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Available Reviews
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Wheelie Breakers (Wii)

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Wheelie Breakers review (WII)

Reviewed on September 21, 2009

The first thing you should know about Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Wheelie Breakers is that it’s a battle game first and a racing game second. This means that, despite the racing-infused screenshots, the emphasis isn’t placed on the racing mechanics. Rather, Wheelie Breakers places all of its emphasis on the duels that occur between you and other competitors. The fact that the action unfolds on a racetrack is practically a coincidence.
louis_bedigian's avatar
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP)

Dissidia: Final Fantasy review (PSP)

Reviewed on September 21, 2009

While chatting with one of my friends over sushi, I described Dissidia: Final Fantasy as "Virtual On with Final Fantasy characters". He gave me a puzzled look; far too many people missed out on Sega's one-on-one mech combat masterpiece. Perhaps an Armored Core comparison — 3D arena battles with extensive character customization — would have been more appropriate, but I didn't think of that until later.
zigfried's avatar
Zuma’s Revenge! (PC)

Zuma’s Revenge! review (PC)

Reviewed on September 20, 2009

Zuma's Revenge is fun, addictive and hard to put down.
blood-omen's avatar
Guitar Hero 5 (PlayStation 3)

Guitar Hero 5 review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 20, 2009

Unless you're the sort that isn't happy with anything but indie music, Guitar Hero 5 probably has more than a few selections that will appeal to your inner rock star. Some of the bands appearing here are new arrivals and some aren't, yet the songs included feel so perfect that I could scarcely believe they hadn't already been claimed by previous installments in the series.
honestgamer's avatar
Bureaucracy (Apple II)

Bureaucracy review (APP2)

Reviewed on September 18, 2009

Douglas Adams's name is not featured prominently in the packaging for Infocom's text adventure, Bureaucracy. He got distracted from it by the Dirk Gently books, and eventually the game got written by committee. The result was a game that showed the downside of corporate muddling the wrong way--an extended whine where puzzles rely too heavily on the defeatist "whatever can go wrong, will" maxim. It features the sort of jokes you laugh at if they are buffers for more sophisticated jo...
aschultz's avatar
Wolfenstein (PlayStation 3)

Wolfenstein review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 18, 2009

The missions, at least, are fun. Many are punctuated by well-scripted action sequences involving explosions, otherworldly encounters, and Nazi secret experiments. The levels and enemies are extremely varied and the sheer number of things in the environment that can go flying or be smashed during a gunfight is quite satisfying. Still, I never really got over my disappointment that the game didn’t live up to the established atmosphere. At the start it had me feeling like an actual undercover agent with enemies all around me. Despite early promises, it turned out to be “just another shooter,” albeit a very polished one.
zippdementia's avatar
Wild Arms (PlayStation)

Wild Arms review (PSX)

Reviewed on September 17, 2009

You'll be expected to use those tools (and your wits) to make it through the many obstacles these ruins hold. Shortly after Cecilia gets a wand allowing her to converse with animals, you'll be locked in a dungeon room with the only way out being to talk to the scary looking wolf that's materialized next to you and follow it along a convoluted path. Distant switches can be manipulated by Jack's pet rodent, Hanpan, while Rudy's bombs come in useful from the moment you're introduced to him until you've reached the final bosses.
overdrive's avatar
Mega Bomberman (Genesis)

Mega Bomberman review (GEN)

Reviewed on September 17, 2009

No game has portrayed bombs in a more novel fashion than Hudson’s Bomberman series. The balls on dynamite haven’t done any favours to my mental perception of a bomb, and they certainly don’t just send a blast in a four directions. The games have hardly been famous for epic saga’s; the original NES version featured Bomberman growing tired of making bombs in a factory and attempts to become human. This time the evil forces of Bagular have invaded and destroyed the five coins that unify the ...
bigcj34's avatar
Section 8 (Xbox 360)

Section 8 review (X360)

Reviewed on September 16, 2009

Fortunately, multi-player matches go a long way toward redeeming the game. Maps might have been a disaster when you were wandering across them to satisfy a few repetitive objectives and to catch another glimpse of Corde looking like he bit into a toxic lemon, but when you're exploring that same region and you know that an intelligent player could lie in wait around every corner, barren landscapes and labyrinthine military complexes suddenly take on a life you never would have imagined that they could possess.
honestgamer's avatar
WipeOut HD (PlayStation 3)

WipeOut HD review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 16, 2009

fleinn's avatar
The Sims 3 (PC)

The Sims 3 review (PC)

Reviewed on September 14, 2009

The Sims 3 is the third incarnation of The Sims franchise and by far the best the series has to offer.
blood-omen's avatar
Scribblenauts (DS)

Scribblenauts review (DS)

Reviewed on September 13, 2009

There’s a cat stuck on the roof. It’s been there for hours, yowling its lungs out. It’s almost as annoying as its owner, a young girl who’s too lazy to get it herself. That’s why Maxwell is here; he‘s a problem solver, and it‘s your job to supply him with whatever he needs. It’s not really a question of if you’ll get little thing down, but how. You could always get a ladder and end it quickly. Perhaps you could tempt it down with some catnip. Or a mouse, for that matter. They’re obvious, ...
disco's avatar
Defense Grid: The Awakening (Xbox 360)

Defense Grid: The Awakening review (X360)

Reviewed on September 13, 2009

The Defense Grid allows the player to create defensive structures called towers that come in several types. You’ll start off with the basic, cost effective gun turrets and area-of-effect flamethrower towers. Different types of towers become available as you progress through the game’s 20 distinct levels, and are usually necessary for successfully fending off alien hordes.
Ness's avatar
Final Fantasy V Advance (Game Boy Advance)

Final Fantasy V Advance review (GBA)

Reviewed on September 13, 2009

You might say it's the black-sheep of the SNES Final Fantasy games; sandwiched between two notably story-driven entries, Final Fantasy V doesn't have a memorable lead akin to Cecil of IV or Terra of VI. Furthermore, you'll accumulate only four constant party members, a paltry figure compared to the twelve and fourteen of the aforementioned games. Modest in comparison, but it doesn't stifle this whimsical tale of world-saving adventuring.
PAJ89's avatar
Fate/stay night (PC)

Fate/stay night review (PC)

Reviewed on September 12, 2009

I am the bone of my sword.
whatev's avatar
The Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox 360)

The Beatles: Rock Band review (X360)

Reviewed on September 12, 2009

People will no doubt complain about omissions, but the songs on the set list are the ones that best suit Harmonix’s vision for The Beatles: Rock Band. Not only do the forty five tracks capture the band at various stages of their career, but they also serve as a reminder of how special The Beatles were as a group, with entertaining and varied note charts for each instrument. The Beatles: Rock Band is not really about being a guitar hero or a drumming virtuoso because The Beatles weren’t guitar heroes or drumming virtuosos.
JANUS2's avatar
Defense Grid: The Awakening (Xbox 360)

Defense Grid: The Awakening review (X360)

Reviewed on September 11, 2009

OPENING SHOT: This is a tower defense game for Xbox Live Arcade where aliens have come back to the planet and you fight them off alongside the computer AI that waxes romantic about...raspberries. Yes, raspberries. Apparently the AI loves him some raspberries, and will tell you all about it as the game progresses. Putting that aside for the moment, the computer AI has 24 "cores" which it relies on to stay powered up. You place different types of turrets in the way of the aliens to take them ...
ManOWarr's avatar
Hearts of Iron III (PC)

Hearts of Iron III review (PC)

Reviewed on September 11, 2009

A Grand Strategy game, for those readers who have no idea what it is, is a game that simulates everything. Gameplay is conducted at the national level, in contrast to more a conventional game like Company of Heroes which takes place at the battalion level. Rather than commanding soldiers and vehicles on the battlefield, the player has at his disposal the resources and manpower of an entire nation.
WilltheGreat's avatar
A Mind Forever Voyaging (Apple II)

A Mind Forever Voyaging review (APP2)

Reviewed on September 11, 2009

I don't believe A Mind Forever Voyaging is more profound than the emotionally apolitical Trinity or even the wildly clever Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but it's another successful text-adventure experiment from Infocom. It features you as PRISM aka Perry Simm, a computer built to simulate human experience in the future. It is another example of an Infocom game doing what a book would like to do but cannot, and here it creates an interactive dystopia with social comment...
aschultz's avatar
Mytran Wars (PSP)

Mytran Wars review (PSP)

Reviewed on September 10, 2009

I’m not against the concept of a tactical mech game. In fact, I’m a big fan of the concept. Mixing the joys of customizable characters with the fun and elongated strategy of a table-top tactical setting... what’s there not to love? But Mytran Wars is such a game in appearance only. The tactics of the war zone are boiled down to the guiding principles of a gang rape and the high cost of mech customization makes you have to repeat the same missions over and over again to collect EXP.
zippdementia's avatar

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