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Available Reviews
Heavenly Sword (PlayStation 3)

Heavenly Sword review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 15, 2007

With such a high standard set, it shouldn't come as a surprise that gameplay doesn't hold up its end of the bargain. It does come close, though. The main problem is that Nariko spends most of her game carrying a sword capable of standing against the most powerful beings in the world, yet primarily battles simple soldiers. Even when an environment is crawling with troops, there isn't much to offer resistance. She's simply too powerful.
honestgamer's avatar
Last Alert (Turbografx-CD)

Last Alert review (TGCD)

Reviewed on September 15, 2007

>Last Alert places you in the boots of "one man army" Guy Kazama, as he embarks on the Turbo CD's equivalent of Schwarzenegger's entire action movie library smashed together into a single disc. Upon first glance, this appears to be a bloodier, fancier version of Ikari Warriors — replete with sweet CD soundtrack.
zigfried's avatar
UFO: Aftershock (PC)

UFO: Aftershock review (PC)

Reviewed on September 14, 2007

The odds are stacked against you, yes. But when you can freeze the odds where they stand and think your way around them, it's not so overwhelming. Few games manage to portray the same sense of complexity that UFO Aftershock does. And even fewer do so with the same grace.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Rudra no Hihou (SNES)

Rudra no Hihou review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 14, 2007

Rudra no Hihou is a powerful game capable of being one of Squaresoft's best. It'll give you a rare challenge like barely any RPG since has been able to accomplish. It'll give you beautiful graphics, some of the best on the SNES. It'll give you one of the most innovative magic systems ever created. But most of all... It'll give you a hell of a ride from start to finish.
espiga's avatar
Mega Man Legends (PlayStation)

Mega Man Legends review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 14, 2007

Contrary to popular opinion, first impressions aren’t everything.
Suskie's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2)

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 14, 2007

Simply put, this game is HUGE — so large that a representation of one of America’s largest cities only takes up one corner of its world. Also in the game are San Fierro (San Francisco), Las Venturas (Las Vegas) and miles upon miles of the surrounding countryside, which is loaded with farms, villages, mountains and even a top-secret military base. And very little space is wasted. During the course of play, Carl will find himself doing either mandatory or optional missions that force him to cover virtually every square inch of this vast realm.
overdrive's avatar
Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon (PlayStation 2)

Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon is a terrible game about a bunch of DD-cup ladies running around beating people up, and it doesn't even do a decent job of showing off their DD cups. If you're looking for a decent import brawler, I suggest you buy Berserk instead.
zigfried's avatar
Ikki Tousen: Ikki Tochi! (PlayStation 2)

Ikki Tousen: Ikki Tochi! review (PS2)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

This game which takes 20 seconds to load, this game which occupies the same amount of space as Panzer Dragoon Zwei or Guardian Heroes, is shorter, more frustrating, and less entertaining than similar titles on the NES or Atari 2600.
zigfried's avatar
Spider-Man 3 (Xbox 360)

Spider-Man 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Let's face it: We can all remember a day when the Spider-Man games that were coming out were not so good (and ok, Spider-Man 2 for the DS wasn't either.) But starting out on the Playstation One, Spidey games began to show some true quality. They were fun! The newest incarnation, based rather loosely on the third movie in the blockbuster series is perhaps the best yet. Swinging through the air at 200 miles per hour in a to-scale New York City, 170 feet in the air, as you take on some of the most ...
sayainprince's avatar
Mario Golf (Nintendo 64)

Mario Golf review (N64)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Seamlessly meshing the country club atmosphere, the intricacies of the classic sport and a cast of characters hailing from the Mushroom Kingdom we grew up dreaming of, Camelot's Mario Golf is devoid of the excessive gimmick and glitz we might expect from a title combining two very different themes. Unlike its inferior GameCube sequel Toadstool Tour, we won't find newly invented "fast greens" where the ball skirts off as if it were on ice and poorly designed courses over brewing lav...
drella's avatar
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (Nintendo 64)

Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. review (N64)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

I tried.
drella's avatar
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo 64)

Pokemon Snap review (N64)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

We -- yes, we! I need your help here -- have been given a task of dire importance by our scientific superior, one Professor Oak of Palette Town Laboratories. As he toils and sweats in his cramped research facility, poking at specimens and jotting observations in data tables, we’ve been asked to go out into the field and document the various species in their natural habitats, hopefully recording their unique behaviors on film and bringing them back for his approval. Initially equipped with just a...
drella's avatar
Home Run King (GameCube)

Home Run King review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

The situation is this: one out, in the bottom of the ninth, in the biggest game of your life. Your team trails by one. The most dominating post-season reliever of all time is on the mound.
drella's avatar
Mario Superstar Baseball (GameCube)

Mario Superstar Baseball review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Forget pretentious, wannabe-spiritual flicks starring Kevin Costner; Mario Superstar Baseball contains the true fields of dreams.
drella's avatar
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (GameCube)

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! review (GCN)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

It's not often that a game leaves me speechless, but Mario Kart: Double Dash!! does just that.
drella's avatar
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Xbox)

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

A prisoner released from his shackles by order of the emperor, tossed beneath the decks of a rickety wooden vessel embarking towards the faraway outskirts of the dominion, the self-named, self-designed protagonist of Morrowind starts with little more than a clouded past and the clothes on his back. Noticeably absent however are the flashbacks of his foggy history and the destinies fatherly figures envision us fulfilling -- the trademarks countless adventures have conditioned us into expec...
drella's avatar
Super Metroid (SNES)

Super Metroid review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Metroid is one of those series that's infallible as far as Nintendo fans are concerned. They perceive a single negative utterance regarding the series as the most heinous crime imaginable. The reverence fans hold arguably has nothing to do with the first and second games in the Metroid series, though -- it's the third game that launched the series to the stratospheric level of quality that fans have come to expect. Originally released in 1994, Super Metroid represents the...
Daisuke02's avatar
Wii Sports (Wii)

Wii Sports review (WII)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Those expecting a return to the blockbuster-console combo releases synonymous with the Nintendo of yesteryear will be disappointed. Wii Sports is free, and though it is an impressive technical display of the abilities of Nintendo’s new system, it also demonstrates that the technology by itself is somewhat shallow and perfecting it may be a long and drawn out process. Those focusing on these fallbacks can at least take comfort in this though; Sports matches the depth of some recen...
drella's avatar
Vietcong: Purple Haze (Xbox)

Vietcong: Purple Haze review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Vietcong: Purple Haze is yet another bleeding-heart chronicle of a faceless American soldier, yet another tale of a youth fraudulently lured from his beloved family and home by the empty promises of self-satisfaction purported by a finger-pointing Uncle Sam. Opening with actual black and white footage from the era, from scraggly hippies protesting the war on courthouse steps to Elvis feeding his new bride cake at their wedding (relevant footage was apparently hard to come by), this is a t...
drella's avatar
Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo 64)

Mario Kart 64 review (N64)

Reviewed on September 12, 2007

Remember Rainbow Road?
drella's avatar

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