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Available Reviews
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360)

Red Dead Redemption review (X360)

Reviewed on July 16, 2010

The decaying carcass of Red Dead Revolver casts a foul odor. Gutted of its linearity and naïve handling of the American Old West, Rockstar San Diego have skinned the aforementioned less-than-stellar elements of the otherwise promising homage to the West, creating an exemplary sequel in the process. Not only have the developers redeemed themselves for the last outing and fledging also-ran titles which followed, but they’ve also set an impressive new standard for open worlds and sequels to try and...
Calvin's avatar
Loaded (Saturn)

Loaded review (SAT)

Reviewed on July 16, 2010

The problem with Loaded is that, in its attempt to be an overhead dungeon crawler and shooting hybrid, it doesn't try hard to be either. When you first travel through the grim corridors that dominate the game, it feels like you could easily get lost, even with the aide of the map. However, you quickly realize it's just an illusion; walk a few feet in any direction at the start of a stage, and you'll be greeted by colored, locked doors. You'll continually bump into them until you find a co...
dementedhut's avatar
Alpha Protocol (PlayStation 3)

Alpha Protocol review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 16, 2010

In most attempts at creating role-playing video-games, the approach will be to let the story continue from one end to the other, while allowing the player to decide the motivations and intentions of the protagonist. Sometimes the story will branch in controlled segments, or have chapters where you can choose at least your intention on how to complete them. But the ambiguity in the story-telling will be wrapped up in the way that no matter how you complete the chapters, they will always have the ...
fleinn's avatar
Asteroids (Arcade)

Asteroids review (ARC)

Reviewed on July 15, 2010

Pong is lionized. Space Invaders is romanticized. Asteroids is marginalized.
Leroux's avatar
Pocket Racers (PSP)

Pocket Racers review (PSP)

Reviewed on July 15, 2010

I don’t like playing games that act like they hate me. Well, not me specifically but gamers in general.
True's avatar
Jet Grind Radio (Dreamcast)

Jet Grind Radio review (DC)

Reviewed on July 15, 2010

Speak with someone who owned a Dreamcast in 1999 or 2000 and they’ll likely recall fond memories of a fantastic library tailored to the “hardcore” gaming crowd. But gamers who never adopted the console usually aren’t hunting it down on eBay. The fact is many of its best games ranging from high-profile titles like Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi to niche import releases like Guilty Gear X and Ikaruga have been ported to more successful consoles. There are, however, a f...
Genj's avatar
Left 4 Dead 2 (PC)

Left 4 Dead 2 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 15, 2010

I've never understood video game boycotts. From Diablo 3 to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a small segment of fanatic gamers responds to seemingly any sequel with rage normally found in only the worst fanboys. Left 4 Dead 2's recent release was yet another surrounded by threats from gamers angry that developer Valve was releasing a sequel so quickly. After spending countless hours filling forums with post after post listing a litany of reasons why they weren’t going t...
asherdeus's avatar
Tournament of Legends (Wii)

Tournament of Legends review (WII)

Reviewed on July 15, 2010

I don’t know what you imagine when you picture a snake woman fighting a robot, but I bet it isn’t the two of them standing next to each other, occasionally slapping one another with their arms. Yet that's about as legendary as things get at this tournament.
zippdementia's avatar
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (PlayStation 3)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 12, 2010

While any one of these new features could be the reason players come to Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, most will stay because of the impressive balance between fun and realism.
louis_bedigian's avatar
The Silver Lining: Episode 1 - What is Decreed Must Be (PC)

The Silver Lining: Episode 1 - What is Decreed Must Be review (PC)

Reviewed on July 11, 2010

The Silver Lining: What Is Decreed Must Be is aimed squarely at hardcore King's Quest lovers who want to see the series given a proper send-off. As a loving fan service, there's quite a bit to like, but as a game, it stumbles rather badly.
Malygris's avatar
MadWorld (Wii)

MadWorld review (WII)

Reviewed on July 11, 2010

It's easy to understand why many players think MadWorld is a badass beat 'em up when playing through it for the first time. An exaggerated cross between Escape from New York and The Running Man, MadWorld throws you into a black and white, noir-style, comic book setting, expecting you to pummel opponents in the most gruesome ways possible. A typical stage places your character, Jack, a 40-something with a chainsaw attached to his arm, in a closed section of the island city, and is t...
dementedhut's avatar
Armada 2526 (PC)

Armada 2526 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 11, 2010

Armada 2526 is a hard game. It doesn’t have a plot, but it does have a big, wide open galaxy to explore and twelve distinct races to base your own story on.
EmP's avatar
Doom (PlayStation)

Doom review (PSX)

Reviewed on July 09, 2010

Doom has evolved into its very own software platform, and because of that, all of its straightforward console versions would be useless even if most of them weren't wretched. Most of iD's original maps are great, sure, but I'd have stopped playing years ago if that's all there was. It only takes one or two trips through each before you're wise to the tricks and sleepwalking through the traps. No, Doom owes its absurd longevity to all of the user-made maps that are still being churned out even in...
mardraum's avatar
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker review (GCN)

Reviewed on July 09, 2010

Expectations can be dangerous, especially when what you get is not what you wanted. The real tragedy is that sometimes what you get is actually better than what you wanted, but you’re simply unable to see it. Ten years ago, there was a tech demo for the GameCube showcasing its power. One of the videos shown was a realistic styled adult Link and Ganondorf locked in an epic duel. Even though it was just a video that ran for about a minute to show what the console could do, and not a trailer of any...
jerec's avatar
Doom (SNES)

Doom review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 08, 2010

After mere moments of playing through the first level of the first (of three) episodes, I was wondering if my killing machine of a space marine had been replaced by Stephen Hawking. You will move really slowly and choppily through levels AND the controls aren't responsive. There's a brief delay between you using the control pad and your character actually moving, which isn't a very desirable thing in an action game.
overdrive's avatar
Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Super Mario Galaxy review (WII)

Reviewed on July 08, 2010

Here’s what you know. You know that when you tilt the analog stick, Mario will run in that direction. You know that pressing the A button makes Mario jump, and that if you land on top of a monster, that monster will disintegrate and drop a coin. You’re probably aware that Mario is frequently tasked with collecting stars, and that this endeavor will eventually lead to the rescue of Princess Peach from the clutches of the ever-persistent Bowser. These are the basics, and they are likely the only a...
Suskie's avatar
Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)

Diddy Kong Racing review (N64)

Reviewed on July 08, 2010

Diddy Kong Racing smartly mimics SMK’s well-founded principles while expanding in different directions. To call it just a go-cart racer gives too little credit. As if it were no big thing, DKR boldly introduces the physics of plane and hovercraft travel to the genre while replicating the slide-turn techniques that separated the wheat from the chaff in SNES carting, casually switching between all three vehicles throughout. You’ll be tearing around the rocky orange cliffs of prehistoric Fossil Canyon, skidding past waterfalls and between the stomping feet of a ponderous Brontosaurus, and in the very next race take to the skies, navigating around snow-capped firs and splitting icy gorges at the Snowfrost Peak circuit.
Leroux's avatar
Wheelman (PC)

Wheelman review (PC)

Reviewed on July 08, 2010

In so many ways, The Wheelman is a fitting title to mark the final major product released by the now defunct Midway Games. Riddled with references to the gems of the company’s past, the game has all of the classic trappings – good and bad – of Midway’s massive library of releases. What that means for players is that you’ll occasionally smile when you see “SPYHNTR” or “JOUST” on a license plate, but for the better part of the game, you’ll have to suffer through an incredibly dull experie...
asherdeus's avatar
Dead Rising (Xbox 360)

Dead Rising review (X360)

Reviewed on July 08, 2010

Frank West is a photojournalist, but I think he played a bit of football in college. I say this because in Dead Rising Frank bludgeons, maims, shoots, and burns more zombies than any Redfield has. Sensing a juicy story, Frank heads to a small Colorado town recently closed off by the military. Upon arrival, he discovers the source of the quarantine: zombies, zombies, and more zombies. Fortunately Frank has taken a page from a George Romero’s script and found refuge at the local shopping ma...
Genj's avatar
System Shock (PC)

System Shock review (PC)

Reviewed on July 08, 2010

It's true that the interface is clumsy, with far too much dragging and dropping going on. But away from the peripherals, here remains a game of survival horror resource management, careful RPG stat-planning, and basic but tactical first-person action. It weaves these threads together into something so wholly representative of developer Looking Glass' style that, even above Ultima Underworld and Thief, you'd point to System Shock as the prime example of what this wonderful studio created.
Lewis's avatar

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