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Available Reviews
Zork: The Great Underground Empire (Apple II)

Zork: The Great Underground Empire review (APP2)

Reviewed on April 15, 2009

One of the first computer game series ever starts in front of a white house. You need to discover twenty treasures and find the passage to the sequel, Zork II. There's not a ton of plot, but you'll have to deal with two odd mazes, a lantern that dims as the game goes on(once it goes out, you may be stuck by grues--who engendered the word gruesome, of course--that roam in the darkness,) two opponents, a nasty river and even some undead spirits. There's enough of an assortment of items, from th...
aschultz's avatar
Jawbreaker (Apple II)

Jawbreaker review (APP2)

Reviewed on April 15, 2009

When I was a kid, I liked playing with a calculator. I had enormous fun finding out that 1/9 was .111 repeating. Then I got brave and found that 1/7 was, in fact, .142857 repeating. Which I made sure of it several times. One crazy day I tried 1/17. It took several long minutes of grueling long division, souring me on calculators. But then I discovered video games, which were even more fun than typing in 773440 on an LCD calculator. As much as I loved arcade games, though, some were mean. Even th...
aschultz's avatar
Panzer Dragoon (Saturn)

Panzer Dragoon review (SAT)

Reviewed on April 12, 2009

I'm going to throw you back in time for a few minutes, when the Sega Saturn performed a sneak attack launch on North America. Pretend that you just bought the console, and you've played the hell out of the pack-in game, Virtua Fighter. Of course, playing one fighting game over and over again eventually becomes repetitive, so you go out to buy another Saturn title to invest your time in. What are your choices? Well, there's a port of a racing game that you've played a million times in the arcade,...
dementedhut's avatar
The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (PlayStation 2)

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match review (PS2)

Reviewed on April 12, 2009

It'd be easy to declare Ultimate Match a success based on the slick control, absurdly huge roster, energetic visuals, and sweet dual soundtracks. But the thing that truly makes Ultimate Match stand out is SNK Playmore's understanding of fighting game players.
zigfried's avatar
Kingdom of Loathing (PC)

Kingdom of Loathing review (PC)

Reviewed on April 11, 2009

Welcome to the Kingdom of Loathing, a magical land of scintillating wit where the people are stick figures and the legal tender is meat. That’s right, meat.
Cornwell's avatar
Challenge Me: Math Workout (DS)

Challenge Me: Math Workout review (DS)

Reviewed on April 11, 2009

If you’re one of those odd people who think these things are great, then here you’ll find a game simply not having enough options to place it above the hordes of other games that insist number crunching is a super way to pass your time.
EmP's avatar
Samurai Shodown Anthology (PSP)

Samurai Shodown Anthology review (PSP)

Reviewed on April 11, 2009

Samurai Shodown is what Soul Calibur would be if it played in 2D and hated you more.
EmP's avatar
Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii)

Sonic and the Black Knight review (WII)

Reviewed on April 10, 2009

One thing I was pleased to find is that even though you can unlock familiar characters with their own styles of play, it's quite possible to speed through the whole game as Sonic. There are no more stops by fishing holes to find Froggie, no blind leaps as a heavy robot. Even when you're searching for hidden fairies, you're doing so with an emphasis on speed. Sonic and the Black Knight has the length to match and exceed nearly any Sonic the Hedgehog game you'd care to name and it does so with very little in the way of filler.
honestgamer's avatar
The Great Waldo Search (NES)

The Great Waldo Search review (NES)

Reviewed on April 10, 2009

I understand the NES wasn't the most powerful system out there, but only five puzzles? Give me a break! A game of The Great Waldo Search is destined to end in mere minutes because there's so little to do. And after that? Well, you could play again on the exact same screens looking for the exact same things in different locations. Perhaps you could try the "expert" difficulty where the only noticeable different is that you can't collect clocks to give yourself more time on ANY of the puzzles. Or you can follow my lead and vow NEVER to play this horrible excuse for entertainment again.
overdrive's avatar
Galaxian (Apple II)

Galaxian review (APP2)

Reviewed on April 08, 2009

It's hard to imagine an arcade game I hate more than Galaxian. In fact, after completing a couple of levels on an arcade machine(free, no less,) I walked away out of exasperation. The Apple version, however, is patently different. It's faster and more intense, and the aliens swoop maniacally at you. So Galaxian feels more like Galaga than its arcade namesake, though without the memorable bonus rounds. You feel it shouldn't be hard and can vacillate between "this is easy" and "oh no, going to die...
aschultz's avatar
Hammerin' Hero (PSP)

Hammerin' Hero review (PSP)

Reviewed on April 07, 2009

As proven by their cult classic Gekisha Boy, Irem knows how to make an amusing action game. The artwork is presented in a cartoony, colorful style sure to attract the bright eyes of children and nostalgic adults. The wide PSP screen is put to excellent use, providing plenty of room to maneuver while admiring the elaborate boss's antics.
zigfried's avatar
Crazy Machines: Complete (PC)

Crazy Machines: Complete review (PC)

Reviewed on April 07, 2009

More than a year's passed since its sequel, meaning all that's really relevant now is the price. For £20, you get the original game, a training pack and an adequate yet uninspiring expansion. These days, you can get Crazy Machines 2 for a tenner in most places. Something does not compute.
Lewis's avatar
Champions of Krynn (PC)

Champions of Krynn review (PC)

Reviewed on April 07, 2009

The AD&D Gold Box games never evolved terribly much, but on the other hand, they never did anything too wrong, either. And though the Krynn series moved to a different continent, you really have more of the same. You have a new race and moon phase-dependent magic classes, and some new monster names and character classes. There's a tricky end series it's hard to turn back from, but all in all it's a comfortably little game you should be confident you can plug-and-chug through. It's great to feel ...
aschultz's avatar
Gamma Goblins (Apple II)

Gamma Goblins review (APP2)

Reviewed on April 07, 2009

So many early Apple games copied arcade games that weren't much good, and I am sorry to that Gamma Goblins is not a successfully entertaining port of Astro Blaster. It almost makes it, though. The idea is straightforward and sensible, with waves of different monsters coming down in formation. But you have too many random scenarios where you can be trapped into losing a life. Having seven lives does not mitigate this, though the game has a nice ending scene after you go through four iterations of...
aschultz's avatar
Taxman (Apple II)

Taxman review (APP2)

Reviewed on April 06, 2009

Pac-Man, in a sense, has lasted beyond just its name. You have the occasional conversion to 3-d bearing the name proper, but you also have a lot of games where the object is to find everything. The fun of avoiding four palette-swapped meanies never really dies, and in fact many people made a different game on the various Pac-Man rip-offs just by speeding up and slowing down monsters, or giving them a different starting pattern. Such games deserved to be, and were, pirated, but at no great gain t...
aschultz's avatar
Space Invaders Extreme 2 (DS)

Space Invaders Extreme 2 review (DS)

Reviewed on April 06, 2009

They’re back. They never really left, though. The Space Invaders still haven’t given up attempts to wipe out the human race. It’s been decades since the war started, and it was almost finished in Space Invaders Extreme. Not happy ending, but a bitter, brutal one. Those little bastards really upped the ante that time; they descended to Earth like a swarm of pixilated locusts, spewing laser death and bullet showers upon the helpless population. They were organized, efficient, and far deadli...
disco's avatar
Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Xbox 360)

Star Ocean: The Last Hope review (X360)

Reviewed on April 06, 2009

Star Ocean: The Last Hope is the type of game that can have you reaching to play it again even though you just beat it a half-hour before, just for the opportunity to rough up some more monsters. The number of RPGs that have that kind of instant gratification is extremely limited, a true testament to the kind of fun you can have only with the likes of Star Ocean: The Last Hope.
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Geneforge 5: Overthrow (PC)

Geneforge 5: Overthrow review (PC)

Reviewed on April 06, 2009

Overthrow is the final instalment in the Geneforge saga, which has delivered an average of almost a game a year since its inception in 2002. While the gaming world has radically changed during this time, Geneforge's internal climate has remained consistent. It's still isometric and visually primitive - though the presentation in Overthrow is vastly improved - but such matters lay outside Spiderweb's focus. This is about interactive, non-linear storytelling of the finest quality. And while its approach may be somewhat familiar to those who obsessed for weeks over the likes of Planescape: Torment, it's hugely refreshing to play something with a similar feel all these years on.
Lewis's avatar
F1 Challenge (Saturn)

F1 Challenge review (SAT)

Reviewed on April 06, 2009

For those who enjoyed Daytona USA and Championship Circuit Edition, and are looking for something similar, F1 Challenge should provide... a nice alternative.
dementedhut's avatar
Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars (Wii)

Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars review (WII)

Reviewed on April 05, 2009

It’s kooky and competent, making exploring the well realised settings enjoyable and, though Pax doesn’t bring anything new to the plate, he’s still a fun addition to anyone‘s library.
EmP's avatar

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