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Available Reviews
Saints Row IV (PC)

Saints Row IV review (PC)

Reviewed on August 14, 2013

All they need to do now is throw in an orb-collecting mechanic, and– wait, they did do that? Oh. Well, I guess Saints Row IV is pretty brilliant, then.
Suskie's avatar
Phantasy Star (Sega Master System)

Phantasy Star review (SMS)

Reviewed on August 11, 2013

Often hailed as one of the greatest RPGs of all time I ask has Phantasy star stood the test of time or has 25 years of progress simply left this game behind.
maboroshi's avatar
Super Mario Bros. (NES)

Super Mario Bros. review (NES)

Reviewed on August 10, 2013

Mario will linger.
Fiddlesticks's avatar
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion review (X360)

Reviewed on August 05, 2013

It never leaves entirely, though. I mean, I've spent a total of 375 or so hours in the world of Oblivion and its DLC, and I have no regrets. I was glad when it was over and I doubt I'll ever play it again, but I had a great time until the end, when I was just trying to finish off the final few quests as quickly as possible.
overdrive's avatar
Asterix (Sega Master System)

Asterix review (SMS)

Reviewed on August 05, 2013

The unique characters, stages tailored to the character chosen, well-scaled difficulty, intelligent and innovative level design, and multiplayer capabilities superseded my expectations. It all combines to make a really great game that is fun to play and shouldn't be missed by any gaming enthusiast.
ThoughtFool1's avatar
Bonk's Adventure (NES)

Bonk's Adventure review (NES)

Reviewed on August 05, 2013

There’s a level in which you bash a giant dinosaur on the head, then climb into its mouth and go spelunking inside its stomach. Bonk’s Adventure knows it’s a fairly straightforward game, so it goes out of its way to be adorable.
Whelk's avatar
Mark of the Ninja (Xbox 360)

Mark of the Ninja review (X360)

Reviewed on August 05, 2013

Mark of the Ninja is an amazing stealth game featuring a hefty amount of symbolism.
Chris_Strott's avatar
DARK (Xbox 360)

DARK review (X360)

Reviewed on August 03, 2013

I didn't buy DARK for its award-winning narrative, thankfully, but because it's a stealth title. Well, that, and I was curious due to the hate the game was receiving.
dementedhut's avatar
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (Sega Master System)

Alex Kidd in Shinobi World review (SMS)

Reviewed on July 31, 2013

The game was really fun, I loved the look and the sound...and had a blast playing it. However, it ended way too soon and didn't pose much of a challenge...leaving me with a bittersweet memory of what should have been a great game...but ends up just being "pretty good".
ThoughtFool1's avatar
Bikkuriman World: Gekitou Sei Senshi (NES)

Bikkuriman World: Gekitou Sei Senshi review (NES)

Reviewed on July 29, 2013

It showed me that, yes, RPGs can transcend language. Maybe none can as well as your average puzzle game. But BW has lots more fun trying and getting far closer than expected.
aschultz's avatar
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Sega Master System)

Alex Kidd in Miracle World review (SMS)

Reviewed on July 29, 2013

I had a lot of fun playing the game, and was really surprised by the gameplay variety in a platformer made in the mid-80's. Not only does it deliver on the gameplay, it also looked and sounded absolutely astounding. I'd recommend this game to pretty much is certainly a game worth playing!
ThoughtFool1's avatar
Conquest of the Crystal Palace (NES)

Conquest of the Crystal Palace review (NES)

Reviewed on July 25, 2013

If you happen across Conquest of the Crystal Palace, you’re likely to get your money’s worth, but that’s mostly only because you’re probably not going to pay much to acquire it.
AlphaNerd's avatar
X-Men: Destiny (PlayStation 3)

X-Men: Destiny review (PS3)

Reviewed on July 23, 2013

X-Men Destiny seems to be universally despised, and while I mostly agree, fanboys of the X-Men universe may still be entertained.
Chris_Strott's avatar
The Witcher (PC)

The Witcher review (PC)

Reviewed on July 22, 2013

This is still Tolkienesque fantasy to the bone. You can throw around made-up words like "vodyanoi" and "Scoia'tael" all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that the elves are slender woodland-dwellers and the dwarves are Scottish beer-drinkers and wow does this all feel familiar.
Suskie's avatar
Ninja Commando (NeoGeo)

Ninja Commando review (NEO)

Reviewed on July 20, 2013

You guuyyyyssss, don't ruin my scheme! Get lost!
dementedhut's avatar
Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)

Shin Megami Tensei IV review (3DS)

Reviewed on July 20, 2013

Shin Megami Tensei IV is in many ways exactly the game I didn’t dare hope it would be, a genuine triumph that belongs in your library if you love the series or even if you just like a challenging and mostly unique JRPG, portable or otherwise. With all of that high praise appropriately heaped, though, I must add that the game is most certainly not without its flaws.
honestgamer's avatar
Metal Gear (NES)

Metal Gear review (NES)

Reviewed on July 15, 2013

If you can go into this game with the knowledge that it’s a flawed version of the original game from the outset, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
AlphaNerd's avatar
Flying Warriors (NES)

Flying Warriors review (NES)

Reviewed on July 15, 2013

These warriors fly about as well as I do when I put on a cape and jump from the roof.
AlphaNerd's avatar
Kid Icarus (NES)

Kid Icarus review (NES)

Reviewed on July 15, 2013

I’m here to let you in on a little secret: Kid Icarus isn’t actually very good.
AlphaNerd's avatar
Final Fantasy III (SNES)

Final Fantasy III review (SNES)

Reviewed on July 11, 2013

Oh, the beautiful white text of high damage numbers.
bbbmoney's avatar

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