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Available Reviews
Warhawk (PlayStation)

Warhawk review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 06, 2009

I’ll lay it down upfront: I did not like Warhawk. From the sometimes indecipherable graphics to the unwieldy controls, every part of my aesthetic was offended.
zippdementia's avatar
Demon's Souls (PlayStation 3)

Demon's Souls review (PS3)

Reviewed on October 05, 2009

Some other challenging RPGs are enjoyable, sure, but they're a different sort of affair. They're tough because you haven't prepared yourself sufficiently or because there's an unavoidable attack that will always drain away most of your life. In stark contrast, Demon's Souls is tough because everything is completely fair, because every disaster is technically avoidable and because every enemy can kick your ass if you let your mind wander.
honestgamer's avatar
Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360)

Halo 3: ODST review (X360)

Reviewed on October 05, 2009

If you own Halo 3, and want to get Halo 3: ODST just for the multiplayer, then I highly advise you to pass; the multiplayer in this release is literally the multiplayer from Halo 3, with the only legit difference being the inclusion of three new maps. That's it. Your stats, achievements, appearance, and every other setting you made carries over to the new disc. So, really, all the weight is on the new Campaign and Firefight modes.
dementedhut's avatar
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (PSP)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona review (PSP)

Reviewed on October 04, 2009

You know, Shin Megami Tensei fans have had it pretty good lately. The demon-centric RPG series has seen more than half a dozen stateside releases in the last few years alone, and the breakthrough success of Persona 3 and 4 has finally earned this once niche series a spot in gamers' collective consciousness. What better way to capitalize on that than by crafting a revamped reissue of the original Persona to give newer fans a look back at the series' origins? Despite this revival's smattering of...
Daisuke02's avatar
Katamari Forever (PlayStation 3)

Katamari Forever review (PS3)

Reviewed on October 03, 2009

The King of All Cosmos has amnesia. Despite all his power, getting hit by a passing meteor was enough to take him down. Now that he’s out of the picture, there’s no one left to manage the Cosmos. You’d think the Prince and the rest of the royal family would be able to step up, but it’s kind of hard to replace one of the most flamboyant and over-the-top characters in recent memory. Instead, they create the RoboKing, a giant mecha capable of doing everything the King could do…without the style, of...
disco's avatar
Supreme Ruler 2020 GOLD (PC)

Supreme Ruler 2020 GOLD review (PC)

Reviewed on October 03, 2009

Supreme Ruler is a decent game, so long as you can get your head around it. Old school, die-hard management fans may really get to grips with this title, but most of us will be left out in the cold.
Melaisis's avatar
Space Channel 5: Special Edition (PlayStation 2)

Space Channel 5: Special Edition review (PS2)

Reviewed on October 02, 2009

Visually and musically, Space Channel 5 for the Dreamcast was an experience. However, as a rhythmic video game, it fell flat on its face. I'm not talking about the Simon Says gameplay, where you copy the dance moves your opponent does, no, I'm talking about actually trying to play the game. Unlike many rhythm games that give you on-screen indicators, telling you when to press certain buttons, SC5 rarely does that. You're left with having to time when to press specific buttons based entirely on w...
dementedhut's avatar
The Orange Box (Xbox 360)

The Orange Box review (X360)

Reviewed on October 01, 2009

Every home lining the barren coast of City 17 tells a different story, and none of them end well. The first is barricaded from the inside, presumably thanks to the ruthless Combine if we can rule out social anxiety disorder. Too bad for its residents that their foes thought to cram the original Half-Life's headcrabs into artillery shells and use them as biological weapons. Turning pesky naysayers into braindead drones with gaping maws where their chests should be, that'll learn 'em. Muffl...
Cornwell's avatar
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels (Wii)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels review (WII)

Reviewed on October 01, 2009

When the Nintendo Wii first launched in 2006, conversations sparked among gamers of what titles could be made using the system’s groundbreaking gyroscopic technology, and it seemed that almost all of these exchanges came to the same conclusion – they have to make a lightsaber game.
Ferraratron's avatar
Scribblenauts (DS)

Scribblenauts review (DS)

Reviewed on September 30, 2009

The capability to create hundreds of entities isn't particularly impressive when 80% of the game can be mastered with less than a dozen. Developer 5th Cell must have forgotten that most gamers seek degenerate solutions and will keep using what works. Great games become more difficult and build on their own mechanics until you've accomplished far more than you originally expected. Scribblenauts works in reverse — the game becomes easier and less stimulating as it goes on.
zigfried's avatar
Final Fantasy Adventure (Game Boy)

Final Fantasy Adventure review (GB)

Reviewed on September 30, 2009

You control a gladiator enslaved by Dark Lord, but within moments, you escape.....and have the bad luck to immediately run into Dark Lord and his pal Julius while they're plotting nefarious deeds. They notice you and decide that tossing you off a cliff is a fitting punishment for eavesdropping. Fortunately, since you are the game's hero, you survive and embark on all sorts of heroic tasks — in particular, attempting to protect a young woman from the dastardly forces of evil, as she seems to be essential to their plans.
overdrive's avatar
Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny (PSP)

Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny review (PSP)

Reviewed on September 26, 2009

Aside from ridiculous moments, the game plays exactly as one would expect of a new-millenium Soul Calibur. The control is as smooth as ever, the visuals are crisp, core characters remain essentially unchanged, the music is still epic in scope, and canned proclamations herald each battle just as they've heralded battles for the last ten years.
zigfried's avatar
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes (Xbox)

Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes review (XBX)

Reviewed on September 26, 2009

Play this with a friend, or don’t play it at all. Just don’t be too surprised if you’re no longer friends come endgame.
EmP's avatar
Mini Ninjas (Xbox 360)

Mini Ninjas review (X360)

Reviewed on September 26, 2009

When there's something to do, which is much of the time, Mini Ninjas can be a lot of fun just because of the number of offensive options that it provides.
honestgamer's avatar
Trine (PlayStation 3)

Trine review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 25, 2009

fleinn's avatar
Build-a-lot (DS)

Build-a-lot review (DS)

Reviewed on September 23, 2009

Build-a-lot is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it – and also repetitive.
freelancer's avatar
The Beatles: Rock Band (PlayStation 3)

The Beatles: Rock Band review (PS3)

Reviewed on September 22, 2009

Harmonix has produced a finely-tuned release that falls in line with the best of its work to date. There are several elements that help this newest effort to stand apart from the Guitar Hero franchise.
honestgamer's avatar
RoboCop 2 (NES)

RoboCop 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on September 22, 2009

Robocop 2 is not a good game.
zippdementia's avatar
Der Langrisser (SNES)

Der Langrisser review (SNES)

Reviewed on September 21, 2009

I had quite a dream the other day. In it, I went to my local retailer and excitedly bought a copy of "Shining Force, Expanded Edition". However, after I arrived home and opened the box, I was quite disappointed to find out that what actually was inside the box was not the game I bought, but "Final Fantasy 3, Director's Cut: Play as Kefka" instead. I couldn't play the game I actually wanted to play, but still I had some fun after turning on the special "Castle Shikigami 2" mo...
zanzard's avatar
Enter the Story: The Divine Comedy (PC)

Enter the Story: The Divine Comedy review (PC)

Reviewed on September 21, 2009

Lewis's avatar

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