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Available Reviews
Fury (PC)

Fury review (PC)

Reviewed on December 07, 2007

It's a lot of hassle to go through for a game that's just very...bland. Fury isn't exactly bad at what it does, but what it does is so limited that it's hard to take it seriously when compared to other bigger MMOs. What Fury is, is an MMO devoted entirely to PVP, and where the game runs into problems is that there's no less grind than other MMOs.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Red Stone (PC)

Red Stone review (PC)

Reviewed on December 07, 2007

Red Stone is the thousandth MMO the market doesn’t need, and it differentiates itself so little from others that only those who are already fans of the genre will appreciate it.
MartinG's avatar
Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis)

Contra: Hard Corps review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 07, 2007

I hate to say it, but Contra: Hard Corps is HARDCORE. Dozens of enemy soldiers swamp you right from the get-go and huge robotic monstrosities tear through the cityscape in order to blast you to hell. Bullets whizz by loud and fast and explosions from countless wreckages fill the screen with dazzling pyrotechnics. With all the carnage going on there's very little time to sit down and think about how you're going to save the world. Oh, and forget about keeping an eye on your life...
arkrex's avatar
WordJong (DS)

WordJong review (DS)

Reviewed on December 07, 2007

The change actually makes for a much more interesting experience, since your mind is now put to the test a bit more. There often will be a few options available, so your job is to figure out which will do the most to help your score. For example, why settle for 'cede' if the letters for 'succeed' happen to be available?
honestgamer's avatar
Echo Night: Beyond (PlayStation 2)

Echo Night: Beyond review (PS2)

Reviewed on December 05, 2007

Outside the mainstream there's a tradition of slow, simply made horror-adventure games whose gameplay has barely developed for a decade or more. These are the D's, the Notes, the Hellnights, the Echo Nights, etc. The raw stuff of Echo Night Beyond (ENB) is nothing that an original Playstation or something even older couldn't run, but this is a genre where atmosphere goes a long way, and ENB does generate a detailed, restrained outer space creepiness befitting the PS2's graphical capabilities. Th...
bloomer's avatar
Shining Force (Genesis)

Shining Force review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 05, 2007

While not exactly as famous as Final Fantasy or even Sega's own Phantasy Star series, Shining Force has quite a name among Sega RPG fans. Many believe Shining Force to be the first game in the series, although that honour really goes to Shining in the Darkness, a dungeon crawler RPG very unlike the games that follow it. Shining Force, released in 1993, is more of a strategy game with RPG elements than the other way around, and sets the theme for many other titles in the Shining series.
sashanan's avatar
Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (Game Boy Advance)

Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon review (GBA)

Reviewed on December 05, 2007

Shining Force - Resurrection of the Dark Dragon, a remake of the 1993 Sega Genesis title Shining Force, is a tactical RPG in which you lead a group of adventurers against the armies of an evil neighboring country. But this is far more than just a port with updated graphics; Shining Force has been redone from scratch, and a fine balance has been struck between preserving the classic game and updating it to stand up to the many other tactical RPGs on the GBA. As such, the end product is likely to ...
sashanan's avatar
Mighty Beanz: Pocket Puzzles (Game Boy Advance)

Mighty Beanz: Pocket Puzzles review (GBA)

Reviewed on December 05, 2007

Life, why must you always throw new challenges in our path? Why do you force us to spend our time on activities that we do not enjoy and that do not get us anywhere? Why, indeed, are we driven to inflicting mental agony on ourselves, to warp our brain and numb our mind, aware of it every painful step, yet unable to resist? Why must we let ourselves be knocked down, trodden upon, only to scramble back up and ask for more? Why, dear God, why am I playing this atrocity of a puzzle game called Might...
sashanan's avatar
Namco Museum (Game Boy Advance)

Namco Museum review (GBA)

Reviewed on December 05, 2007

To the modern day gamer, a title like Namco Museum has little to offer, but to an old schooler it represents pure gold. It consists of five classic arcade titles, and a fairly varied selection at that, and brings a lot of classic goodness to the GBA. I judge it unlikely that anybody who did not grow up with these and similar games will find them much fun, but if the titles Ms. Pacman, Dig Dug, Pole Position, Galaxian and Galaga mean anything to you, here's your chance to replay these arcade clas...
sashanan's avatar
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (Wii)

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth review (WII)

Reviewed on December 04, 2007

The two-player mode offers small amounts of dumb fun, but otherwise, The Burning Earth is ultimately shallow, problematic, and frustrating. Go for it if you've got room in your heart for another licensed brawler. Otherwise, you're better off bending air elsewhere.
sardius's avatar
The 80's Game With Martha Quinn (PC)

The 80's Game With Martha Quinn review (PC)

Reviewed on December 04, 2007

I was a little scared by the box’s blatant abuse of the word “gnarly,” but let all be forgiven by the image of one woman – Martha Quinn. If you grew up with cable TV, you shouldn’t need an introduction to this illustrious VJ.
pup's avatar
Draglade (DS)

Draglade review (DS)

Reviewed on December 04, 2007

You can choose from four characters. Each has a separate plot, but they all go through the same checkpoints. Once you've finished one tale, the only reason to brave the massive amount of recycled material is the character you'll unlock for versus mode. From locations to bosses to key events, almost nothing is utilized only once. This probably isn't a huge surprise and it wouldn't even be so bad except that there are only a few places to visit in the whole game!
honestgamer's avatar
Mega Man ZX Advent (DS)

Mega Man ZX Advent review (DS)

Reviewed on December 03, 2007

Most people stopped liking Megaman at X3. There was X4, which was painfully mediocre. X5 - X9, all of which were horrid abortions of games. There was the Megaman Zero series on the Gameboy Advance, all of which were either unplayably difficult or the same boss fight rehashed a billion times. There was Command Mission, which was mediocre at best. There was the Battle Network series, of which the first one was decent (if repetitive) and the rest were rehashed. There were Legends and Legends 2, whi...
timrod's avatar
Monopoly (Nintendo 64)

Monopoly review (N64)

Reviewed on December 03, 2007

I'd meant what I said about the iron. He's easily the most expressive of the available choices. When you land on his property and have to pay rent, he'll chuckle silently but deviously. When he arrives on a space that is to his financial gain, he'll pump his arms enthusiastically. Even when he's standing still, he looks just maniacal enough that you can't help but root for his success.
honestgamer's avatar
Mass Effect (Xbox 360)

Mass Effect review (X360)

Reviewed on December 03, 2007

Man has always wondered whether there is intelligent life beyond the sea of stars in the sky. In BioWare’s latest blockbuster, Mass Effect, mankind is late to the intergalactic party. Alien races have established a council that encompasses the best part of the Milky Way, and humanity is the new kid on the block. After discovering ancient technology on planet Mars, humans got a jump start that allowed them to travel time and space. The majority of the alien races are sceptical and envious of man’...
PAJ89's avatar
Painkiller: Overdose (PC)

Painkiller: Overdose review (PC)

Reviewed on December 02, 2007

The game does a lot right, and is worth a playthrough just to see what each level has for you. They all have a similar feel, but at the same time are all very different. Enemies aren't reused. There aren't any palette swaps in this adventure. An impressive line is walked in that aspect. Unfortunately, all is not well in purgatory. While all of the aesthetics are in order, problems come up in the mechanics themselves.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (PC)

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved review (PC)

Reviewed on December 02, 2007

There are not many who lament the loss of the arcade space-shooter. With the great advances in visual technology over the years, it seems a strange choice for a developer to step back a couple of decades and hearken back to a simpler time. But that is exactly the premise behind Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, as the popular Xbox Live Arcade game makes the transition to the PC.
southy787's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PSP)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories review (PSP)

Reviewed on December 01, 2007

You know what I hate about the Grand Theft Auto series? The damn cops.
Suskie's avatar
Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II (NES)

Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II review (NES)

Reviewed on December 01, 2007

The first thing you should know is that everything on the box of Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors 2 is an utter lie. Judging from the cover, most people would be expecting to play as a manly hero with a big sword and washboard abs that make shirtlessness a viable option. Let me warn you now; such a character does not exist anywhere within the confines of this cartridge. For those who enjoy making impulsive purchasing decisions, this may be a discovery that would infuriate the most ...
disco1960's avatar
Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends (DS)

Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends review (DS)

Reviewed on December 01, 2007

Sit back, let the timer run out, and you will still end up with a perfectly presentable dish and one of 68 new recipes for your lack of effort. Doing well gets a good score, but I’m not really the kind of guy who calls up friends to brag about my delightfully moist, and let’s not forget virtual, chocolate cake.
pup's avatar

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