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San Francisco
May 22, 2006

I got back from San Francisco a few days ago, and I am already anxious for my next visit. The recent trip was to take the first part of the police officer examinations. It was literally a reading/writing comprehension test. Suffice to say, it was easy. I finished in half of the time allotted and I'm pretty sure that I found a grammatical error. All I can say is that I better get a good score on it. After that I continued on to fill out a personal history questionaire. This is the tough part. I have a clean background, but I am competing against people with military, corrections, police, and bi-lingual experience. I should find out soon whether or not I get invited back for the physical test in June.

SF was awesome. It felt like a combination of Milwaukee and New Orleans, my two favorite cities. Unfortunately, my dumpy motel was in the South of Market district, just outside of downtown, which also seems to be the big area for leather bars. Interesting... At the first opportunity, I took off for a walk around the city and kept going for five hours. I was amazed by how much there is to do, whether you want to shop, eat, see a concert, or just hang out. I also like the fact that most of the businesses are locally owned. The huge bike community is a definite plus as well.

Visiting my first destination on my walk has been a dream for some time now; the Giant Robot store. Giant Robot has been one of my favorite magazines for a full decade now. Sadly, all I could afford this time around was a T-shirt. The next time around, I think I'll pick up some more Ugly Dolls. By the way, the GR store is in Haight-Ashbury, which I highly recommend.

I think I'm in love with the city. Even if I don't get called back for the physical test, I just might head back to SF anyway, but with one condition; I stay at a different hotel. By day, the downtown area is uuuuuugly. SF has a serious homeless problem, to which I might add, I even saw two massive, lumpy piles of human crap on the sidewalk. And I thought Milwaukee was bad... By night, part of downtown becomes the Tenderloin district. It's exactly what it sounds like. Pimps, prostitutes, dealers, psychotics, bums, and door after door of adult-only businesses. Being new to the area, I wasn't sure if it was safe to be walking around there or not. After all, it's in the same area as all the luxury hotels and condos. I decided to play it safe and just head back to the motel for the night.

That's all for now. I'll be sure to post my experiences with round two.

Most recent blog posts from Brian Rowe...

tristis_iranica tristis_iranica - May 22, 2006 (11:07 AM)
I remember when I was out in San Francisco a few years ago seeing a panhandler holding up a sign that said, "Why lie? It's for pot."

draqq_zyxx draqq_zyxx - May 22, 2006 (01:01 PM)
Cool. I plan to move to San Francisco to follow my dreams at GameSpot. Maybe. If there some other magazine that is based someone else, I might try for that.
disco disco - May 22, 2006 (05:45 PM)
You should have checked out The Sony Metreon. The arcades there are awesome.
Genj Genj - May 22, 2006 (07:49 PM)
I'm a Boston fanboy, so BAH-HUM-BUG I say.
pup pup - May 22, 2006 (10:49 PM)
Sony Metreon? I'll have to look into that. I was pretty limited by time, cash, and transportation, but the second trip should correct that.
bluberry bluberry - May 25, 2006 (10:38 AM)
"I remember when I was out in San Francisco a few years ago seeing a panhandler holding up a sign that said, "Why lie? It's for pot."

I've seen similar in Boston, including but not limited to "tell me off: $2" and admissions that it'd be going toward booze and all that good stuff.
pup pup - May 25, 2006 (11:07 PM)
My favorite sign was back in Milwaukee.

"Hungry Hungry Hobos"

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