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Available Reviews
Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy (PC)

Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy review (PC)

Reviewed on November 11, 2008

Nancy Drew can do everything. This adventure, her 19th game outing, gives her an opportunity to work as a wedding planner, chemist, musician, bartender, astronomer, mathematician, and shepherd. But of course, her most important role is always that of super sleuth. To completely unravel The Haunting of Castle Malloy, Nancy must decipher an intriguing blend of old world folklore and modern scientific mysteries before her friend's wedding is canceled for good!
woodhouse's avatar
Xenogears (PlayStation)

Xenogears review (PSX)

Reviewed on November 11, 2008

And there were plenty of moments like that throughout the game that kept me wanting to keep playing so the countless number of questions I had could be answered. Why did imperial commander Ramsus have a serious grudge against Fei, considering that Fei seemingly has no clue as to who the man is? Why does Citan (the doctor you visit in the game's beginning) seem to know so much about virtually everything? What is the connection between Fei and the ominously threatening Grahf, who constantly preaches the joys of utter destruction?
overdrive's avatar
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (Xbox 360)

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon review (X360)

Reviewed on November 11, 2008

To make matters worse, sometimes you aren't provided with enough information to solve puzzles even when you're looking right at the various components of a given solution. Though each challenge you face is logical and you'll find yourself saying “Aha!” at several points throughout the game, the many situations where you just don't know what to do can be exasperating.
honestgamer's avatar
NBA 2K9 (PlayStation 3)

NBA 2K9 review (PS3)

Reviewed on November 10, 2008

Though you can acquire almost the exact same experience from NBA 2K8, you have to play 2K9 to experience the living rosters (which allows 2K Sports to update your rosters as the sport evolves in real life), full five-on-five multiplayer and updated Association mode. Basketball fans will love how the game changes when every teammate and every opponent is controlled by a real player. Gone are the days of shouting at the screen because the AI screwed up – now you’ll spend these moments shouting at your friends.
louis_bedigian's avatar
Donkey Kong Jr. (NES)

Donkey Kong Jr. review (NES)

Reviewed on November 10, 2008

I remember playing Donkey Kong Jr. as a wee lad, and loving it. Looking back, I must have either really sucked at video games, had a very short term memory, or just been too naive to know any better. Maybe a combination of all three.
zippdementia's avatar
Namco Museum: Virtual Arcade (Xbox 360)

Namco Museum: Virtual Arcade review (X360)

Reviewed on November 10, 2008

Namco truly was at the top of its game when the selections here were originally produced. The result for today's retro gamer is a backlog that includes familiar classics such as Mappy, Pac-Mania, Xevious and Pole Position. Many of those have been offered numerous times in past compilations, so some extra treasures have been added to the mix. Rally-X, King & Balloon, Dragon Buster and The Tower of Druaga are all examples of quality games that you may have heard of but never tried for yourself. Now you can.
honestgamer's avatar
Resistance 2 (PlayStation 3)

Resistance 2 review (PS3)

Reviewed on November 10, 2008

For a while now, I’ve had an itch. One to do unbridled, unprecedented violence in a first-person shooter. Yet, any I found disappointed me. Condemned was choppy, Jericho was bland and Unreal Tournament was redundant. If I was to be sated, I needed something different. I wanted an all-out war, in a game that didn’t force upon me the same re-hashed formulas consistent of first-person shooters.
True's avatar
Elevator Action (NES)

Elevator Action review (NES)

Reviewed on November 09, 2008

I wish I could say I liked Elevator Action. If I did, I wouldn't have to justify replaying the same two levels over and over again. I wouldn't have to justify returning to it like a battered wife after it abuses me thoroughly with broken promises and the lingering smell of cheap perfume. I could move on to more amusing games, like Contra or Iron Tank. But I don't like Elevator Action, and I'm determined to stand up for myself now.
zippdementia's avatar
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War (Xbox 360)

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War review (X360)

Reviewed on November 09, 2008

Some would say it's better to be remembered in death than not remembered at all. That is the motto of the mercenaries — the warriors who didn't give a damn about national pride, the warriors who sacrificed their lives for a one-in-a-million shot at immortality. Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War is their story.
zigfried's avatar
World of Goo (PC)

World of Goo review (PC)

Reviewed on November 09, 2008

In this day and age, marking a game as “casual” is usually a kiss of death, forever putting it into the same genre as non-games like Brain Age, Wii Fit, and Wii Music and killing off any hope of being bought by a core gamer audience. In the eyes of many, casual “games” only sell to two types of people: clueless parents that buy them for their kids, and clueless non-gamers who will buy anything that’s popular. For the longest time, this has been the truth – any game that calls itself casual will ...
timrod's avatar
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands (PC)

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands review (PC)

Reviewed on November 08, 2008

It was somewhere around the middle of Baddest of the Bands that it became obvious the series was almost more sitcom than game. At the time, I was attempting to set a car on fire, so that I could take a picture of it for an album cover which I would use to win a contest to recruit celebrity judges. I needed celebrity judges to hold a benefit concert, raising money to repair my video game console. A worthy cause if ever there was one.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS)

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia review (DS)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is a really good Castlevania game, and among the best games on the DS. 
MrDurandPierre's avatar
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (PC)

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel review (PC)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

This prequel to 2004 Diablo-clone Sacred seems to be suffering from an identity crisis. In attempting to combine in-depth role-playing with hack-and-slash action and odd, self-depreciating humour, Sacred 2 manages to miss the mark in all the key areas, emerging as a horrendously dull and needlessly fiddly release.
Lewis's avatar
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (Xbox 360)

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 review (X360)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

Did it actually happen? That incident after midnight with my Xbox 360? No, it had to be a dream...
dementedhut's avatar
Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle (PSP)

Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle review (PSP)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

It’s amazing how much street-cred the already popular Need For Speed franchise garnered after the addition of car modification heralded by the Underground series (despite then losing the crown to more innovative contenders such as Rockstar’s Midnight Club series). With the ability to pop the hood, tweak the engine, change the paintwork and slap on a number of designer decals, it became very trendy indeed. That, and the bling. Oh, the bling. Finding balance within the modification did not have a ...
Pylon_Trooper's avatar
Lightning Warrior Raidy (PC)

Lightning Warrior Raidy review (PC)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

But if you're expecting an amazing, old-school crawler experience like Wizardry or the more recent Etrian Odyssey like I was, well... This isn't it. Lightning Warrior Raidy is littered with a ton of flaws that make it a hard recommendation for all but the most desperate of dungeon crawler fans.
espiga's avatar
Tak and the Guardians of Gross (Wii)

Tak and the Guardians of Gross review (WII)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

It’s charming for younger gamers, but not really worth more than a rental thanks to its brevity.
Ness's avatar
Pitfall: The Big Adventure (Wii)

Pitfall: The Big Adventure review (WII)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

You'll probably want to pass if you’ve already played the original game.
Ness's avatar
7 Sins (PlayStation 2)

7 Sins review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 06, 2008

7 Sins too many.
EmP's avatar
The Sims 2: Apartment Life (PC)

The Sims 2: Apartment Life review (PC)

Reviewed on November 05, 2008

Once you're happily—or unhappily, if art imitates life—dwelling within your humble abode, the differences don't necessarily stop. If you've moved into someone's apartment, they're not going to look kindly on you knocking down walls or making major renovations, so put such thoughts out of your head. Instead, you can focus on the usual things that have for so long been a staple of the series: interior decorating.
honestgamer's avatar

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