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What a letdown
June 13, 2006

I received my results from the San Francisco Police Department for the first portion of my tests. I passed the written exam with no troubles, but my "...Personal History Questionnaire indicates that I do not meet the [selection process] criteria..." I have a pretty clean background, so the lack of a criminal justice degree and/or military background cut my chances. Looks like a I won't be joining the ranks after all.

On one end, I am disappointed because this was a chance at getting a career I'm interested in, and my ticket to getting out of debt and poverty. On the other end, I'm not distraught about the rejection. I'm trying to focus on my writing and screenprinting, and I was afraid that as a police officer, those interests would fall by the wayside.

The job hunt continues.

Most recent blog posts from Brian Rowe...

honestgamer honestgamer - June 13, 2006 (06:18 PM)
You might be interested to know that ABC is accepting submissions for a contest where they pay a few winners 75K for one year. That position often leads into regular gigs within the industry. You should check it out on ABC's site, somewhere...
tristis_iranica tristis_iranica - June 13, 2006 (07:49 PM)
It's a shame they didn't hire you, but hey, they can go fuck themselves in their super loose, bluberry infested assholes.

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