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Available Reviews
The Longest Journey (PC)

The Longest Journey review (PC)

Reviewed on October 25, 2008

What did we used to like about adventure games? I can't believe that it was the puzzles involving MacGyver-like intuition (combine the apple with the hair spray to get a flamethrower) nor the amazing graphical achievements (anyone else remember having to click on things just to get the game to tell you what the hell it was?). It's easy to believe, with the lack of adventure games out today, that genre outlived its welcome. At the same time, it's hard to completely buy this when games such as ...
zippdementia's avatar
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS)

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia review (DS)

Reviewed on October 25, 2008

Since time immemorial (read: 1997), Konami has promised a worthy sequel to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Every couple of years, the developers rise from their graves, and not even a long history of half-assed failures can stop them. First, there was Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance. Then there was Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin. In the middle was Curse of Darkness and Lament of Innocence, both 3D bastard children in a 2D series. The only post-SOTN Castlevania that can even...
timrod's avatar
PDC World Championship Darts 2008 (PSP)

PDC World Championship Darts 2008 review (PSP)

Reviewed on October 25, 2008

What we’re given overall is serviceable and commendable. Two words that perhaps don’t scream game of the year, but the reality of the situation is that, no matter how I dress it up in eccentric Britishness, the topic of today is still a dart’s sim. That sound you hear is the vast majority of the PSP consumer base stampeding towards the fire exits. We’ll throw in a metaphorical pause while they close the doors behind them before I slide in the dramatic twist -- PDC Darts 2008 is a fun little game nonetheless.
EmP's avatar
Linger in Shadows (PlayStation 3)

Linger in Shadows review (PS3)

Reviewed on October 25, 2008

Let me say that I had high hopes for this one. Advertised as a "new type of gaming experience," one would think from PSN and other internet sources that Linger in Shadows is the new Matrix, a mind blowing experience that can't be missed and "redefines gaming." This build up reminds me, now, in hindsight (a mistake I'll never be able to rectify) of this one time when I was offered an honorary position in a cult. I was promised that my mind would be forever enhanced, that I would "see and touch...
zippdementia's avatar
World of Goo (PC)

World of Goo review (PC)

Reviewed on October 24, 2008

If World of Goo were developed and published by Nintendo -- which it absolutely could be, given the phenomenal fusion of style and substance on display here -- not one person would have a problem with its being released as a full-price title. At this super-budget rate, it's simply incredible.
Lewis's avatar
Xargon: The Mystery of the Blue Builders (PC)

Xargon: The Mystery of the Blue Builders review (PC)

Reviewed on October 23, 2008

Ah the good old days, when games didn't have to have titles that made sense... or settings that made sense... or decipherable sprites. Yes, the days when floppy discs doubled as coasters after installation, and the days when a single megabyte seemed to hold more processing power than a program could ever use. These were the days of XARGON!
zippdementia's avatar
Grand Theft Auto IV (PlayStation 3)

Grand Theft Auto IV review (PS3)

Reviewed on October 23, 2008

Grand Theft Auto IV marks a sort've reboot of the series, revamping the famed Liberty City and taking a more realistic approach to its characters, rather than its established camp feel. I like the change. The characters had motivations, they changed over time, there were even a few moments where I felt SORRY for them and their terrible situations. This GTA has a far darker story, and a more viable one, in terms of an actual plot. It even has branching story paths.
zippdementia's avatar
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii)

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure review (WII)

Reviewed on October 23, 2008

Ahoy matey! Are ye ready for an exciting adventure on the high seas? Are ye ready to explore vast ruins and face terrifying monsters? Ready to best the trickiest of traps and conquer confounding contraptions? Well then, grab yer chocolate, and yer monkey, and yer wii mote and join the sky pirates in this fantastic swashbuckle of a game! Yargh! By me peg leg!
zippdementia's avatar
Dead Space (PlayStation 3)

Dead Space review (PS3)

Reviewed on October 23, 2008

When it (Dead Space) sticks to its more original ideas; the zero-g environments, the severing of limbs with unique weapons, the lack of ammo, etc. it works very well. But it doesn’t capitalize on these innovations as it should.
MrDurandPierre's avatar
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PlayStation 3)

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction review (PS3)

Reviewed on October 23, 2008

Over the past two generations of consoles, not many franchises have shone brighter than Ratchet and Clank. Insomniac used a seemingly flawless formula of bad-ass guns, huge explosions and stellar platforming to entrench the series among the industry's finest.
Linkamoto's avatar
Commando: Steel Disaster (DS)

Commando: Steel Disaster review (DS)

Reviewed on October 22, 2008

Commando is a completely generic clone of the Metal Slug blueprint, giving us nothing new, except for its own unique list of problems.
Masters's avatar
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen review (DS)

Reviewed on October 22, 2008

Dragon Quest IV was always about those five stories and they were always interesting, but never to the current extent. Maybe the old translation job was handled poorly or perhaps I was too young at the time to appreciate such things. Perhaps the graphics just weren't up to the task of communicating the required subtleties. Whatever the case, I never cared enough to wonder how the scraps of narrative all fit together. Imagine my surprise, then, when Chapters of the Chosen showed me that the story behind the scenes is actually quite compelling.
honestgamer's avatar
Airlock (Atari 2600)

Airlock review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 21, 2008

Well, actually, the play control's probably the real obstacle. Let's face it, with good control, this game would be nearly as easy as playing Sneak 'n Peek against yourself. Here, you're controlling a character that has barely enough jumping ability to clear one of those coffins and mistiming your jump even by the slightest of margins will cause you to recoil back behind it.
overdrive's avatar
Ark of Time (PC)

Ark of Time review (PC)

Reviewed on October 21, 2008

Ark of Time is a game you’ve never hard of, which makes you reading this review an oddity. Perhaps you jus liked the name, perhaps you were drawn in somehow by the shiny coverart or perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps you found this lying in a local bargain bin and decided to take a risk on the unknown.
Cornwell's avatar
Fantasia (Genesis)

Fantasia review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 21, 2008

I must confess that I listen almost exclusively to classical music. At work, I frequently infuriate my co-workers by turning off their intolerable rap music and switching to NPR. The thing with classical music is that it requires a great deal of concentration to get the most out of it. The pieces that I enjoy hearing the most are the ones that I have heard repeatedly, ones that I perhaps have some familiarity with the score itself, and ones that I'm able to pick up on the subtle nuances.
dagoss's avatar
Game Party 2 (Wii)

Game Party 2 review (WII)

Reviewed on October 21, 2008

In November 2007, Game Party hit the Wii as a collection of seven simple minigames. Ten months later, six of those games return to a roster of eleven activities in Game Party 2. The major improvement: this time the motion controls work competently.
woodhouse's avatar
Fable (Xbox)

Fable review (XBX)

Reviewed on October 20, 2008

What a fascinating failure Fable is. I don’t know exactly how long it was in development and I’m too lazy to find out, but I can tell you that I first heard about it when it was called Project Ego during the post-E3 launch craze of mid-2001, a year that inspires repeated use of the phrase “back when.” Back when Microsoft was clearly in over its head. Back when the Xbox was doomed to fade into history as another failed attempt by an inexperienced first party to dominate the console ...
Suskie's avatar
World Heroes Anthology (PlayStation 2)

World Heroes Anthology review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 20, 2008

World Heroes Anthology makes no excuses for itself: its a simple, brutal fighting game optimised for the multiplayer experience. Comparisons between it and the Street Fighter series are inevitable, especially since the latter has released compilation packs of its past titles before. World Heroes Anthology follows the same schema of thinking, featuring all four World Heroes games bundled together onto the same disc for the PS2. Its really good value if you and your friends have gotten bored of button-mashing in other games of the genre, but don't expect WHA to come equipped with the same flair that's found in more polished games.
Melaisis's avatar
de Blob (Wii)

de Blob review (WII)

Reviewed on October 19, 2008

The developers wisely threw in some hazards and puzzles to mix things up a bit, but these don't help nearly as much as they should. Early on, there just aren't enough enemies to challenge you. Even when more of them enter the picture, defeating the various nasties and their machinery drains your paint meter at an alarming rate. Then you have to go refill it before you can fight some more. You're seldom in actual danger, meaning that foes are more inconvenient than they are difficult.
honestgamer's avatar
PDC World Championship Darts 2008 (Xbox 360)

PDC World Championship Darts 2008 review (X360)

Reviewed on October 19, 2008

No one held their breath in anticipation, robbing me of a sense of clichéd drama. Their loss. The 360 version doesn’t really try to innovate or reinvent the original game; it simply builds upon it, gives you a create a character system of note, marries it up to decent career mode and throws the entire thing online.
EmP's avatar

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