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You are currently looking through all reviews for games that are available on every platform the site currently covers. Below, you will find reviews written by all eligible authors and sorted according to date of submission, with the newest content displaying first. As many as 20 results will display per page. If you would like to try a search with different parameters, specify them below and submit a new search.

Available Reviews
Make Trax (Arcade)

Make Trax review (ARC)

Reviewed on August 16, 2016

It's not fair, but somehow it's still fun
aschultz's avatar
Gal Gun: Double Peace (PlayStation 4)

Gal Gun: Double Peace review (PS4)

Reviewed on August 15, 2016

It's hard to describe Gal Gun: Double Peace with a straight face, but fairly easy to enjoy actually playing it.
honestgamer's avatar
Super Star Path (PC)

Super Star Path review (PC)

Reviewed on August 14, 2016

An interesting idea has to begin somewhere.
dementedhut's avatar
Supreme Warrior (Sega 32X)

Supreme Warrior review (32X)

Reviewed on August 14, 2016

Bottom of the barrel
vgc2000's avatar
Road to Ballhalla (PC)

Road to Ballhalla review (PC)

Reviewed on August 10, 2016

Road to Ballhalla proves that sometimes, safely rolling a ball around is easier said than done.
honestgamer's avatar
Abzu (PlayStation 4)

Abzu review (PS4)

Reviewed on August 09, 2016

Abzû is a beautiful and emotive aquatic adventure, but sometimes lacks the confidence to swim too far from the boat.
otokonomiyaki's avatar
Inside (PC)

Inside review (PC)

Reviewed on August 08, 2016

Inside forgoes answering questions that, in Limbo, we were never asking to begin with.
Suskie's avatar
Pengo (Arcade)

Pengo review (ARC) feedback bubble

Reviewed on August 07, 2016

Squarish penguins are always cute, even in tough games!
aschultz's avatar
3D Classics: Urban Champion (3DS)

3D Classics: Urban Champion review (3DS)

Reviewed on August 04, 2016

I think "Classic" is being used too freely here...
dementedhut's avatar
Hard Reset Redux (PC)

Hard Reset Redux review (PC)

Reviewed on August 04, 2016

Painkiller: Blade Runner Edition
Brian's avatar
WWF Raw (Sega 32X)

WWF Raw review (32X)

Reviewed on August 04, 2016

Now even the 32X can give wrestling a bad name.
vgc2000's avatar
Elite: Dangerous (PC)

Elite: Dangerous review (PC)

Reviewed on August 02, 2016

Essentially a late stage alpha/early beta that needs a lot more content to help flesh it out
AtumHadu's avatar
Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples (Sega 32X)

Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples review (32X)

Reviewed on July 31, 2016

Golf puns sold separately.
EmP's avatar
Fistful of Frags (PC)

Fistful of Frags review (PC)

Reviewed on July 30, 2016

This is no Call of Duty: Whiskey Warfare.
Drury's avatar
Watch Dogs (PC)

Watch Dogs review (PC)

Reviewed on July 29, 2016

Such hacking. Very Wow.
MeltingComet's avatar
Xenonauts (PC)

Xenonauts review (PC)

Reviewed on July 28, 2016

Xenonauts – a remake of a game of old.
Mighty No. 9 (PC)

Mighty No. 9 review (PC)

Reviewed on July 27, 2016

A passing, superficial resemblance to the franchise I love
MegaManTrigger's avatar
Supreme Warrior (Sega 32X)

Supreme Warrior review (32X)

Reviewed on July 24, 2016

Supremely Worrying
EmP's avatar
Furi (PC)

Furi review (PC)

Reviewed on July 23, 2016

The jailer is the key, kill him and you’ll be free.
silversuriv's avatar
WWF Wrestlemania (NES)

WWF Wrestlemania review (NES)

Reviewed on July 23, 2016

WWF Wrestlemania is about as painful to witness as Sid Vicious' compound leg fracture.
JoeTheDestroyer's avatar

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