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Available Reviews
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (PC)

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers review (PC)

Reviewed on October 28, 2010

Whether in the role of silver-tongued conman or paranormal investigator, Gabriel Knight is definitely someone you'll want to know; his career might have begun just as the entire adventure genre was taking those first, faltering steps on its slow descent into irrelevance, but Sins of the Fathers masterfully demonstrates why Sierra On-Line once drove the computer industry.
sho's avatar
Haunted Casino (Saturn)

Haunted Casino review (SAT)

Reviewed on October 27, 2010

These garments are handed over to the very approving imp in exchange for heaving stacks of chips nearly as abundant as those newly revealed pleasure globes until at last your bankrupt beauty goes down with a hilariously inept video of the poor lass being sucked into a black hole, presumably in search of some pants.
sho's avatar
Splatterhouse 2 (Genesis)

Splatterhouse 2 review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 26, 2010

The controls are stiffer than one of its endless supply of corpses, and the average level is a short, uninspired advance from left to right punching identical hordes of muck-encrusted undead while occasionally hopping over a hole in the floor. There's only one reason this cartridge wasn't totally lost to the shadows of mediocrity – it has enough gore to fill a swimming pool.
sho's avatar
Vampire Killer (MSX)

Vampire Killer review (MSX)

Reviewed on October 25, 2010

At a cursory glance it might even resemble a simple port, but this impression couldn't be more incorrect – Vampire Killer immediately stands out as a dramatic departure from the rest of the franchise even as its influence can be felt in Simon's Quest, Dracula X, and Symphony of the Night.
sho's avatar
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (PC)

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold review (PC)

Reviewed on October 24, 2010

Wolfenstein - Nazi + Aliens and overweight security guards = Blake Stone
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Blue Lacuna (Mac)

Blue Lacuna review (MAC)

Reviewed on October 24, 2010

Don’t think that Blue Lacuna works simply because it doesn’t have graphics or a bunch of explosions, though. Not all Interactive Fiction can claim to have achieved what Blue Lacuna does. This isn’t some throwback to sensibilities that have long gone out of style. This isn’t typing “east, west, and open chest” in a meaningless dungeon romp with some comedy thrown in. This is serious writing. This is next generation programming. This is gaming that is inspirational and lasting.
zippdementia's avatar
The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return (Wii)

The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return review (WII)

Reviewed on October 24, 2010

There's a lot of whys when reacting to this particular release: Why not include the first game? Why these specific titles? Why the absurdly long name? Well, I'm guessing they simply used the Xbox versions, modified them a bit, and slapped them on a Wii disc. That would explain a whole lot... but since I've never touched the Xbox port, I could be waaaaaay off. As for the name, well, the name is just stupid, no matter how you spin it.
dementedhut's avatar
X-Men (Arcade)

X-Men review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 24, 2010

Witness earthen bridges over lava fields lined with flame throwing hazards and enormous wasps that spew out a skull carved into a jungle cliff. Shotgun-toting Bonebreaker miniatures rove the inside of Magneto’s lair while stone statues carrying massive scythes animate deep in a ruin. While the dialog detracts from the production value – Magneto’s famous “Welcome to Die!” as he blasts apart a waterfall-side ledge just one egregious example – it is just as likely you find it kitschy as a fault. From crackling lightning in the backdrops to memorable scenes battling a crazed Nimrod as Kitty cowers bound behind an electromagnetic force field, the details go a long way in establishing the comic’s atmosphere.
Leroux's avatar
Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds (PC)

Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds review (PC)

Reviewed on October 24, 2010

There’s a cleverness in the level design that helps extend the game’s brief lifespan.
EmP's avatar
Samurai Shodown Sen (Xbox 360)

Samurai Shodown Sen review (X360)

Reviewed on October 23, 2010

Samurai Shodown Sen is not an awful game. The only way it could be considered "awful" would be to ignore the barely playable fighters that have come out over the last twenty years. The characters perform expected actions whenever I press the buttons, and -- aside from plastic doll faces -- the graphics are well beyond "PlayStation 2 quality". I can say this with confidence because I've actually played PS2 games.
zigfried's avatar
Sonic Adventure (Xbox 360)

Sonic Adventure review (X360)

Reviewed on October 22, 2010

As a front-runner in Sega’s Dreamcast launch lineup, it’s only reasonable that Sonic Adventure would be the first Dreamcast game that Sega would port to Xbox Live Arcade. Serving as something of a tech demo for the fledgling console, the visuals stood above any game on competing consoles at the time. There’s definitely a sense of nostalgia that comes with running frantically down a pier while a killer whale gives chase in the Emerald Coast, or playing a game of NiGHTS Into Dreams pinball in the ...
Calvin's avatar
Domino Man (Arcade)

Domino Man review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 20, 2010

The heck with Jumpman fighting Donkey Kong for a woman--I'll take Domino Man's balding, emotional protagonist fighting society for his art. All the poor guy wants to do is build up domino chains in a city block, a golf course, and a construction zone, but the people and animals around keep knocking down his work. A frumpy washerwoman, a drunk on a golf cart, various construction workers--and time itself, in the form of a clock that walks, err, clockwise around the screen--conspire to keep...
aschultz's avatar
Vanquish (Xbox 360)

Vanquish review (X360)

Reviewed on October 19, 2010

Vanquish keeps the player too busy for him to stop and wonder if maybe he's seen this all before.
honestgamer's avatar
Hook (Arcade)

Hook review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 18, 2010

Licenses you never thought would be turned into brawlers, volume 1...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis)

Contra: Hard Corps review (GEN)

Reviewed on October 17, 2010

"Restore order!"
dementedhut's avatar
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Xbox 360)

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West review (X360)

Reviewed on October 16, 2010

Its often glaring technical mishaps are eclipsed by sheer artistic majesty. For as easy as the platforming is, the cinematic, almost Uncharted 2-esque set pieces nonetheless manage to create a sense of urgency. Despite the game’s relative simplicity – hell, I’ll settle for shallowness – I was frequently left in awe of the numerous instances in which the escort mechanic just clicks. And for all of those admittedly awful combat segments, the gripping narrative makes it worth the struggle.
Suskie's avatar
Puzzle Dimension (Mac)

Puzzle Dimension review (MAC)

Reviewed on October 16, 2010

Roll forward, carefully now... get that goodie... this is all according to the plan. Oh dear god, I think I just took a wrong turn there! Quickly, remember what happened the last time you tried this. Do I jump once and then twice to clear the gap or is it once, roll a step, jump again, and then I’m free? Wait, why am I still rolling? Is that ice I’m on? Oh, Christ, it’s a pit coming up. Jump jump aw please jump. Is that a spring or a switch? Spring or a switch? Spring or a... oh, phew, it’s a switch. Okay the goal is there, right in front of me, roll towards it... agh, I forgot about the fire tile!
zippdementia's avatar
Super Basketball (Arcade)

Super Basketball review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 15, 2010

Few early video games had a story, but Super Basketball musters half of one: win a series of increasingly improbable sixty-second comebacks against a junior high team (78-70) up to the world champions (114-70.) It's more keep-away or Capture the Flag, and that's probably kept it fresh while more realistic early attempts at basketball have gone flat. It's even better now with emulation, which bypasses the annoying controls so you can enjoy the absurdity.
aschultz's avatar
10-Yard Fight (Arcade)

10-Yard Fight review (ARC)

Reviewed on October 15, 2010

Before machines had all this power to make football realistic and fast, designers had to choose the most exciting bits to cram into 200K. The game 10 Yard Fight focuses on a one-minute drill. Kickoffs take no time, first downs regain time, and interceptions push the offense twenty yards back. If you score a touchdown, the computer kicks the ball farther next time, and you start with less time against a quicker, more aggressive defense. With your runner near the bottom in the semi-overhead...
aschultz's avatar
Basketball (Atari 2600)

Basketball review (A2600)

Reviewed on October 14, 2010

Shoot some hoops with me, bro.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar

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