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Available Reviews
WWF No Mercy (Nintendo 64)

WWF No Mercy review (N64)

Reviewed on November 18, 2007

I have been a major fan of professional wrestling since I was around ten years old, so of course I’ve played nearly all of the wrestling games released on any console. From the old SNES titles to the newer Smackdown! games, I have spent my share of time in the squared circle. That being said, I have never played a wrestling game as entertaining, addictive, or long-lasting as WWF No Mercy for the Nintendo 64.
horror_spooky's avatar
Mario Kart DS (DS)

Mario Kart DS review (DS)

Reviewed on November 18, 2007

When I was a little kid, one of my favorite games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System was the original Mario Kart game, simply titled Super Mario Kart. The game was an amazing achievement for the system, and is often hailed as not only one of the best racing games on the SNES, but one of the best racing games ever for a reason. The game tried new things, and introduced many elements that to this day are being copied by other franchises trying to convert into the racing genre. Mario Kart ...
horror_spooky's avatar
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Xbox)

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones review (XBX)

Reviewed on November 17, 2007

Every once in a great while, I get the feeling developers are actually listening to us.
Suskie's avatar
Mega Man 2 (NES)

Mega Man 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on November 17, 2007

These days, when I think of the name “Mega Man,” the image that regularly comes to mind is a factory churning out countless piles of sequels. In this odd-but-true fantasy, boxes teeming with Mega Man Battle Network games are loaded onto trucks and driven out to all the EBs and GameStops of the world, every minute of every day of every year, ever. Such a fantasy is a rather exaggerated but bluntly true reminder of the fact that we have too darn many Mega Man games on the market today, a lot of wh...
wayne_steed's avatar
Max Payne (PC)

Max Payne review (PC)

Reviewed on November 17, 2007

The overwhelming shadow of a city - rotting with disease - presses in around you. The neon lights and chittering rats mock you knowingly. The streets are lined with graffiti, trash, and needles. There are more dumpsters than trees. Your fellow denizens are not friends, at least not to you, and usually not even to each other. They're okay with you, though, it makes exterminating them easier on your conscious.
Bozanimal's avatar
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare review (X360)

Reviewed on November 16, 2007

It's not the plot twists that will keep you playing so much as it is the sense that you're a part of them. As you head through the cities and the farmlands of present-day Russia, you're not some tourist dropped off somewhere to look at the pretty scenery; you're a soldier (multiple soldiers, actually, since the game shifts perspectives over the course of its 20 or so missions) exploring an unforgiving, hostile landscape where one careless step could spell disaster. This is a war. People on all sides will die and your goal is to make sure that you come through it all in one piece.
honestgamer's avatar
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (PlayStation 2)

Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 16, 2007

Though at first glance Mercenaries "Playground of Destruction” seems like a GTA clone but in fact it is not. Mercenaries is an original game and a VERY enjoyable game.
blood-omen's avatar
Burnout 3: Takedown (PlayStation 2)

Burnout 3: Takedown review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 16, 2007

Burnout 3 though the 3rd installment in the burnout series is not like its predecessors, the reason being that Criterion Games has completely reinvented the series and everything that was associated with the Burnout world.
blood-omen's avatar
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PC)

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition review (PC)

Reviewed on November 16, 2007

PC gamers rejoice. One of the most stylish and fast paced series of the Playstation 2 makes its grand debut on the PC. Yes my fellow gamers the half demon half-half human Dante has finally arrived on the PC in what is no doubt the most stylish game to be released in the devil may cry (DMC) series. Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition as the name suggests is the special edition of the 3rd installment in the series. The game though the 3rd installment is actually a prequel to the 1st game and shows eve...
blood-omen's avatar
Legaia 2: Duel Saga (PlayStation 2)

Legaia 2: Duel Saga review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 16, 2007

As a fan of the original Legend of Legaia, I was pleasantly surprised to find this gem while fishing through the bargain bin of my local game store. I was unaware that there even was a sequel, but then, Legaia has always been more of an underground fandom, and like its predecessor, Legaia 2 came on the scene without fanfare or lineups and humbly presented itself to us.
Lavieta's avatar
Darklands (PC)

Darklands review (PC)

Reviewed on November 15, 2007

Dear reader, are you lonely? A bit sad? Not feeling very loved? Well, I have a solution for your woes! Play Darklands!
zanzard's avatar
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am (PlayStation 2)

Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 15, 2007

To win the game, you must progress through twelve levels. Each is sandwiched between brief but amusing cutscenes featuring voices provided by the people responsible for the TV series. The cinema sequences set things up nicely as the trio of heroes advances from one stage to the next, but don't really hide the fact that the fun diminishes significantly once you actually start playing. That's because with the exception of a tutorial and three racing events, every stage unfolds the same way.
honestgamer's avatar
Manhunt 2 (PlayStation 2)

Manhunt 2 review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 15, 2007

It would be inaccurate to call Manhunt 2 a true sequel to the original ultra violent and ultra gory Manhunt, because even though the latest game carries the same name it tells a whole different story with a completely different character. Developed by Rockstar London Manhunt 2 takes the violence, gore and profanity that the developers are famous for to a whole new intense level and makes sure it stays there.
blood-omen's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass review (DS)

Reviewed on November 15, 2007

At its best, Phantom Hourglass is pure fun. The innovative touch controls provide a fresh take on the standard Zelda fare, and that alone was enough to revitalise my dwindling interest in the series.
freelancer's avatar
Victorious Boxers: Revolution (Wii)

Victorious Boxers: Revolution review (WII)

Reviewed on November 14, 2007

Get up. Come on, this isn’t the time to be lazy. You think mastering the Boxing game on Wii Sports gives you the right to start slacking off? You think you’re ready for this fight, don’t you? See that guy across the ring? That’s no Mii character. That’s Ichiro Miyata, and he will crush your face in if you don’t defend yourself. There are even stronger opponents waiting for their chance as well. You nervous? You should be. To be honest, you don’t have much of a chance here. Maybe yo...
disco's avatar
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Super Mario Galaxy review (WII)

Reviewed on November 14, 2007

Why are you interested in the Wii? Come on, be honest. It isn’t the graphics. It can’t be just the price. Don’t tell me it’s just because of the newfangled control scheme. It’s about the games, and you know it. There hasn’t been much of a reason to get a Wii in the last few months. Sure, there has been a handful of quality titles added to its library (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption head up that list), but there haven’t been any truly amazing, awe-i...
disco's avatar
Half-Life 2 (PC)

Half-Life 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on November 14, 2007

As a huge fan of the original Half Life, I was incredibly apprehensive approaching its sequel. Sure, I'd heard great things, but you hear positive consensus about a great deal of games that when you actually play, turn out to disappoint you. I was incredibly relieved to discover in my first few minutes of play, that Half Life 2 is one of those few sequels that manages to live up to the standard set by its predecessor.
southy787's avatar
Nodame Cantabile (DS)

Nodame Cantabile review (DS)

Reviewed on November 13, 2007

You haven't read Nodame Cantabile either, have you? Conceived as a manga, adapted for both animated and live-action drama, highly praised as all three, yes, but that's not the point - any import gamer interested in the DS version is probably intrigued instead by the idea of an Ouendan with classical music, happily willing to ignore or endure any license-related distractions to that gameplay. Indeed, the title's good for some fun and has the rhythm genre's inherent addict...
Synonymous's avatar
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn review (WII)

Reviewed on November 13, 2007

Radiant Dawn is a direct sequel to Path of Radiance. The gameplay engine is almost identical and all the characters return (to the point of overkill), so if you liked PoR, you’ll like Radiant Dawn. On the other hand, if you’re not a Fire Emblem fan, Radiant Dawn won’t do much to change your mind. It’s not the best game in the series by a longshot, but RD is still a really addicting game.
phediuk's avatar
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (DS)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare review (DS)

Reviewed on November 12, 2007

Ooooh, terrorists. . . scary bastards.
arkrex's avatar

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