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Available Reviews
Yo! Noid (NES)

Yo! Noid review (NES)

Reviewed on December 22, 2013

Avoid Maintain a strictly professional relationship with the Noid.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Aliens: Infestation (DS)

Aliens: Infestation review (DS)

Reviewed on December 19, 2013

dementedhut's avatar
Woodle Tree (PC)

Woodle Tree review (PC)

Reviewed on December 16, 2013

Terribly adorable or adorably terrible?
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Ep. 1 (PC)

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Ep. 1 review (PC)

Reviewed on December 15, 2013

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse has all the parts on display to be the game adventure fans have hankered for, and it has every chance of being that game upon completion. Maybe? Probably. Yeah.
EmP's avatar
Tearaway (Vita)

Tearaway review (VITA)

Reviewed on December 15, 2013

Tearaway is fueled by big, genre-bending ideas, and it's got so many of them that I could rattle off a dozen of the game's most memorable moments and I'd barely be scratching the surface of what the game has to offer.
Suskie's avatar
3D Super Hang-On (3DS)

3D Super Hang-On review (3DS)

Reviewed on December 14, 2013

Should be called Motion Controls Super Hang-On.
Roto13's avatar
3D Space Harrier (3DS)

3D Space Harrier review (3DS)

Reviewed on December 13, 2013

Get ready!
Roto13's avatar
Rhythm Heaven (DS)

Rhythm Heaven review (DS)

Reviewed on December 13, 2013

Unfortunately, when my tour with Fever was done, I left with a feeling of disdain, that and a lingering question that stuck with me for months: how does the DS predecessor play?
dementedhut's avatar
3D Altered Beast (3DS)

3D Altered Beast review (3DS)

Reviewed on December 12, 2013

No amount of 3D is going to make Altered Beast very good.
Roto13's avatar
Peggle 2 (Xbox One)

Peggle 2 review (XB1)

Reviewed on December 11, 2013

Peggle 2 proves that it's still fun to fire balls at colored pegs and hope for the best.
honestgamer's avatar
3D Sonic the Hedgehog (3DS)

3D Sonic the Hedgehog review (3DS)

Reviewed on December 06, 2013

The last version of Sonic 1 you'll ever need.
Roto13's avatar
Journey to Silius (NES)

Journey to Silius review (NES)

Reviewed on December 05, 2013

I don't think Kyle Reese had it this rough. Well, he's dead, but I mean... Okay, nevermind.
dementedhut's avatar
Contrast (PC)

Contrast review (PC)

Reviewed on December 03, 2013

When I first saw the trailer for Compulsion Games’ Contrast, I was instantly hooked. As a fan of film noir, I thought it looked absolutely stunning and showed a lot of promise. After finally getting my hands on it, though, what I originally pegged as a potential game of the year candidate is now high on my list of the same period’s biggest disappointments.
Tayo's avatar
Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Sega Master System)

Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse review (SMS)

Reviewed on December 03, 2013

Everything that Castle of Illusion does, Land of Illusion does and does it better. Gone is the absurdly elementary difficulty level, kiddie looks and sounds, and short game length. In its place is something that appeals to a gamer of any age...a golden platformer that stands as one of the testaments to the system.
ThoughtFool1's avatar
Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict (Game Gear)

Shining Force Gaiden: Final Conflict review (GG)

Reviewed on December 01, 2013

As the game progresses, the fights start getting pretty tough. By the time you've reached the final handful, virtually every foe will come at your guys with damaging long-range area-of-effect spells, making it impossible to avoid taking massive amounts of damage.
overdrive's avatar
Forza Motorsport 5 (Xbox One)

Forza Motorsport 5 review (XB1)

Reviewed on December 01, 2013

The flagship title for a very expensive piece of hardware really shouldn't be thinner rehash of an experience that's already been available for years, should it?
Suskie's avatar
Adventure Island (NES)

Adventure Island review (NES)

Reviewed on November 30, 2013

Please note that half of this review is going to be nearly identical to my review of Wonder Boy. Why you ask? Because they're the same game. That's right. Hudson Soft obtained the rights from developer Escape, now known as Westone Bit Entertainment, and changed the main character Tom Tom to Master Higgins and changed the graphics, music, and difficulty, resulting in Adventure Island. I bought it for the Wii Virtual Console.
Smiley_Face123's avatar
Wonder Boy (Sega Master System)

Wonder Boy review (SMS)

Reviewed on November 29, 2013

Well, first I'll start off by saying that if you're a platformer fan, this is a definite must own. It started out in the arcade and then got ported to the Sega Master System. It later received several sequels which switched from sole platforming to more of an action RPG, which includes Wonder Boy 2 in Monster Land, Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon’s Trap, Wonder Boy 3 Monster Lair (?!?! You can have 2 3’s?!?! shouldn’t this be 4?), and Wonder Boy 4 in Monster World (?!?! Shouldn’t this be 5?) I kind of w...
Smiley_Face123's avatar
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)

Super Mario 3D World review (WIIU)

Reviewed on November 28, 2013

The developers at Nintendo were brave enough to make variety a mandate and they were skilled enough to ensure that every element contributes something exciting to the whole. The result is my personal pick for the greatest 3D platformer to date.
honestgamer's avatar
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PlayStation 3)

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune review (PS3)

Reviewed on November 28, 2013

Not quite a fortune, but certainly not chump change.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar

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