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You are currently looking through all reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
WipEout 2048 (Vita)

WipEout 2048 review (VITA)

Reviewed on February 21, 2015

You know where you are in a FEISAR.
Germ's avatar
Terranigma (SNES)

Terranigma review (SNES)

Reviewed on February 21, 2015

Sometimes, being too ambitious for one's own good is the difference between being good and great.
overdrive's avatar
1942 (NES)

1942 review (NES)

Reviewed on February 21, 2015

On wings of madness we will fly...
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar
Castle in the Darkness (PC)

Castle in the Darkness review (PC)

Reviewed on February 20, 2015

Indistinguishable from the NES games that it apes. That's generally fine, occasionally charming and often infuriating.
Suskie's avatar
Mighty Gunvolt (3DS)

Mighty Gunvolt review (3DS)

Reviewed on February 18, 2015

A generic sample that will probably leave you wanting more... and better.
honestgamer's avatar
Citizens of Earth (PlayStation 4)

Citizens of Earth review (PS4)

Reviewed on February 17, 2015

Citizens of Earthbound.
Roto13's avatar
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! (PlayStation)

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 17, 2015

And now I'm all nostalgic for retro mascot platformers. Thanks, Spyro...
overdrive's avatar
Armored Core: Project Phantasma (PlayStation)

Armored Core: Project Phantasma review (PSX)

Reviewed on February 16, 2015

Despite the fact that you can play it as a standalone adventure, the experience feels incomplete if you haven't first played Armored Core.
Germ's avatar
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (PlayStation 3)

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 16, 2015

I wonder how I would like this game if it ran buttery smooth. As is, Lost Planet is a pretty flawed game to begin with. Add in the fact that you have to play it in slow motion and have your mind assaulted by terrible, long cutscenes and it's kind of a torturous experience.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Dying Light (PC)

Dying Light review (PC)

Reviewed on February 12, 2015

It contains not a single new idea.
Suskie's avatar
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate review (3DS)

Reviewed on February 09, 2015

The combat engine is so solid that I was actively looking for new, more effective, more rewarding ways to approach battles.
Suskie's avatar
Grey Goo (PC)

Grey Goo review (PC)

Reviewed on February 08, 2015

Sticky all-consuming RTS nostalgia.
EmP's avatar
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 (PC)

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 review (PC)

Reviewed on February 07, 2015

In spite of its various issues, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 manages to stand on its own and offer a worthwhile experience overall.
EricRPG's avatar
Thomas Was Alone (PlayStation 3)

Thomas Was Alone review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 06, 2015

So many games in this crowded genre do everything so much better than Thomas Was Alone that it is almost totally obsolete. It's only worth playing if you are really interested in it's main theme or if you are a fan of the designer.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Planets Under Attack (PlayStation 3)

Planets Under Attack review (PS3)

Reviewed on February 06, 2015

Unfortunately Planets Under Attack is a worse version of Galcon Labs, which already had its problems.
Robotic_Attack's avatar
Supreme League of Patriots - Issue 3: Ice Cold in Ellis (PC)

Supreme League of Patriots - Issue 3: Ice Cold in Ellis review (PC)

Reviewed on February 06, 2015

Supreme Progression
EmP's avatar
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - Episode 2: The Lost Lords (PC)

Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - Episode 2: The Lost Lords review (PC)

Reviewed on February 05, 2015

In the game, like in the TV show, anything involving Jon Snow is the most boring part.
Roto13's avatar
Gravity Rush (Vita)

Gravity Rush review (VITA)

Reviewed on February 05, 2015

Gravity manipulation is one of the coolest superpowers I've seen in a game.
Germ's avatar
Grinsia (3DS)

Grinsia review (3DS)

Reviewed on February 05, 2015

This one won't be on my "Best of 2014" list.
overdrive's avatar
The Depths of Tolagal (PC)

The Depths of Tolagal review (PC)

Reviewed on February 01, 2015

Suffers from a lack of imagination.
freelancer's avatar

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