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Available Reviews
Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage (PC)

Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage review (PC)

Reviewed on June 23, 2012

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is a really, really good game, and you're missing out on it.
Malygris's avatar
Dragon Power (NES)

Dragon Power review (NES)

Reviewed on June 22, 2012

...this is an action game where you benefit from avoiding combat.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Pac-Man (Atari 2600)

Pac-Man review (A2600)

Reviewed on June 21, 2012

However, just because I had fun times with family while playing this game doesn't mean I can excuse its large list of faults. That period of time can best be described as good times with a bad game simply because we didn't know any better.
overdrive's avatar
Titan Quest (PC)

Titan Quest review (PC)

Reviewed on June 20, 2012

Titan Quest is an exciting bash across ancient lands. Very little about this game is innovative. Rather than experimenting with new concepts, Iron Lore took familiar ones and refined them. They knew what kind of game they were making. They didn't overload it with pretentious storytelling or bits of narrative that demean the action.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Forbidden Memoires (PlayStation)

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Forbidden Memoires review (PSX)

Reviewed on June 19, 2012

Yu-Gi-Oh is a franchise which I feel done something Digimon couldn’t. It rivalled Pokemon. Not a view shared by the masses, but I personally jumped aboard of Pokemon slightly when I bought my first ever deck. A friend told me had a Yu-Gi-Oh game at church one day, which I didn’t believe. That whole Sunday was spent, legs crossed on his floor, eyes peeled at the sight of our favourite characters in their battle to save the world. Since then, any other game has been but an anti-climax.
Teddypicka's avatar
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (PlayStation 2)

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly review (PS2)

Reviewed on June 19, 2012

Any gamer remembers Spyro as the game which became an instant classic, as soon as it hit the shelves. Personally, I remember it as the first game I played on my first console back in '98. It had me hooked. Along with it's sequels (Gateway to Glimmer (UK version of Ripto's Rage) and Year of the Dragon), it had the ability to conjure up excitement with every new portal, homeworld or enemy. However, what went wrong with Enter the Dragonfly?
Teddypicka's avatar
Inversion (Xbox 360)

Inversion review (X360)

Reviewed on June 18, 2012

Playing it won't ruin your weekend.
Suskie's avatar
Max Payne 3 (Xbox 360)

Max Payne 3 review (X360)

Reviewed on June 17, 2012

Max Payne has not had an easy life; he lost his wife and daughter to drugged up psychotics, his friends to gunmen and his job to drink. Since the last time we have seen Max he's lost it all, no longer a cop and on the verge of claiming his life or letting his habits do it for him he has nothing save a handful of painkillers and a bottle of scotch. So as you can imagine he needs a new start which he finds when he takes a job as protection for a rich family called the Brancos who live and work in ...
Craig's avatar
Amagon (NES)

Amagon review (NES)

Reviewed on June 16, 2012

Amagon is a laborious run ‘n gun adventure with little to nothing to justify the workman-like experience. It’s so much easier to just call it a “waste of time.”
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Diablo III (PC)

Diablo III review (PC)

Reviewed on June 16, 2012

But it only solidifies the feeling that prior to Inferno was a game that continuously promised nothing to its players. And while the final challenge takes shape of a true game, it’s hardly a perfect dungeon crawler itself.
bbbmoney's avatar
O.C.D. (Xbox 360)

O.C.D. review (X360)

Reviewed on June 15, 2012

With O.C.D., you grind so you can grind more; you gain skills so you can grind more quickly; you harvest goods to make items and equipment so you can grind even more quickly. The grinding isn't a means to an end, it's the beginning, middle and end!
overdrive's avatar
Lollipop Chainsaw (Xbox 360)

Lollipop Chainsaw review (X360)

Reviewed on June 14, 2012

Lollipop Chainsaw is what it is, a Suda51 production featuring a unique style wrapped in basic play mechanics.
dementedhut's avatar
Isolated Warrior (NES)

Isolated Warrior review (NES)

Reviewed on June 13, 2012

Isolated Warrior always leaves me with a heavy heart. It's a great game unfortunately trapped within a decent game. Had Kid left the platformer elements out, it would have been excellent. I can admire their desire for innovation, but innovation is not inherently a good quality.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Binary Domain (Xbox 360)

Binary Domain review (X360)

Reviewed on June 12, 2012

I'm not afraid to admit I wasn't expecting great things from Binary Domain, the latest third-person cover shooter from Sega...
dementedhut's avatar
Nicktoons Unite! (GameCube)

Nicktoons Unite! review (GCN)

Reviewed on June 11, 2012

Want a trip down memory lane? This game will make anyone who grew up with the Nicktoons in the early 2000s
Doublethree1's avatar
Rock of Ages (PlayStation 3)

Rock of Ages review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 10, 2012

This game is probably the last thing Albrecht Dürer’s brain showed him the moment before he died.
Roto13's avatar
Awesomenauts (Xbox 360)

Awesomenauts review (X360)

Reviewed on June 10, 2012

Though many games share the core mechanics that Awesomenauts is built upon, there’s simply nothing else out there like it right now.
EmP's avatar
Bubble Bath Babes (NES)

Bubble Bath Babes review (NES)

Reviewed on June 08, 2012

That describes Bubble Bath Babes: yet another dull puzzle game fused together with yet another unsexy piece of gaming erotica. If I can say anything positive, it's that Babes is not complete dreck like the porn games on Atari 2600 or Commodore 64. Really, though, that's much of a compliment.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Vanquish (Xbox 360)

Vanquish review (X360)

Reviewed on June 06, 2012

In the moment...
dementedhut's avatar
Max Payne 3 (PlayStation 3)

Max Payne 3 review (PS3)

Reviewed on June 05, 2012

Thinking on your feet is a necessity. The development, execution, and results of a plan happen almost simultaneously so that, by the time you've decided what to do about the guy sneaking up on your hiding place, you've already blind-pumped bullets into him, leapt out of cover across a bar counter crowded with glass, and bullet-time vaulted your way to a new hiding location—popping a guy in the head who was there before you—and are already dealing with the next situation.
zippdementia's avatar

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