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Available Reviews
Shadow Hearts From the New World (PlayStation 2)

Shadow Hearts From the New World review (PS2)

Reviewed on November 20, 2011

Cola for Kids
threetimes's avatar
Otomedius Excellent (Xbox 360)

Otomedius Excellent review (X360)

Reviewed on November 19, 2011

After 26 years of Gradius games and various spin-offs, this is what the long-running franchise has come to: a new series featuring school girls in revealing outfits, piloting equally skimpy ships as they fight Bacterians invading Earth, who, by the way, consist mainly of women in "interesting" outfits.
dementedhut's avatar
Broken Sword: Director's Cut (PC)

Broken Sword: Director's Cut review (PC)

Reviewed on November 18, 2011

Despite all of its pretensions of intrigue and mystery, the most fun to be had in Broken Sword: The Director’s Cut is found by going around, bothering every character by showing them every piece of junk in your inventory, and eliciting their amusingly rude responses to your queries. There was clearly someone involved in Broken Sword who had incredible writing talent, because the colorful cast of characters is truly one of a kind. Unfortunately, this talent was misguided and misused, and having t...
radicaldreamer's avatar
Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)

Lost Odyssey review (X360)

Reviewed on November 18, 2011

In over 1,000 years, he's seen people and kingdoms come and go and has had to find his own way to cope with being seemingly the only constant in a life where everything else is temporary. For much of his existence on this world, Kaim has alternated between traveling and serving as a mercenary — his life a nomadic existence where war is the only constant. No wonder he comes off as cold and antisocial.
overdrive's avatar
The Silver Lining Episode 4: 'Tis In My Memory Locked, And You Yourself Shall Keep The Key Of It (PC)

The Silver Lining Episode 4: 'Tis In My Memory Locked, And You Yourself Shall Keep The Key Of It review (PC)

Reviewed on November 16, 2011

It fails on just about every imaginable level. The only thing even approaching a saving grace is the price: it's free. But even that's irritating because it means I can't even have the pleasure of angrily demanding my money back.
Malygris's avatar
Bejeweled 3 (Xbox 360)

Bejeweled 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on November 15, 2011

All PopCap could do to evolve the experience was to polish the presentation, and tack on enough variations of the main game to entice us to dive in. Fortunately, they’ve done both fairly well here. The results aren’t spectacular, as they were with EA’s exquisitely refined Tetris, but it’s about as good a job as can be expected.
Masters's avatar
Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)

Super Mario Bros. 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on November 14, 2011

Viewed as a sequel, SMB2 is a victory because the experience is as fresh and imaginative as it is challenging and exciting. Viewed as a repackaging, it's still a win because it's a stellar platformer with or without Mario and company.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (PC)

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey review (PC)

Reviewed on November 14, 2011

The central narrative arc is beautiful: this is a game which expands on its predecessor’s coming of age story, and presents something altogether more grown-up. If The Longest Journey demonstrated the progression from the naivety of youth to the responsibility of adulthood, Dreamfall is a game about taking that newfound maturity and giving it back to those in need.
Lewis's avatar
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox 360)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on November 11, 2011

This final chapter in the trilogy provides what is unquestionably the purest adrenaline rush that the series has yet seen. I’m left imagining someone on the development team turning a giant crank until it rests at ‘11’ and then just leaving it there. Explosions are huge. Planes crash. Buildings collapse. There are moments that feel like they were torn out of the previous games, except here the ante has been upped.
honestgamer's avatar
The Cursed Crusade (Xbox 360)

The Cursed Crusade review (X360)

Reviewed on November 11, 2011

This game finds a way to turn exciting-sounding historical events, such as the siege of the Croatian city Zara, into linear marches through static environments cluttered with a bunch of melee battles that all play out the same. This might not be the appropriate game for the quote "WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A CURSE", but it fits.
overdrive's avatar
Saints Row: The Third (Xbox 360)

Saints Row: The Third review (X360)

Reviewed on November 10, 2011

It is immaculately paced because it loves you. Most games can be insensitive clods with occasional rough patches. You get stuck for a while, or it's slow to start, or you cruise through some filler, or certain design choices are clunky, or the characters are flat and you don't care about them, or you know exactly what's going to happen next and therefore when it happens you don't care. None of this happens in Saints Row 3, which is a textbook example of how to keep me into a game from beginning to open-ended end.
tomchick's avatar
Dream Master (NES)

Dream Master review (NES)

Reviewed on November 10, 2011

This nightmare is a delightful dream for any retro gamer.
threetimes's avatar
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (DS)

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light review (DS)

Reviewed on November 10, 2011

Customizing your characters has seldom been simpler in an RPG. Any hero in your merry band can be anything you like. It all comes down to the crowns with which you equip everyone. As you progress through the game and defeat powerful monsters, a magical crystal will bestow upon your party the gift of a new crown or two. A character who starts with the ability to just barely wield a sword can eventually grow into a battle-hardened Fighter, or perhaps a Black Mage or even something as frivolous as a Bard.
honestgamer's avatar
Halloween (Atari 2600)

Halloween review (A2600)

Reviewed on November 10, 2011

Once the shock wears thin, you'll still have inventive gameplay. However, the act of running from one room to another, saving children, trying to survive, and stabbing Michael Myers becomes a slow and tedious one. There's little in the way of fast-paced or addictive gameplay, so the simplicity and extreme repetition make for a rather dull experience.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)

Super Mario 3D Land review (3DS)

Reviewed on November 09, 2011

Super Mario 3D Land is clearly ready to have a love affair with your nostalgic side. You can make a game out of recognizing musical compositions, enemies and even platform types that you recall from elsewhere. Given the raccoon tail, the airships, the mushroom houses and a variety of other returning elements, it’s clear from the start that Super Mario Bros. 3 was the development team’s primary source of inspiration.
honestgamer's avatar
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (Game Boy)

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge review (GB)

Reviewed on November 09, 2011

Only six levels, very few chances to test out new weapons, and situations we've seen before (magical though they are)... Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge is not going to satisfy most gamers, especially those without a hankering for retro or a deep love for Mega Man. Only the hardcore fans will seek this one out and enjoy it, though maybe not as much as they would other contributions to the vast franchise.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Disney Epic Mickey (Wii)

Disney Epic Mickey review (WII)

Reviewed on November 08, 2011

The themes in Disney Epic Mickey are more complex than you might expect from a children’s game, but they’re handled in the best way possible: through gameplay. The developers didn’t simply give the player dialog choices and consider that sufficient. Instead, they presented Mickey with a more fundamental means of making his choices. As Mickey works his way through Wasteland, he’ll need to decide whether to rely on paint or thinner.
honestgamer's avatar
Sonic Colors (Wii)

Sonic Colors review (WII)

Reviewed on November 07, 2011

Tails makes an appearance, but he’s a plot device and the role he plays is almost completely non-annoying. As you complete the various stages, you’ll rely on the franchise’s true star, not second-rate bit players who a part of you wishes would die horrible deaths. It feels almost like you're getting away with something that you shouldn't as you play through the game’s 36 main stages and don't hate the bulk of them.
honestgamer's avatar
Gemini Rue (PC)

Gemini Rue review (PC)

Reviewed on November 07, 2011

Gemini Rue is an adventure game that doesn't care to hide its influences. The title screen – set to the sight and sounds of the rain-stricken planet of Barracus – evokes the feeling of a grim, desperate dystopia that takes a cue from the likes of Blade Runner and Cowboy Bebop.
PAJ89's avatar
Sonic Generations (Xbox 360)

Sonic Generations review (X360)

Reviewed on November 06, 2011

It's great the controls feel so homey, giving players the chance to soak in the well-executed familiarity of Generations. If you've been playing a ton of Sonic games for the past 20 years, you'll sense the love with this product; it's fanservice overload. It works so seamlessly, too, thanks to Sonic Team's respect of the source materials, avoiding bastardization.
dementedhut's avatar

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