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Available Reviews
Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament (PSP)

Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament review (PSP)

Reviewed on July 06, 2009

Probably the best moment came after Venus had lost her precious pendant. When I offered to steal her a new one, she launched into a tearful backstory explaining that it was the last remaining memento of her dead mother. My response? I nodded sagely and asked Venus what her measurements were.
zippdementia's avatar
FIFA Soccer 09 (Xbox 360)

FIFA Soccer 09 review (X360)

Reviewed on July 06, 2009

For me, FIFA '09 is a multiplayer game. One so aggressively combative it's become a potential friendship breaker.
EmP's avatar
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (PlayStation 3)

BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 05, 2009

Ragna the Bloodedge has a problem. He’s just arrived in town, but they’re already after him. Everyone. Soldiers, vigilantes, and even a few heroes. You can’t really blame them, though. When you’re systematically wiping out the government - especially a dictatorship as corrupt as the Librarium - things aren’t going to be easy. Considering how much destruction and death he’s caused, it’s no wonder there’s such a huge bounty on him. He can handle the stares and terrified gasps from the common folk,...
disco's avatar
Overlord II (PlayStation 3)

Overlord II review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 05, 2009

Pastoral scenes and even the menacing fairytale forest are gone, replaced by environs that seem to have been drawn with no discernible rhyme or reason from a hat labeled "whatever was left." The icy village that you once called your home is improbably bordered by a tiny cave that leads almost immediately to a lush forest populated by elves who preach peace and love for all creatures. In effeminate voices they protest your vile actions (which literally include sending your minions forth to club baby seals) as you break apart pots and vases and swing the camera around wildly in an effort to see through thick foliage presented as an assortment of paper-thin textures.
honestgamer's avatar
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PlayStation 3)

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 04, 2009

It can be a bit much to take in all at once, but Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood delights in telling its twisted tale in an unconventional and sometimes surprising fashion. The next likely event is seldom clear as the player careens wildly from one volatile shootout to another, never far from disaster and a few profanity-laced one-liners. You might not always understand what just happened, but that's okay; the only details you really have to keep in mind to stay on top of things is that you're one of two treasure-seeking brothers and that your job is to shoot the crap out of anything that moves.
honestgamer's avatar
The Warriors (PlayStation 2)

The Warriors review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 03, 2009

As in the movie, they're a fictional gang, hoodlumming it up and down 1979 Coney Isle. The Warriors and a hundred other gangs are invited to a "no guns" meeting held by a very charismatic cat named Cyrus, whose noble dream is to unite the gangs and violently take over every aspect of the New York City underworld. Unfortunately, a psychotic misfit from the Rogues takes advantage of this opportunity to plug Cyrus in the chest, making the peaceful meeting decidedly less peaceful. For shame!
zigfried's avatar
Power Soukoban (SNES)

Power Soukoban review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 03, 2009

Soukoban, though ported to many platforms, is really a better AI problem or programming exercise than a game. It's simple: push boxes in warehouse onto target squares, no diagonal moves please. For full game, repeat two hundred levels, expanding floor and number of boxes. Unfortunately, its faults are as simple: for nontrivial levels, the a-ha moment pales by the drudge work ahead. Ports that rehash levels with jazzier graphics or let you undo moves can't fully hide this. Power Soukoban t...
aschultz's avatar
Knytt Stories (PC)

Knytt Stories review (PC)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

Knytt Stories is a little hard to define because it's not technically a game. In actuality, it's a custom made level editor built by freeware genius Nifflas, the guy behind Within a Deep Forest and the original Knytt. He then used that level editor to build a simple story about a girl named Juni, prefacing it with the following:
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Metroid Fusion (Game Boy Advance)

Metroid Fusion review (GBA)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

Ambivalent as I am about Metroid Fusion, Nintendo deserves credit for putting in something fresh. Designing the same old confusing labyrinths filled with hostile wildlife without changing a thing would have been a mistake, and even as the first new entry in the series for almost a decade, the game would have been an enjoyable letdown if it was just a retread. If all you want to do is emulate the Super Nintendo game, there are programs for that.
mardraum's avatar
Bujingai: The Forsaken City (PlayStation 2)

Bujingai: The Forsaken City review (PS2)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

Bujingai is about Gackt, the androgynous Japanese pop star. But since this is a pre-Guitar Hero-era game, musician was not yet thought to be a viable game role, so instead you play as Gackt, the androgynous, immortal Chinese sword master. He has a different name in the game, but why bother with the pretense? This is Gackt merchandise, an arbitrary cash-in on his popularity in Japan. Some misguided individual in publishing must have been blown away by all the fancy, dancing swordpla...
radicaldreamer's avatar
Esper Dream (Famicom Disk System)

Esper Dream review (FDS)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

Esper Dream is a top-down RPG almost as captivating as someone blabbering about last night's dream thinks he is, until it inexplicably tries to get gritty. You play an Esper, a child who can enter the books he reads. Apparently you're a prolific reader, as your quest for the vanished mayor's daughter spans five different worlds. The starting town, which connects to them via grey houses, offers the usual cryptic hints about special items and shops with unaffordable arms. It is conventional...
aschultz's avatar
LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3)

LittleBigPlanet review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

LittleBigPlanet’s appearance and demeanor, right down to its voiceover narration by Stephen Fry, are so friendly and inviting that you’d half expect the game to be a product of Pixar itself. The levels, seemingly constructed out of found materials and building blocks, look as though they’re set in the confines of a toy box, and the quirky, episodic nature of the plots accompanying them give the impression that the adventure is unfolding within a child’s imagination. It’s only appropriate ...
Suskie's avatar
Chrono Cross (PlayStation)

Chrono Cross review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

Once upon a time, a goblin appeared in my home and told me if I did not unlock all of Chrono Cross' numerous endings via hours and hours of awful gameplay, he would infect me with AIDS. I suffered neither fate. Because goblins do not exist.
Pyro's avatar
Lutter (Famicom Disk System)

Lutter review (FDS)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

For those of us disappointed we're at the end of the road with obscure NES titles to discover and love, Famicom Disk System games like Lutter give us one more chance to discover something new. Lutter features basic RPG, maze and puzzle elements without dedicating itself too much to any genre or bogging itself down in controls: combat is repeated collision, the A button chooses puzzle items, and B allows for save-game or surrender. It's not especially difficult, but it's hardly stupid. And...
aschultz's avatar
Crazy Machines 2 Complete (PC)

Crazy Machines 2 Complete review (PC)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

It’s an interest thing, really. If the idea of gizmos and pulleys and gears has you grinning like a loon, or even if you want to tread a puzzle path not often explored, then this is a great package to pick up.
EmP's avatar
Sam & Max Save the World (Xbox 360)

Sam & Max Save the World review (X360)

Reviewed on July 01, 2009

Kai193's avatar
We Cheer (Wii)

We Cheer review (WII)

Reviewed on June 30, 2009

At the moment the mechanics finally clicked, We Cheer transformed into an invigorating challenge. I started hustling out a succession of complex, varied swirls. I had to exaggerate my direction, reaching all the way to the ceiling and down to the floor. It even felt better to add a little wrist snap to the end of my poses, just for some extra flair. The perpetual motion is a reminder that cheering takes 110%.
woodhouse's avatar
BioShock (PlayStation 3)

BioShock review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 30, 2009

First off, before I even begin this review, I want you to go into your game settings and select the “turn off Vita-chambers” option, also known as the “make game not broken” option. I’m serious. If you own a PS3 you’ve been given this great gift so don’t waste it. Vita-chambers are the worst idea to hit a first person shooter since X-Box live. The ability to respawn immediately after death with full life at first glance seems like a decent way to keep the flow of a game going, much in the sa...
zippdementia's avatar
X-Men (NES)

X-Men review (NES)

Reviewed on June 30, 2009

I’ve read a number of reviews for X-Men for the NES, and I don’t get why everyone hates the game. Oh sure, some of the same complaints come up time and again and I can take some hints from that. Things like the terrible graphics, the poor controls, and the fact that LJN was behind the production. But what people fail to realize is that the problem is not with the game... it’s with them. They somehow think this is a game about an elite fighting force of mutants with incredible special ...
zippdementia's avatar
The Last Guy (PlayStation 3)

The Last Guy review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 30, 2009

Namaste. "The Last Guy" is, according to the commercial, made by Hindustan Electronics Limited, and is without a doubt the greatest game ever made. Number 1! How could it not be, with the development team praying in turns to the house god of infinite prosperity, their mascot running free in the office churning out fresh goat- milk, and very delicious curry- dishes are served regularly to keep up the morals. Also, the main programmer is the number one mathematician in the Himalays (by statistics)...
fleinn's avatar

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