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Available Reviews
Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)

Street Fighter IV review (X360)

Reviewed on December 29, 2010

Street Fighter IV has been brawling in the streets and arcades for almost two years now, has spawned a superior sequel and is branching out into new crossover territory next year with Capcom's much anticipated Street Fighter X Tekken release. Here in England you can pick up a copy of this game for under £10 now so with that in mind this review shall explore the relative merits and flaws of Capcom's return to its most beloved franchise.
PaiMay's avatar
Wizards & Warriors (NES)

Wizards & Warriors review (NES)

Reviewed on December 26, 2010

High fantasy hits all-time lows
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PlayStation 3)

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands review (PS3)

Reviewed on December 25, 2010

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is such a sad game. It isn't really that bad, and it aims high, but it just isn't that good. After a failed reboot, the developers sought to resurrect the franchise by bringing it back to its roots. And though it stays true to form and feels just like Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, it just isn't a whole lot of fun to play. Despite high production values, it doesn't seem like a whole lot of thought went into the game's design, leaving ...
asherdeus's avatar
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (Xbox 360)

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 review (X360)

Reviewed on December 24, 2010

But, say you're still willing to throw away 1200 MS Points to play Episode 1, what kind of experience will you have?
dementedhut's avatar
Questron (Commodore 64)

Questron review (C64)

Reviewed on December 24, 2010

Those of you who have played Ultima 1 will notice the similarity between Questron and that game because Strategic Simulation Inc. (SSI) secured a license from Richard Garriott which SSI then used in structuring the game world.
CoarseDragon's avatar
X-Men: The Arcade Game (Xbox 360)

X-Men: The Arcade Game review (X360)

Reviewed on December 23, 2010

there was never a point where I thought to myself, “man, I wish they’d break all this hardcore super hero violence up with a couple of quick time events!”
JANUS2's avatar
Ghost in the Shell (PlayStation)

Ghost in the Shell review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 22, 2010

I'm not a fan of the franchise, with the only real exposure being the egocentric TV series and the last minutes of the first film, but I always thought it would make for some good video game action, especially with its futuristic, cyborg-infested setting. The PlayStation title, in particular, has aroused my interest for the longest time, ever since I saw images for it in GameFAN; mainly, the concept of driving in Fuchikomas, spider-like tanks that can scale walls and ceilings, is what sold me th...
dementedhut's avatar
Gunstar Heroes (PlayStation 3)

Gunstar Heroes review (PS3)

Reviewed on December 21, 2010

Your mission is straightforward enough: As one of the two Heroes — twin brother Red or Blue — you must foil the nefarious Colonel Red (the doppelganger of Street Fighter II’s M. Bison) who has stolen the four Mystic Gems in an plot to unleash the all-powerful Golden Silver — and you’ll want to release your brainwashed older brother Green and rescue hopeless ally Yellow along the way.
Masters's avatar
Resident Evil: Survivor (PlayStation)

Resident Evil: Survivor review (PSX)

Reviewed on December 21, 2010

We’ve been able to rely on Resident Evil games for certain ingredients that bespeak their quality: amazing polygonal graphics, cheesy cinematic cut scenes, and their ability to spook the player. Survivor only gets the cheese right. This game looks horrid, but fails to provide the horror.
Masters's avatar
Kozu (Xbox 360)

Kozu review (X360)

Reviewed on December 18, 2010

Kozu is one of THOSE games that pop up on XBLA in droves; it’s a duel stick shooter that we should really be more pissed at Geometry Wars for popularising. We could try really hard to pretend that Kozu isn’t the latest contender in the homebrew developer’s favourite genre choice, but your denial would have to be measured in galaxies to overcome the sheer volume of evidence to the contrary. So, let’s not. Let’s just talk about how Kozu is an okay little game, but not one to reach the loft heights preset by the likes of Z0MBIES and Zombie Estate.
EmP's avatar
In the Hunt (Arcade)

In the Hunt review (ARC)

Reviewed on December 16, 2010

Even though you successfully blast the first few enemies out of the water and dodge their attacks, you still notice two things off the bat. One is that you move somewhat slowly. Understandable, what with being underwater and all. The other is that you cannot hold the fire button down to rapid fire, but must repeatedly press the button.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Dracula (Commodore 64)

Dracula review (C64)

Reviewed on December 10, 2010

Dracula is an exciting, garish and highly confounding 95% text adventure which was released for the Commodore 64 by CRL in 1986. It was the first of a series of similarly themed horror adventures by Rod Pike (and later, other authors) including Frankenstein and The Wolfman. Dracula broadly follows the events of Bram Stoker's novel and remains highly regarded in C64 circles to this day for a multitude of reasons, sensationalism amongst them. The non-text 5% of the game consis...
bloomer's avatar
Splatterhouse (PlayStation 3)

Splatterhouse review (PS3)

Reviewed on December 09, 2010

Once upon a time, all this blood and nudity would have been daring. I remember gasping in awe when playing the originals . . . of course, those were marketed towards pre-teens who couldn't even get into R-rated flicks. In today's world, hacking up misshapen beasts and grabbing softcore pics just isn't enough.
zigfried's avatar
MadWorld (Wii)

MadWorld review (WII)

Reviewed on December 08, 2010

Our man Jack isn't just dismembering for the hell of it. He's a man on a mission, sent to an isolated island where a bloody sport is being held. The citizens of the island have all become contestants of Death Watch, a game in which contestants kill one another for a crack at the championship. Jack poses as a contestant at first, but over time we see what he's really after. More is revealed that thickens the plot and gives the game that much more depth and style. It's refreshing to play and over-...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Blood Stone: 007 (Xbox 360)

Blood Stone: 007 review (X360)

Reviewed on December 07, 2010

Whereas GoldenEye Wii and its N64 predecessor lived up to the 007 name, Blood Stone fails to create the highly addictive thrills that gamers and moviegoers have come to expect from the franchise.
louis_bedigian's avatar
FIFA Soccer 11 (Xbox 360)

FIFA Soccer 11 review (X360)

Reviewed on December 04, 2010

FIFA 11 retains all of what made FIFA 10's engine great, apart from making penalties more of a bother than they need to be, but a lack of meaningful improvements, particularly in its game modes, means that it feels like I'm paying full price mostly just for updated rosters and kits.
freelancer's avatar
Powerpuff Girls: Battle Him (Game Boy Color)

Powerpuff Girls: Battle Him review (GBC)

Reviewed on December 04, 2010

Most savvy gamers will know by looking at Powerpuff Girls: Battle Him what the game entails: tedious gameplay, dry combat, incessant collecting, and a lackluster fun factor. It's not bias that causes this, but experience. Many of us have played too many awful license titles for handheld systems, and know a bad purchase when we see one. It should be no surprise that combining all aforementioned factors nets you one shallow game.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (Wii)

WarioWare: Smooth Moves review (WII)

Reviewed on December 04, 2010

Some time during the evening it strikes me that - at least when seen through the foam in the bottom of the glass - Smooth Moves is a brilliant game. It is also a brilliant production, in terms of economical and efficient development - the simplistic graphics and the somewhat cheap meting out of new mini-games makes that much obvious. But the game is also directed and paced well quite often, so it is difficult not to complement the developers for making a good motion-based game. Even if they, too...
fleinn's avatar
Vectorman (Genesis)

Vectorman review (GEN)

Reviewed on December 02, 2010

At the time of this game's release, a big fuss was made over it. Much drooling came about, and many Genesis gamers had to dab gingerly at their foreheads with cold towels. The reason was that BlueSky Software made a truly unique-looking game. Vectorman himself (he's the good guy) is made out of yellow-green spheres, and he animates brilliantly. His composition and movement might bring to mind the PC survival horror not-quite-classic, Ecstatica, had anyone actually played that game. But Vectorman's own good looks grandstand alongside shamefully bland foes, and within missions undeserving of his own undeniable charm.
Masters's avatar
Deep Blue (TurboGrafx-16)

Deep Blue review (TG16)

Reviewed on December 01, 2010

Deep Blue? How about DEEP SHIT!
Sucrose_Sally's avatar

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