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Available Reviews
Warning Forever (PC)

Warning Forever review (PC)

Reviewed on March 29, 2008

Remember those fun days when you played 'Darius'?
zanzard's avatar
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (Xbox 360)

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty review (X360)

Reviewed on March 28, 2008

When Turning Point: Fall of Liberty was announced it got a warm response due to its refreshing alternative-future take on the stagnating WWII shooter genre. The game has a rather harrowing alternative indeed - Winston Churchill gets killed by getting run down by a taxi in 1931 in a United States trip, and by the time the Germans knock on Britain's door in WWII the lack of morale and leadership he would have offered led to the demise of Blighty, as well as the rest of Europe, Russia and Africa al...
Crazyreyn's avatar
Bully: Scholarship Edition (Xbox 360)

Bully: Scholarship Edition review (X360)

Reviewed on March 28, 2008

Whether you're the new kid at Bullworth or an accomplished alumni, Bully: Scholarship Edition is well worth your money, but only if you approach it with patience and keep your expectations in check.
sardius's avatar
Jet Grind Radio (Dreamcast)

Jet Grind Radio review (DC)

Reviewed on March 27, 2008

When Jet Grind Radio came out for the Dreamcast, it was quite a refreshing title for its time. Of course, the first thing that got everyone's attention was the graphics; the cel-shaded look made it stand out from the majority. It was also a cool, hip, or whatever you youngster's say these days, game. Most of the main characters were decked out in some stylish or unique outfit, like Beat's wavelength glasses and headphones, or Poison Jam, a gang who dress up as overall-wearing fish monster...
dementedhut's avatar
Rainbow Islands (NES)

Rainbow Islands review (NES)

Reviewed on March 25, 2008

You’re a rainbow-wielding, dream world conquering sorcerer. Yes, like a perverted recreation of some schoolgirl’s favorite fantasy, you wield mighty rainbows of death which can kill or trap all manner of malicious beasts, turning them into delicious snacks, peculiar knickknacks and other random paraphernalia. Collecting these scores you points, which, when amassed, award you extra lives and power-ups.
wolfqueen001's avatar
SEGA Superstars Tennis (Xbox 360)

SEGA Superstars Tennis review (X360)

Reviewed on March 25, 2008

Instead of a traditional career mode taking the single-player centre-court, you’re subjected to a seemingly never-ending flow of repetitive Sega-themed mini-games. Superstar mode is split up into a range of game-themed segments; many of Sega’s more familiar franchises, like Sonic and Super Monkey Ball, are well represented but you’ll also be treated to some of the more obscure and retro from the Sega catalogue. It all sounds great in theory, but rather than the clever and inventive training mini-games seen in Virtua Tennis 3, you’re subjected to the same recycled games with different twists.
PAJ89's avatar
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)

Professor Layton and the Curious Village review (DS)

Reviewed on March 25, 2008

Imagine a place where instead of going down the pub for a pint and pig snacks, you'd rather have your brain smashed by a perplexing puzzle than a pool cue, and that a test of a man's will is not a gun duel at dawn or glove slap to the face but by solving mind bending puzzles. Welcome to St. Mystere! Professor Layton and his happy-go-lucky assistant Luke are called into town to help settle an inheritance dispute, but gets tied up with a various other mysteries along the way including a murder, st...
Crazyreyn's avatar
R-Type III: The Third Lightning (Game Boy Advance)

R-Type III: The Third Lightning review (GBA)

Reviewed on March 24, 2008

R-Type III enjoys taking elements from the first game and then applying a generous new coat of difficulty. R-Type’s first level had you trade shots with a hulking, cannon-wielding robot as you both tore through a metallic cylinder. This is recreated with triple the number of gundam-ripoffs, but makes the last invincible, letting it pepper you with blasts until you force it to smash into the scenery.
EmP's avatar
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)

Professor Layton and the Curious Village review (DS)

Reviewed on March 23, 2008

“Raring to try another puzzle? Ooh, nothing gets my heart racing like a passionate man!” coos the corpulent innkeeper, laying bare her ulterior motive. Usually a proper English gentleman like Professor Layton would politely talk his tophat out the door, but this smitten woman dangles the promise of a puzzle. As a world-renowned riddle-solver, the Professor just can't resist.
woodhouse's avatar
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII review (PSP)

Reviewed on March 22, 2008

Final Fantasy VII. The RPG that took the gaming world by storm. And in recent times, the most milked role-playing saga ever. The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII has been mildly amusing, to put it nicely: Advent Children was an eye-popping, brainless fight-a-thon; Dirge of Cerberus was a similarly mindless, albeit somewhat entertaining blast-a-thon; and Before Crisis will forever remain a mystery to non-Japanese folk (which is a good thing). Despite the grandeu...
arkrex's avatar
No More Heroes (Wii)

No More Heroes review (WII)

Reviewed on March 22, 2008

But it’s when you reach these off-key boss fights that No More Hereos has it’s best moments. You meet Dr. Peace, western-style six-hooters and 70’s porn ‘tash, crooning into the empty stadium, telling you it was always his dream to perform on a stage like this and how the money you paid for the fight made it possible. You converse like two old friends, then you try your best to end each other’s life.
EmP's avatar
Mass Effect (Xbox 360)

Mass Effect review (X360)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

I completed Mass Effect in little more than twenty hours, which may seem like a travesty when compared with many other successful RPGs. But Mass Effect’s amazingly involving methods of storytelling are truly unmatched, and with rarely a moment that isn’t spectacular, BioWare has (regardless of length) skillfully crafted one of the most compelling RPGs ever made.
Suskie's avatar
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare review (X360)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

In 2003, Infinity Ward (formed by the developers of the infamous Medal of Honor series) was bought out by Activision. In turn IF began developing the Call of Duty series, and as they say, the rest is history. Fast forward the story 4 years later, and we now have Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Jam-packed with all the same thrills as the previous installments, CoD4 lives up to the hype and does the franchise proud.
huister's avatar
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe (Xbox 360)

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe review (X360)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

Imagine breaking your arm. You'll find that the pain is unbearable and you just want it to stop as soon as possible. Now triple that pain. Hurts, doesn't it? Well, This pain is similar to that of which you will find in Next Level Games' Spiderman: Friend or Foe, in this case for the Xbox360.
Azumangaman's avatar
Icewind Dale (PC)

Icewind Dale review (PC)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

I loved the RPG games made by Black Isle.
zanzard's avatar
Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation)

Final Fantasy VIII review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

Final Fantasy VIII is a game that has sparked a large amount of controversy. From those that consider it the sparkling pinnacle of the established series, to those that loathe it intently, it is clear that a game of this ilk must have some strong characteristics at the heart of it.
southy787's avatar
Napoleon's Campaigns (PC)

Napoleon's Campaigns review (PC)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

There is a demographic that demands historically accurate war games, and Napoleon’s Campaigns is aimed to those people so hard that to be more realistic it only needs to reach out and stab you in the gut.
MartinG's avatar
PaRappa the Rapper (PlayStation)

PaRappa the Rapper review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

So just imagine being back in the year is 1995, when you’ve just seen the PlayStation in action hot off the production line, and seen the likes Ridge Racer in action. You probably imagined how the wonders of 3D could translate into all your favourite genres, such as shooting, realistic sports and maybe action games, all later to become cookie-cutter genres on the format. At what point would you have imagined playing a game involving a 2D hip-hop rapping dog, who tries to impress a sunflower face...
bigcj34's avatar
Hard to Be a God (PC)

Hard to Be a God review (PC)

Reviewed on March 21, 2008

In essence, the game's opening moments establish the framework for many a glorious battle to come, while apparently forsaking plot entirely. And the ensuing horse ride to meet your informant are filled with thoughts of future glory. But then, something strange happens. Glimmers of a plot start to surface. Clandestine maneuvers are made. Backstabbing occurs, and it's presented in a way that compels one to care.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Puchi Puchi Virus (DS)

Puchi Puchi Virus review (DS)

Reviewed on March 20, 2008

Of course, let's also not forget the fact that swiping the stylus around the screen in a flurry of quick pokes is likely to lead to some moments where you can't see much because your hand or wrist is briefly in the way. You'd think the developers would account for the natural phenomenon of non-transparent limbs, but they didn't. Indeed, they did quite the opposite; not only do viruses soon congeal too quickly, but they also move.
honestgamer's avatar

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