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Available Reviews
The Fifth Element (PlayStation)

The Fifth Element review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

Unbelievable!! Kill cops and aliens (lots), fall off ledges (lots), hear opera music and see Zorg again (a tiny bit).
threetimes's avatar
Armored Core 4 (Xbox 360)

Armored Core 4 review (X360)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

I have never played any other Armored Core game, including the Armored core 4 Playstation 3 version, so none of this review is biased whatsoever. To the review!
G_Dub's avatar
Top Gun: Combat Zones (GameCube)

Top Gun: Combat Zones review (GCN)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

Top Gun: Combat Zones is the only flight sim I know of for the Gamecube, and maybe the only one, but I'm not sure. What I am sure of is my review of this game, and that it will help you decide whether or not you'd like to buy, rent, or just play the game. Read on.
G_Dub's avatar
SSX On Tour (GameCube)

SSX On Tour review (GCN)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

This last last gen installment of EA’s popular snowboarding franchise, SSX, is without a doubt the least appreciated, and most underrated game in the series. It’s definitely not without its flaws, but it seems too choked out by its predecessors, and nobody seemed to pick up on its bold new style of snowboarding.
G_Dub's avatar
Image Fight (Arcade)

Image Fight review (ARC)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

Used to be a time when shooters graced the arcades, and companies like Irem sat at the top of their craft, producing one solid space-faring saga after another. You don’t have to look beyond their beloved R-Type series to see what I mean. That was a franchise built out of love, yet conveyed with loathing. Methodical, precise, difficult – the series still conjures memories of challenging episodes and unmitigated ardor. But perhaps you’d be surprised to learn that Irem didn’t limit itself to just one grueling shooter franchise. Turns out that there was another. And people have always hated it.
Felix_Arabia's avatar
Image Fight (NES)

Image Fight review (NES)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

Image Fight on the NES is absolutely horrible. Or at least that’s what you’re going to believe. This review won’t convince you otherwise. It’s not that my writing won’t move you to think the opposite, but the screenshots will strive to keep you in the dark. The pictures tell the real story, not the words. Please don’t like this game.
Felix_Arabia's avatar
Image Fight (TurboGrafx-16)

Image Fight review (TG16)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

More than two years after its initial release, Image Fight stood defiant on the PC Engine as one of the finest shooters the system had to offer. It had graced the arcades, sold its soul to the devil to appear on the NES, and even graced the likes of a couple of obscure Japanese computers. But now it was on the PC Engine where it deserved to be. A hardcore shooter on a system known for its hardcore shooters. This is how things should have been from the start.
Felix_Arabia's avatar
Dear Esther (PC)

Dear Esther review (PC)

Reviewed on February 08, 2009

Dear Esther doesn't function like most of its peers, so applying the relatively rigid structure of traditional games criticism doesn't quite work. Attempting to do so would only lead to futile conclusions like 'too easy', 'too short' and 'too ugly', none of which are remotely relevant to the quality of this whimsical creation. Dear Esther feels more like an art-house film, or the mental picture conjured up by a good poem. And I want you to understand that this is something I'd love for everyone to try out.
Lewis's avatar
Freestyle Metal X (PlayStation 2)

Freestyle Metal X review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 07, 2009

Freestyle Metal X or (FMX) as I will be referring to it as later, was quite a pleasant surprise purchase for me. After picking it up in the local bargain bin, and not expecting much out of it, I can definitely say that FMX is a hidden gem of a dirtbiking game. Operating much like the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series in a dirt bike fashion, FMX brings the solid dirt bike gameplay of racing, jumping, tricking, and listening to rock soundtracks to all of last generation’s systems.
G_Dub's avatar
Ultimate Board Game Collection (PlayStation 2)

Ultimate Board Game Collection review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 07, 2009

Looking for a great collection of classic board games? Want a quick way to play your favorite classics, but don’t wanna spend money buying all the real sets? Want to play board games but without all the real mess? Well if you said yes to any of those questions, you’ll definitely want to check out this game, and continue reading my review.
G_Dub's avatar
Twisted Metal: Head On - Extra Twisted Edition (PlayStation 2)

Twisted Metal: Head On - Extra Twisted Edition review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 07, 2009

It sure is great to see a return to the Twisted Metal franchise on the PS2. Twisted Metal Black was the only other Twisted Metal game for the system, and as it did so well it was quite odd that we hadn’t seen another game sooner. But better late than never, and Twisted Metal Head On: Extra Twisted Edition goes that extra mile to make fans happy, and make that wait more than worthwhile.
G_Dub's avatar
Smuggler's Run (PlayStation 2)

Smuggler's Run review (PS2)

Reviewed on February 07, 2009

Wow, in writing this review, I feel a load coming off my chest. I’ve finally released the loathe and love I have built up for this game over the past few days by spreading the word on how I feel about it. In your time playing (hopefully this review convinces you otherwise though) Smuggler’s Run you will like the game, love it, loathe it, and want to throw the controller right through your TV screen. Yup, all of those emotions in just a few short hours. Let’s break the game apart shall we?
G_Dub's avatar
Rygar: The Battle of Argus (Wii)

Rygar: The Battle of Argus review (WII)

Reviewed on February 07, 2009

Rygar inhabits a three-dimensional world. However, you'll be forced to deal with fixed angles. As you roam down a hallway and the map indicates that there are doors on either side, you'll need to guess at their precise location. Even in the very first stage, this results in confusion. You'll have to constantly compare Rygar's position on-screen with the little mini map in the corner, since a ledge that you need to jump and grab is more likely to blend in with the background than not. Perhaps it'll even be completely out of sight.
honestgamer's avatar
Low G Man (NES)

Low G Man review (NES)

Reviewed on February 06, 2009

One minute, you'll be fighting robotic enemies; the next, it'll be little flying gargoyles coming at you. You'll find yourself diving to the depths of an ocean to set up a jaunt through an alien-infested submarine in the second level; meanwhile the fourth level begins with a jaunt up a tower leading to a fight with a teleporting boss in an oddly psychedelic room and ends with a short trip through an alien mothership.
overdrive's avatar
Hotel Giant 2 (PC)

Hotel Giant 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on February 06, 2009

If you can deal with the fact that every single one of your guests is going to be an utter ball-ache to deal with, Hotel Giant 2 becomes predictably addictive, and it's easy to lose hours on end fine-tuning all sorts of little details in order to watch your profit margin increase painfully slowly. But then, this is more praise of the genre as a whole than of this example of it. The length of time it takes to complete each of the campaign sections also totally destroys the sense of reward upon finishing one. You can skip weeks on end if you like, but it can still take hours upon hours of real time to make much progress - particularly early on, when the woefully inept tutorial fails to teach you even the basics of how the game actually works.
Lewis's avatar
Assassin's Creed (PlayStation 3)

Assassin's Creed review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 04, 2009

The idiot guards conspire to make one point very clear: Assassin’s Creed is a game set amongst a flock of intolerable dumbness.
EmP's avatar
Shadow Madness (PlayStation)

Shadow Madness review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 02, 2009

Read this game now!
threetimes's avatar
Super Fantasy Zone (Genesis)

Super Fantasy Zone review (GEN)

Reviewed on February 01, 2009

Despite being average at its core, Super Fantasy Zone certainly possesses a unique charm and pleasant aesthetics. Taking a similar structure as its predecessor, Super Fantasy Zone combines the cartoonish buoyancy of any 16-bit platform game and the fast-paced action of any other 16-bit shooter to create a creative blend of style and substance.
goldenvortex's avatar
Dragon Knight (X68000)

Dragon Knight review (X68K)

Reviewed on February 01, 2009

Dragon Knight's success propelled development house Elf to the heights of respect, insofar as a company that produces hentai video games could possibly be respected. Due in large part to the success of Dragon Knight, a significant portion of their catalog was ported to the PC Engine and Sega Saturn, able to be enjoyed by the impressionable children of unsuspecting parents.
zigfried's avatar
Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure (PC)

Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure review (PC)

Reviewed on February 01, 2009

The planet of Twinsun.
darketernal's avatar

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