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Sick of swords
March 19, 2006

I've been trolling around websites, looking at all the MMO's coming out over the next year and a half, and I'm not all that excited. What is with all the fantasy settings? I play World of Warcraft regularly, but I don't get into the swords-n-sorcery settings as much as other people seem to. Give me sci-fi, cyberpunk, or even a modern day setting, but please ditch the orcs and elves for a while. It's complete overkill.

From a company standpoint, I thought more companies would have been trying to differentiate themselves from the competition. Instead, it's almost all the same old thing. I do think Huxley sounds interesting, but I don't really know that much about, Webzen, the company behind it.

Most recent blog posts from Brian Rowe...

johnny_cairo johnny_cairo - March 20, 2006 (12:29 AM)
Look at how well The Sims and The Matrix Online are doing right now. Phallic swords and night elves are the way to go, brother.
EmP EmP - March 20, 2006 (04:13 AM)
Check out EVE. We've lost DoI to its space piratey grasp already!
Genj Genj - March 20, 2006 (05:05 PM)
pup pup - March 21, 2006 (11:42 AM)
I can't even explain how many different versions of LOTR names I've seen on World of Warcraft. I want to reach through the computer and smack every single one of them.

Eve does look good and I do want to try it pretty badly. I know there are a few MMO's out now with different settings, but I was referring to upcoming titles.
asherdeus asherdeus - March 23, 2006 (10:05 AM)
I've got a review of RF Online coming up that you might want to check out.

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