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Available Reviews
F.3.A.R. (Xbox 360)

F.3.A.R. review (X360)

Reviewed on April 23, 2012

When playing fear, you expect to be frightened by its concept and content, but the 3rd experience doesn’t contain many scares, which is baffling. I am not saying that the game is mundane and tarnished it has a profound storyline, and blood does spray like a hosepipe. By giving it a chance you are waking up the judgemental orb in your mind, you are the critic.
Alk31997's avatar
Ms. Pac-Man (Atari 2600)

Ms. Pac-Man review (A2600)

Reviewed on April 23, 2012

As you hone your skills, you'll find situations growing more desperate and thrilling. Each key factor-- mechanics, rules, progressively climbing difficulty, spot on collision detection--comes together to make a simple, fast-paced and addictive title.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Pure (Xbox 360)

Pure review (X360)

Reviewed on April 22, 2012

Pure will just have to settle for being more fun to play than it really has any right to be.
EmP's avatar
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari 2600)

Raiders of the Lost Ark review (A2600)

Reviewed on April 21, 2012

Markets are kind of cool, as you collect money in the game and can use it in these places to buy bullets and other useful things. In this one, you also can try to interact with a giant head plastered on the left side of the screen. Which will then kill you. Ha-ha…you have to love trial-and-error puzzle solving! You're not supposed to interact with it…or walk above or below it. In fact, you should pretend its third of the room doesn't even exist.
overdrive's avatar
Journey (Arcade)

Journey review (ARC)

Reviewed on April 20, 2012

Your idle band members mug and smile cluelessly even when your current guy gets hit. Then he falls and pouts and bangs his fists on the ground to the chorus of "Who's Crying Now." This is my favorite musical gaming pun by a long shot.
aschultz's avatar
Legend of Grimrock (PC)

Legend of Grimrock review (PC)

Reviewed on April 19, 2012

What Almost Human tried and succeeded to capture was the feeling of isolation. There are no other friendly faces around, and the only trace of former occupants to be found are hastily-scribbled letters that you can find from time to time.
darketernal's avatar
Alan Wake (Xbox 360)

Alan Wake review (X360)

Reviewed on April 18, 2012

When playing through the enthralling epic called Alan Wake your gaming senses will be rubbed with a marinade of complete and utter astonishment. The game will take you on a journey, a dark, ghostly crusade, where light is your best friend. The darkness overthrows you; it enables haunting figures to follow your innocent, startled, frame. In this game, it not wrong to be afraid of the dark, its not childish, or uncharacteristic. Because the darkness can overwhelm you, it can control you, your mind...
Alk31997's avatar
Moonsweeper (Atari 2600)

Moonsweeper review (A2600)

Reviewed on April 18, 2012

There was something addictive about Moonsweeper. A good portion of it was the same old story: command a spacecraft, gun down extraterrestrials, laugh at their burning pieces on the planet surface. But Imagic dressed it up in such a new and unique way that it felt fresh. You didn't just move back and forth at the bottom of the screen whilst shooting a horde of odd shapes, nor did you just zoom along and fire at the occasional threat a la Zaxxon. You actually did both!
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Green Day: Rock Band (PlayStation 3)

Green Day: Rock Band review (PS3)

Reviewed on April 18, 2012

As a music reviewer I am intrigued, and excited to review Green Day rock band. I have seen the band three times including the colossal Wembley Stadium gig in 2010. The virtual slice is compelling and deeply interactive. You can play as leading man Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist Mike Dirnt, and drummer Tre Cool. All you need is a guitar, some drums, and if you like to bellow, a microphone. The game is a lot of fun.
Alk31997's avatar
Dino Crisis (PlayStation)

Dino Crisis review (PSX)

Reviewed on April 17, 2012

Dino Crisis dives straight first into the mechanics of Resident Evil one and two. It like playing those games, but with the undead replaced by sneering dinosaurs. Capcom have definitely stretched the elements of ‘’Panic Horror’’ in the game, giving the audience the same thrills, but adding some new creative dimensions. Like for instance, the character can walk while shooting, these small snippets make the game more accessible. The controls though, are pretty much the same.
Alk31997's avatar
Eternal Sonata (PlayStation 3)

Eternal Sonata review (PS3)

Reviewed on April 15, 2012

Eternal Sonata should in fact be one of the select games in your RPG collection.
Sparkflowstudios's avatar
Pu-Li-Ru-La (Saturn)

Pu-Li-Ru-La review (SAT)

Reviewed on April 15, 2012

Then you got anthropomorphic bottles in business attire, a painting of a nun that can whip out a huge tongue, and a towering sumo wrestler chilling beside Mount Fuji. Seriously, how do you pitch a game like this?
dementedhut's avatar
Fortune Builder (Colecovision)

Fortune Builder review (CVN)

Reviewed on April 14, 2012

It's more fun to watch the little dot-cars that multiply and move between businesses and residences as your town grows--or even turn away from the long dead-end road you forgot to industrialize. Single pixels were never so cute.
aschultz's avatar
Missile Command (Atari 2600)

Missile Command review (A2600)

Reviewed on April 14, 2012

No, Missile Command is not easy on the eyes whatsoever, and yet somehow that's incredibly beautiful. Most of the screen is wide open nothing: a blank night sky and a bleak environment. There you sit, alone, vulnerable, no discernible geographic advantage, waiting in anticipation for those rockets to arrive. It's disquieting because you get the sense that you are it. You are the only remnants of a civilization, and once the bases you're defending are toast your only existence wi...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Journey (PlayStation 3)

Journey review (PS3)

Reviewed on April 14, 2012

You'll be surprised just how much of a philosophical, yet intuitive gaming experience you'll have with ThatGameCompany's newest downloadable (Journey).
Sparkflowstudios's avatar
L.A. Noire (Xbox 360)

L.A. Noire review (X360)

Reviewed on April 13, 2012

I have never seen a game like LA Noire before. When it comes to facial expressions and character development, this game strikes a gold mine of complete astonishment. The developers Team Bondi and Rockstar have done a wonderful job of incorporating real life traits, even a simple smile from protagonist Cole Phelps, will enlighten the gamer. The game is a phenomenon and is a gold buckle on Rockstar’s long plated belt.
Alk31997's avatar
Dead Space 2 (PlayStation 3)

Dead Space 2 review (PS3)

Reviewed on April 12, 2012

Horror games will always make your heart shudder and scream. Dead Space 2 takes your heart and speaks to it, prods it, haunts it, overwhelms the valves, chills the blood that passes through the veins. If your eyes aren’t compatible for frightening experiences, then this game isn’t for you, please utilize your gaming skills elsewhere. Dead Space 2 is the sequel to the very popular Dead Space, a game that was rich in quality and diversity, swarming with Necromorphs that want to extract the blood a...
Alk31997's avatar
King Kong (Atari 2600)

King Kong review (A2600)

Reviewed on April 11, 2012

There's nothing enjoyable about King Kong. It's a tedious slog through a single dull stage, a game that bespeaks a rushed, slapped-together development. God only knows why. It's not like there was such a demand for a King Kong game that it needed to hit stores right away.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
My Hero (Sega Master System)

My Hero review (SMS)

Reviewed on April 11, 2012

You play the role of The Hero, but you look like Edward Carnby, specifically from Alone in the Dark 2, right down to the blue leisure suit and pitiful death sequences. You are the strapping, golden-domed captain of the football team, enjoying a sunset with your prudish girlfriend on the beach, besotting her with your romanticism and a bottle of Alize.
Masters's avatar
KOF Sky Stage (Xbox 360)

KOF Sky Stage review (X360)

Reviewed on April 10, 2012

The first time I stumbled onto this game, I was confused. KOF Sky Stage? DLC for The King of Fighters XII? A side game where all the fighters died and are throwing down in the afterlife? When I dug further, I was stunned: a vertical shoot'em up featuring characters from the fighting series. One of those cases where fact is stranger than fiction.
dementedhut's avatar

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