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I'm in
February 27, 2007

I just got accepted back into the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee for a second undergraduate degree in Journalism. I already have a degree in Film Studies, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere. Potential employers keep asking what Film Studies is. Not a good sign when you're applying for a job. For the past two years I have been saying that I wouldn't go back to school because of the costs involved. I changed my mind. I'm not getting anywhere at the moment, so I might as well get something out of that time.

Most recent blog posts from Brian Rowe...

honestgamer honestgamer - February 27, 2007 (11:59 AM)
Congratulations. There are a lot of cool jobs in the world, but most of them require having a degree. If I had to choose between college and working retail, I'd pick college any time. Hopefully, you graduate with a great degree and get a decent job. There's a cure for the rate at which students drop out of high school, I've decided: three years working retail. ;-)
Genj Genj - February 27, 2007 (01:19 PM)
Congrats. I hope you have better work ethic than me!

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