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Available Reviews
Beat Hazard (PC)

Beat Hazard review (PC)

Reviewed on January 08, 2011

A quick glance in my iTunes library reveals that I have 4968 songs stored in my computer, for a combined total of approximately 14.2 days of music. This means, in theory, that my copy of Beat Hazard contains 4968 unique levels for a combined total of approximately 14.2 days of play time.
Suskie's avatar
Star Wars: Battlefront II (PlayStation 2)

Star Wars: Battlefront II review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 08, 2011

With as many Star Wars games as there are on the market, it might be hard to imagine that any of them stand out. Knights of the Old Republic managed to do this with its famed openness and attention to morality, but even that title told its story through the eyes of the Jedi. Star Wars: Battlefront II breaks from the usual Jedi perspective, preferring instead to show the rise of the Empire from standpoint of a veteran clone in the 501st Legion, a division so elite that it bec...
wolfqueen001's avatar
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360)

Red Dead Redemption review (X360)

Reviewed on January 08, 2011

You’ll want to squeeze every second of life from Red Dead Redemption. You’ll do this because you know that, sooner or later, the game will end and you’ll no longer be a part of its world. You‘ll want to elongate your stay. And John Marston will let you, because there might be someone out there somewhere he hasn’t shot at yet.
EmP's avatar
Kirby's Adventure (NES)

Kirby's Adventure review (NES)

Reviewed on January 08, 2011

Kirby's Adventure is innocence; a reminder of a youth full of optimism and dreams where even the thought of pitfalls seemed incomprehensible. When life gets me down, it offers solace as its bright colors, wildly varying levels and unrelenting cuteness overwhelm me until I have no choice but to smile and lose myself in the game. Even after all these years, it still has that effect — something that makes me grateful.
overdrive's avatar
Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles (DS)

Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles review (DS)

Reviewed on January 08, 2011

Oh, boy. Jake Hunter wants so bad to be a cool film noir private eye. He's got the crappy one-man agency, the staff of exactly one perky secretary always bringing coffee, the no-nonsense attitude, the penchant for smoking (Marlboros. He’s very clear on that. Did Marlboro fund this game? “I had to think about the case, so I lit up a smooth, relaxing, non-filtered Marlboro. Mm, yeah, sweet.”). All he needs is a trenchcoat/fedora combo and a Max Payne-level of similes and he’d be good to go.
turducken's avatar
Flashback (PC)

Flashback review (PC)

Reviewed on January 08, 2011

darketernal's avatar
Condemned 2: Bloodshot (PlayStation 3)

Condemned 2: Bloodshot review (PS3)

Reviewed on January 07, 2011

I’m the type of person who easily forgives flaws. So long as a game has one incredible, striking element I can ignore shoddy camera angles, loose controls or bad graphics. It’s a requirement that shifts depending on which genre I’m playing. For survival horror, it simply has to do one thing: terrify me. Do that, and I’m willing to dismiss any mechanical issues you may have.
True's avatar
ICO (PlayStation 2)

ICO review (PS2)

Reviewed on January 07, 2011

The reason ICO is so difficult to capture in a review is because it is an experience that occurs in the negative spaces that its narrative leaves behind. From the moment you start ICO, you will be struck by how sparse it is. All the game gives players at the beginning is a situation: a young boy with horns is being placed inside a castle, alone.
zippdementia's avatar
New Play Control! Pikmin (Wii)

New Play Control! Pikmin review (WII)

Reviewed on January 06, 2011

Captain Olimar, a tiny space alien, is a manipulative bastard. Upon crash landing on a strange planet, Olimar discovers the Pikmin – little plant creatures that are so brainless they would march to their deaths if Olimar forced them to. And sometimes Olimar does. He has only thirty days to find all the pieces of his ruined space ship, and he needs the help of the Pikmin to carry these pieces, and if some Pikmin need to die to achieve this... then so be it.
jerec's avatar
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (Xbox 360)

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand review (X360)

Reviewed on January 05, 2011

asherdeus's avatar
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (DS)

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light review (DS)

Reviewed on January 05, 2011

Rumors spread that this was going to be a reboot of the original 1987 Final Fantasy for the NES because of its western title and Square Enix's insistence that it would be a "throw back" to the days of 8-bit role playing games. Others thought it would be a remake of the 1991 Gameboy title "Final Fantasy Adventure" because of its Japanese subtitle "Final Fantasy Gaiden". Others still believed it would be a rehashing of another Gameboy title, "Final Fantasy Legend". All these rumors proved to be fa...
Ninjamohawk's avatar
Archon (NES)

Archon review (NES)

Reviewed on January 05, 2011

Conquest! That supreme notion that you have overcome your opponents, that the ground you walk on is now yours, and that all your opponents can do is cry and bleed. Ha-ha, you might laugh. My knights have cut your goblins to ribbons. My unicorns now frolic in the fields littered with the body parts of your manitcores. This is war, this is Archon. It's a strategy game that wins for being simple and addictive, despite being too easy.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Gran Turismo 5 (PlayStation 3)

Gran Turismo 5 review (PS3)

Reviewed on January 03, 2011

fleinn's avatar
8 Eyes (NES)

8 Eyes review (NES)

Reviewed on January 02, 2011

Everyone compares 8 Eyes to Castlevania, and gamers are split down the middle on which is better. If you couldn't tell by my score, I'm of the “Castlevania is better” persuasion. Both games are marked for having extreme challenge, though the implementation of the challenge differs in both. Castlevania has simple gameplay, but would rather give you difficult situations that require timing and skill. It's m...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Gallery: World Cities (Xbox 360)

Gallery: World Cities review (X360)

Reviewed on January 01, 2011

When I turned on my Microsoft Xbox 360 entertainment system on December 26, 2010, I was just going to play Pac-Man CE DX. Possibly even some X-Men and Doritos Crash Course. However, my life took an unexpected turn when I decided to browse the Game Marketplace. Typically, I checked the Arcade titles first, to see if any of the new releases were worth throwing away 800/1200 MS Points on. Nothing jumped out. Once exited, I curiously dove into the Indie section, since I haven't been there in eons, i...
dementedhut's avatar
Astonishia Story (PSP)

Astonishia Story review (PSP)

Reviewed on January 01, 2011

I can’t help but think of Astonisha Story bravely treading water. It was never in its nature to be spectacular, but it could have settled with quietly competent had Ubisoft thrown it a life preserver rather than hurled rocks from the shore.
EmP's avatar
Metroid: Other M (Wii)

Metroid: Other M review (WII)

Reviewed on December 30, 2010

Metroid: Other M tells two stories. One is the story of Samus Aran, galactic bounty hunter - a story that is objectionable because it is poorly written and incompetently executed. The other is the story of Yoshio Sakamoto, videogame developer - a story that is objectionable because it keeps barging in on Metroid: Other M.
Fedule's avatar
Pocket Pool (PSP)

Pocket Pool review (PSP)

Reviewed on December 30, 2010

HyperDevbox Japan surely set out to do something different, by giving us ‘erotic pool.’ The word on the street is that publishers Conspiracy and Eidos sought to use the Girls Gone Wild license and do something really distinct, but talks fell through. As such, we’re stuck with a random collection of stills and short video clips of nude models and outright porn stars as our erotic content.
Masters's avatar
The Adventures of Star Saver (Game Boy)

The Adventures of Star Saver review (GB)

Reviewed on December 30, 2010

Imagine: a run 'n gun game where you play as a tough LAPD cop who looks like he's twelve, surrounded by giant pill bugs, vicious cartoony dogs, and killer music notes, your trusty standard issue handgun drawn and your sentient mech sidekick at your side. Do I sense the makings for a buddy cop film? The landscape is wondrous, but the alien world they are on looks forbidding. The two are grateful to have one another. They know their trials will be many, but don't realize they won't be very try...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)

Street Fighter IV review (X360)

Reviewed on December 29, 2010

Street Fighter IV has been brawling in the streets and arcades for almost two years now, has spawned a superior sequel and is branching out into new crossover territory next year with Capcom's much anticipated Street Fighter X Tekken release. Here in England you can pick up a copy of this game for under £10 now so with that in mind this review shall explore the relative merits and flaws of Capcom's return to its most beloved franchise.
PaiMay's avatar

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