Invalid characterset or character set not supported Stupid Hotel.......

Stupid Hotel.......
January 25, 2007

I decided to pick up Hotel Dusk for the DS today (can't play WOW all the time). The question is, were point-n-click adventures as good as nostalgia reminds me, or should I be glad that we've moved on and left them behind? I've been clicking around the DS screen for about five hours straight now. Unfortunately, nearly two hours of that has been pointless backtracking and the senseless combining of items in a desperate attempt to progress. I don't know if there's some miniscule detail that I'm missing, some two-pixel wide object that I failed to click, or if the game just glitched.

Besides the wanna-stab-my-screen-with-the-stylus dead end, it's an interesting game. Look for a review.....well, whenever I figure this part out.

Most recent blog posts from Brian Rowe...

Genj Genj - January 26, 2007 (11:47 AM)
Well it's probably because good graphic adventures had stuff like clues, interesting dialogue & characters, and a nice large monitor (as opposed to a tiny handheld).
pup pup - January 27, 2007 (07:35 AM)
It turns out that the game just glitched. After going through the same door, for the twentieth time, another character appeared for a chat. Who says that you can't do the same thing and expect different results?

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