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Available Reviews
Restaurant Empire 2 (PC)

Restaurant Empire 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on November 05, 2009

What challenges await my Restaurant Empire next month? Liquor licenses and dumb waiters that cost an arm and a leg, but net long-term profits? Hiring additional staff and firing problem employees? Optimizing seating and serving paths for best results? From the looks of it, yes.
WilltheGreat's avatar
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles (Xbox 360)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles review (X360)

Reviewed on November 05, 2009

The paranoid Duchess is convinced someone's out to get her, so you get to escort her inquisitor around town to solve this mystery. Whenever a citizen isn't being forthcoming enough for your tastes, just give the order and (to the townsperson's horror) he'll torture them with a good old-fashioned shock spell to loosen their lips.
overdrive's avatar
Hearts of Iron III (PC)

Hearts of Iron III review (PC)

Reviewed on November 05, 2009

I like numbers, I really do. Numbers can do all sorts of interesting and wonderful things. Numbers tell architects how tall their skyscrapers can be before collapsing. Numbers let you find your friend's house with a GPS when normally you'd be lost. Numbers govern telephones, crosswalks, and of course the INTERNETS. Numbers, and here's my favorite part, form the basis of our understanding of the universe itself.
TheGrue's avatar
Big Bang Mini (DS)

Big Bang Mini review (DS)

Reviewed on November 05, 2009

Writing about Big Bang Mini in five hundred words is a little like creating a football-playing octopus spliced with DNA from Beckham and Pele, dropping a sack of balls at its boot-clad tentacles then confining it to a four-foot cubed room. You need a certain depth, a certain room to breathe, to fully appreciate the unfolding insanity. Otherwise, all you get is muddy footprints on the wallpaper.
bside's avatar
Order of War (PC)

Order of War review (PC)

Reviewed on November 04, 2009

First off I should say that I find “Order of War” quite a versatile thing. I mean it will be ok for many types of gamers: newbie in RTS, hardened players and history buffs. I consider myself an ordinary gamer with interest in shooters, RTSs and WWII. Maybe this is the reason why I love this game: for me it’s a great mixture of tactical RTS peppered with some shooter features. The game is really addictive and fun to play, probably due to its dynamism and simplified controls. Still however, devel...
Woodybeaver's avatar
Mr. Do!'s Castle (Colecovision)

Mr. Do!'s Castle review (CVN)

Reviewed on November 03, 2009

Taking to heart the accusation that their first title in the series, Mr Do!, was merely a copy of Dig Dug, developer Universal made certain that Mr. Do's Castle bore nary a resemblance to the Atari creation. For instance, in this spirited follow-up, Mr. Do finally surfaces, no longer weaving through underground networks mined out of wavy yellow and green checkered earth. A light bulb clicked on during one of the design team meetings -- "Our hero is a clown, not a gopher!" ...
LowerStreetBlues's avatar
Order of War (PC)

Order of War review (PC)

Reviewed on November 02, 2009

If you like your RTS games simple, then this game is for you.
blood-omen's avatar
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII review (PSP)

Reviewed on November 02, 2009

Crisis Core is a shallow game, rarely giving you a chance to deviate from the main story and explore, as the story whisks you from one chapter to the next at an incredible pace.
jerec's avatar
The Hardy Boys: Treasure on the Tracks (DS)

The Hardy Boys: Treasure on the Tracks review (DS)

Reviewed on November 01, 2009

Don't think the Hardy Boys are completely left out, though. They get to play the toe-tapping sequence later. Repetition is a theme of this entire graphic adventure; the same puzzles keep popping up over and over. What's clever the first time becomes busywork every time thereafter.
woodhouse's avatar
Critter Crunch (PlayStation 3)

Critter Crunch review (PS3)

Reviewed on November 01, 2009

Critter Crunch is a heck of a bargain at $6.99. With a solo adventure that should easily take 5 or more hours to complete, multi-player and several other modes, you'll be puzzling it out for quite awhile. Addictive and endearing gameplay and offbeat humor make this puzzler one worth watching. If you're looking for the latest brain teaser to add to your game library, Critter Crunch is a fantastic choice.
MolotovCupcake's avatar
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes (PlayStation 3)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes review (PS3)

Reviewed on November 01, 2009

I'm a big fan of games that refrain from forcing the player to re-play lengthy segments that he's already conquered just to tackle a challenging bit at the end, but Republic Heroes accommodates amateur gamers to a crippling extreme. There are maybe two or three segments in the whole game where you'll have to make more than three or four jumps without passing another checkpoint. Not only that, but anything that you've accomplished remains in place. So if you pass a checkpoint just ahead of a shootout with a bunch of enemies, the most you lose if you die is 2 or 3 seconds of play before you can return to the fray to mop up any of the remaining enemies who didn't fall on your first attempt.
honestgamer's avatar
Demon's Souls (PlayStation 3)

Demon's Souls review (PS3)

Reviewed on November 01, 2009

What would happen if Godzilla and the Alien from Ridley Scott's movie had gone to hell to merge together, then came back as a hideous demon with a lean eight-pack(yes I said eight since it's not human..) and a mean punch that Captain Falcon would be proud of? Why you would get the towering monstrosity known as the Dragon God! Its roars are deafening even from far away. Your heart is beating fast. Its rage is seething uncontrollably that it never stops moving. Yet all you can do is wonder ...
jiggs's avatar
Imadoki no Vampire: Bloody Bride (PlayStation)

Imadoki no Vampire: Bloody Bride review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 31, 2009

As you'd expect from any Atlus release, the concept is nothing short of unique: thrust into the billowing cape of Phaid, teenaged vampire prince of the netherworld, you've been temporarily exiled to the mysterious human realm known as "Japan" in search of a virgin bride, not for tawdry thrills but in order to sup upon her sweet, innocent blood.
sho's avatar
Mr. Do! (Colecovision)

Mr. Do! review (CVN)

Reviewed on October 30, 2009

Mr. Do is a clown. That's strike one against him. In this self-titled Colecovision debut he harvests cherries lying ripe in bizarre single-screen sub-terrains. His underground world is one of pastel and patterned colors, dirt-munching monsters and easily excavated soil which he burrows through with ease. If only his natural predators weren't so abundant, he might have it made, but alas Mr. Do is forever on the lam, digging for his next cherry under the dogging jaws of Badguys and Diggers, Bl...
LowerStreetBlues's avatar
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (PSP)

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars review (PSP)

Reviewed on October 30, 2009

Constant action. Constant fun. That’s Chinatown’s style. There isn’t any dating, there are no strip clubs and you won't be wooing your fat cousin with burgers and drinks.
zippdementia's avatar
Aion: The Tower of Eternity (PC)

Aion: The Tower of Eternity review (PC)

Reviewed on October 30, 2009

A persistent question throughout both Aion's beta and the early days of live was "Will this game kill WoW?" It popped up in the world chat channel more often than "Can I borrow 10 gold?" That by itself is pretty mind blowing, but really, it's a stupid question. No, Aion is not going to kill World of Warcraft. No game coming out in the foreseeable future is going to knock WoW from its throne, but that's the wrong question to ask anyway. Why should it need to?
dragoon_of_infinity's avatar
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (PlayStation)

Resident Evil: Director's Cut review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 30, 2009

The game that put Shinji Mikami on the map may owe an obvious debt to the creepy Cthulhu-conjuring madness of Alone in the Dark, but there's a reason that his own franchise went on to become an unstoppable money-making juggernaut while its predecessor slipped away into obscurity.
sho's avatar
Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga (Wii)

Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga review (WII)

Reviewed on October 29, 2009

The downfall of mankind began with a meteor shower. Those little space rocks were a bad omen; not long after they fell, legions of monsters swarmed across the countryside. Millions were slaughtered, society collapsed, and the few remaining survivors of the various races banded together to save what was left. It took them a while, but they managed to drive back the hordes and lived happily ever after. Their descendants, on the other hand, weren’t so lucky. Evil has returned to the land of Eldar, ...
disco's avatar
Demon's Crest (SNES)

Demon's Crest review (SNES)

Reviewed on October 29, 2009

The abyssal awesomeness of Demon's Crest should have made it a darkly glittering jewel in Capcom's crown rather than a jester's cap of bells. Not only can you expect a stylish showcase of the macabre, but an unconventional formula that's best described as "Mega Man from Hell."
sho's avatar
Tecmo's Deception: Invitation to Darkness (PlayStation)

Tecmo's Deception: Invitation to Darkness review (PSX)

Reviewed on October 28, 2009

This is the story of Henry the merchant, a loveless miser who nonetheless ventures to the darkest depths of distant Zemekia in search of the fabled Castle of the Damned and handsome profits. After all, even the sadistic blackguard reputed to dwell there must surely appreciate those little niceties like silken bat wings, eyes of newt, and the carefully bottled tears of heartbroken virgins. Unfortunately this portly peddler's greed comes to an ignoble end when he finds himself impaled upon poisoned steel spikes that suddenly shriek forth from a nearby wall.
sho's avatar

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