the point. Granted, the backbone of this title lies in its circuits, keeping your car on course and ahead of the pack around beautiful, picturesque venues in places like Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Tokyo, Japan. And yes, having the fastest, best-handling vehicle is the key to success in this title; you won’t advance very far without taking your fair share of checkered flags and victory laps. You’re still g...
drella's avatar
Excitebike 64 (Nintendo 64)

Excitebike 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Imagine, motorheads, if you will, taking your prized Kawasaki out of the garage and overseas to an exotic locale in the midst of the Congo, ripping down a jungle path in the blazing heat, tearing up dust and dirt and leaving the rest of the pack in your tracks. Trees overhang this beautiful course, and you'll fly through their lush branches and vines as you get airborne after ascending steep slopes. The paths you'll rip up in this jungle are so unrefined a rushing stream slices the trails at two...
drella's avatar
BioShock (Xbox 360)

BioShock review (X360)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

You're just never safe in Rapture, an underwater city that was once a utopia, but now an anti-utopia. Forced to enter this unique world after surviving a plane crash, you'll have to roam through halls splattered with blood and flickering lights, not knowing what awaits you around each corner. You hear noises: footsteps in the distance, concrete pieces crackling under your shoes, and vending machines turning on at random, each putting you on edge.
dementedhut's avatar
Destroy All Humans! (Xbox)

Destroy All Humans! review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

”When do I get to blow things up!?”
drella's avatar
Gunz: The Duel (PC)

Gunz: The Duel review (PC)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

An online third-person shooter with perhaps the goofiest name ever, Gunz: The Duel pits you against random opponents wearing the same shirt you are in epic battles to the death for no apparent reason. Not an entirely original premise, to be sure. However, the game offers a selling point others don’t; namely, the fact that its gameplay bears a shameless disregard for the laws of physics that borders on contempt. It just so happens that Gunz takes place in a fantasy setting, where even t...
disco1960's avatar
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (PC)

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey review (PC)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Even though the title of the piece may conjure images having to do with the sleep cycle, Dreamfall itself has nothing to do with boring. Just from the opening trailer, which is backed by smooth, alternative sounds of a Norwegian, you can catch a brief glimpse of the incredible places you’ll go, and the people you can meet—some of them are going to be ordinary, some of them are strange, and some of them amazing. In any case, the longest journey of Dreamfall is one that rarely leav...
disco1960's avatar
Final Fantasy II (PSP)

Final Fantasy II review (PSP)

Reviewed on September 11, 2007

You plan in most games to survive, and that's interesting. In Final Fantasy II, you do it because you want to beef up your weak ice spell instead of your ax. There's no sense of urgency and that gets tedious. You'll dread running into enemies not because you can't beat them quickly—you can—but because doing so locks you into undesired character progression.
honestgamer's avatar
Resistance: Fall of Man (PlayStation 3)

Resistance: Fall of Man review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 11, 2007

Dotting beds of marram grass are bullet-riddled sandbags and barbwire thickets, but look closer at the sandy, havoc-stricken dunes comprising the European countryside. A seesaw extends out in the overgrown brush, the limp corpse of a fellow soldier keeping it suspended ominously in the air. Another officer hangs drooped over a rusted swing set, gently rocking with the breeze. Across the eerily silent expanse stands a cold, steel slide, yet another sullen reminder of carefree times not so lon...
drella's avatar
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GameCube)

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 10, 2007

In 2002, then-unknown developer, Retro Studios, completed the first 3D Metroid game, Metroid Prime. Despite rampant skepticism on the part of critics and series fans alike, Retro succeeded in delivering what was heralded by many as one of the finest entries in the Metroid series and one of the best games of all time. Prime was certainly a tough act to follow, but Retro’s sequel, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, makes it clear that the quality of the first game was n...
Daisuke02's avatar
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All (DS)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All review (DS)

Reviewed on September 10, 2007

For starters, there is no need to bother with this one until you've played and finished Ace Attorney. The story picks up from the events of the past game, with just enough flashbacks to be able to play it separately if you must, but you'll get more out of it knowing what led up to the events here. The gameplay is also virtually identical, and there a recurring characters and locations to boot. Essentially, Justice for All feels like 4 new cases in the same game.
sashanan's avatar
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney review (DS)

Reviewed on September 10, 2007

It is completely linear, it involves a lot of reading, it has an annoying bit here and there where you're wondering how to convince the story to move along, and once you've finished it, any replay will be precisely the same...and I'm still absolutely in love with it.
sashanan's avatar
Wii Sports (Wii)

Wii Sports review (WII)

Reviewed on September 08, 2007

Nintendo’s number one priority with the Wii has been to make gaming accessible to the masses, including those who have never played a game before. To accomplish that, Nintendo introduced Wii Sports, a bundle of very simplistic games, as a pack-in with the system. While the game is most certainly accessible, it is also a meritless compilation of dreck.
Daisuke02's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 08, 2007

A Grand Theft Auto game is self-explanatory really, a large (or in this case, massive) free-roaming world, run around killing pedestrians and gangster’s whilst slaloming with the police while completing missions, and stirring up massive controversy in the media at the same time. The original GTA game was released in 1997 and appeared most notably on PC and PSone, in which you played in a birds-eye perspective. 2001’s GTA3 was the first GTA on PlayStation 2 and gave us some real 3D action which c...
bigcj34's avatar
Might and Magic (Turbografx-CD)

Might and Magic review (TGCD)

Reviewed on September 08, 2007

Might and Magic is an easy game to recommend, but not in this particular format. NEC clearly wanted to expand on the game's main storyline, they clearly wanted to infuse the epic gameplay with a presentation to match, but — either through lack of time or lack of competence — the cinematics come across as laughable bookends rather than meaningful additions.
zigfried's avatar
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GameCube)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

Imagine how difficult Ike's very own journey would become should he lose his dear sister Mist in the thick of a heated battle. It's a feeling that becomes negligible with a reset, but without it, it adds to the gameplay as a whole, thanks to the excellent character development that makes every actor in this grand play lovable.
espiga's avatar
Super Castlevania IV (SNES)

Super Castlevania IV review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

If you’ve been playing games for any length of time, you’ve probably heard of the Castlevania series. If you haven’t… well, that’s absolutely tragic, because aside from being one of the most memorable franchises from the NES era, Castlevania is still one of the most enjoyable series around today. Thanks to the Wii’s Virtual Console, it’s possible for people who missed the older, pre-SOTN games to finally experience those classics, and there are few entries more worthy than...
Daisuke02's avatar
Trauma Center: Under the Knife (DS)

Trauma Center: Under the Knife review (DS)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

My first patient in Trauma Center: Under the Knife was named Kevin Turk. He was riding a motorcycle when he suddenly lost control of the vehicle and crashed through a glass door. The accident left him with lacerations in his upper right arm, and they were starting to hemorrhage. The man also had shards of glass lodged deep within his right shoulder. This procedure would require me to remove all foreign objects from his skin, and then suture up any wounds.
Suskie's avatar
Red Faction II (PlayStation 2)

Red Faction II review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

Without a doubt, Red Faction II is one of the PS2’s most prized first-person shooters, and the plot is only one piece of a memorable experience. The pursuit of the fleeing Sopot will take Alias through government high-rises, into the streets, fortified military bases, and face to face with hundreds of the Commonwealth’s forces.
pup's avatar
Bujingai: The Forsaken City (PlayStation 2)

Bujingai: The Forsaken City review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 07, 2007

Do you remember the Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, and how Vin Diesel did the motion detecting, voice over, and modeling for the main character? Well Bujingai uses the same concept, except instead of Vin Diesel, it uses a Japanese musician named Gackt that you've probably never heard of. As odd as this sounds, the end result was not the failure that you'd might expect. Bujingai isn't a masterpiece by any stretch, but it's fun. It combines hack and slash gameplay with some cool p...
sayainprince's avatar

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