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Available Reviews
BioShock Infinite (PC)

BioShock Infinite review (PC)

Reviewed on March 29, 2013

I'm used to BioShock games tucking their most important characters away in other rooms, so seeing Irrational put so much effort into someone who's at the very forefront from the get-go works wonders to make me feel more connected to the story's happenings. Booker may be the hero, and he's no slacker in the character development field himself, but Infinite is Elizabeth's show.
Suskie's avatar
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom (Genesis)

Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 27, 2013

ahh hubris thy name is Sega.
maboroshi's avatar
Bubble Bobble Part 2 (NES)

Bubble Bobble Part 2 review (NES)

Reviewed on March 26, 2013

2 is the loneliest number.
Roto13's avatar
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Xbox 360)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance review (X360)

Reviewed on March 26, 2013

For all the silly things that occurred in Metal Gear Solid 2, all the absurd situations Raiden was placed in, and for all the asinine codec conversations I had with Rose (single-handedly trying to stop super-powered terrorists, damn it!), there's one aspect I really enjoyed: using that sword.
dementedhut's avatar
Quackshot Starring Donald Duck (Genesis)

Quackshot Starring Donald Duck review (GEN)

Reviewed on March 23, 2013

Although the various equipment available had the potential to facilitate a rousing adventure that could have offered a true sense of exploration, most stages are instead hampered by extremely linear design with little or nothing worthwhile to see that’s off the beaten path. Item swapping mostly just amounts to busy work, necessary though it is, and that process becomes less tolerable each time you’re forced to take another run through an area because you lost your last life and were returned to the world map.
honestgamer's avatar
Gears of War: Judgment (Xbox 360)

Gears of War: Judgment review (X360)

Reviewed on March 22, 2013

Judgment is uneventful. It is a succession of disconnected rooms in which unremarkable firefights take place. We rarely even see our team moving from one area to the next; when a mission ends, we push a button, look over our scorecard, push another button, sit through a load screen, and find ourselves in the next area.
Suskie's avatar
Crysis 3 (PlayStation 3)

Crysis 3 review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 19, 2013

Crysis 3 doesn’t have any major flaws, but it also doesn’t offer anything out of the ordinary.
Chris_Strott's avatar
Fortune Street (Wii)

Fortune Street review (WII)

Reviewed on March 18, 2013

Before you begin a game, you can choose to play using either “Easy” rules or the “Standard” set. The latter is definitely the way to go, even if it comes with a hefty learning curve, because it has the potential to dramatically alter the way everything flows. Players can invest in stocks in any region, whether they own property there or not.
honestgamer's avatar
Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation)

Resident Evil 2 review (PSX)

Reviewed on March 18, 2013

Rest assured that Resident Evil 2 flies the flag for survival horror. Then, with the other hand, it injects itself with a syringe full of G-Virus and mutates into something bigger and badder than before.
Ally_Doig's avatar
Tomb Raider (Xbox 360)

Tomb Raider review (X360)

Reviewed on March 18, 2013

The reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise, aptly called Tomb Raider, is an excellent example of an action movie in video game form. Every appealing aspect of the action genre is present; Explosions, Bloody fights, Explosions, powerful weapons, a Thrilling story, and still more Explosions.
Chris_Strott's avatar
God of War: Ascension (PlayStation 3)

God of War: Ascension review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 17, 2013

Because its predecessors have already offered so many epic moments, Ascension falls prey to the double-edged sword of comparison: yes, the game offers more of the sort of fun you’ve come to expect, but it also fails to live up to the reputation that previous installments earned.
tay823's avatar
Tomb Raider (Xbox 360)

Tomb Raider review (X360)

Reviewed on March 16, 2013

Tomb Raiders are always in need of a reboot, because their careers are in ruins.
EmP's avatar
Bloody Warriors: Shango no Gyakushuu (NES)

Bloody Warriors: Shango no Gyakushuu review (NES)

Reviewed on March 16, 2013

Bloody Warriors is best described as an RPG for RPG junkies. It's not good enough to inspire players to delve into the genre, but diehard fans like me are able to gain some enjoyment from taking another trip down a well-worn path.
overdrive's avatar
Rocky and Bullwinkle (Xbox 360)

Rocky and Bullwinkle review (X360)

Reviewed on March 14, 2013

Well, Zen Studios successfully...
dementedhut's avatar
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk (PlayStation 3)

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 13, 2013

Atelier Ayesha is a shallow affair. I like its looks and the sweet music it plays, but it just doesn’t appeal to me intellectually.
Whelk's avatar
SimCity (PC)

SimCity review (PC)

Reviewed on March 12, 2013

Social features bring something different to the new SimCity formula, but you might wish Maxis had left things well enough alone.
honestgamer's avatar
Tomb Raider (PC)

Tomb Raider review (PC)

Reviewed on March 11, 2013

Hands free immersion
bbbmoney's avatar
Tomb Raider (PlayStation 3)

Tomb Raider review (PS3)

Reviewed on March 10, 2013

It’s impressive to see Tomb Raider go from setting up frightening encounters with wolves, to getting your blood pumping right before a shoot out, to giving your trigger-finger a break and making you get cerebral with a puzzle or two.
zippdementia's avatar
Battletoads (NES)

Battletoads review (NES)

Reviewed on March 09, 2013

Most people have trouble enjoying this game nowadays. In related news, most people have trouble getting past the third level...
honestgamer's avatar
Popeye (NES)

Popeye review (NES)

Reviewed on March 08, 2013

"I yam what I yam and what I yam is a mediocre Donkey Kong clone."
Roto13's avatar

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