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Jack Offson rapes NIU
February 16, 2008

By now, most of you have probably heard about the shooting at Northern Illinois University. Leave it to everyone's favorite, hack lawyer to steal the limelight and twist the tragedy to suit his own agenda. He was last seen on Fox News, posing as an expert on school shootings. Seriously, how sick is that?

Never mind that no one asked him about games, that no one said if Mr. Kazmierczak (shooter) played, and that he had brief military training.

Most recent blog posts from Brian Rowe...

wolfqueen001 wolfqueen001 - February 16, 2008 (10:59 AM)
Ugh. Jack Thompson's a joke. Fox News is a joke. I'm schooling at a university an hour away from where this incident took place, and I don't believe this crap.

This sort of "logic" disgusts me. I think I can say with relative certainty that the science is inconclusive about how videogames affect psychology and such. There are studies showing both sides, often in equal measure, I think.

I wrote a paper on this last semester, arguing that videogames can actually prove beneficial.

This is just a stupid ploy to place the blame on something more "material" as opposed to addressing the real problems of our society.
pup pup - February 16, 2008 (02:02 PM)
Off the topic, what school do you go to?
wolfqueen001 wolfqueen001 - February 16, 2008 (03:55 PM)
>.> Loyola University Chicago.
pup pup - February 16, 2008 (04:54 PM)
You might be my closest neighber on HG. I'm up in Milwaukee and Daff's in Green Bay.
Felix_Arabia Felix_Arabia - February 16, 2008 (05:57 PM)
I live underneath your couch cushions, pup.
pup pup - February 16, 2008 (08:20 PM)
Boy, do I feel bad for you. My cat recently did his business there. Seriously...
Suskie Suskie - February 16, 2008 (11:07 PM)
My mother works for Middle States and spends a good deal of her time personally visiting colleges and evaluating them.

Guess where she's going next week.
daff daff - February 17, 2008 (12:36 AM)
This guy might be right. Pup how many times have you made yourself dinner this year? I know you've played cooking with mama.
Halon Halon - February 17, 2008 (06:12 PM)
Didn't faux news have someone on last month who said Mass Effect was targeted at children and contained several graphic sex scenes? They they had the journalist come on and rape those accusations.
pup pup - February 18, 2008 (12:54 AM)
Irony. From what I understand, Mass Effect is a game that Jack Thompson actually approves of.
overdrive overdrive - February 18, 2008 (05:54 PM)
My mother works for Middle States and spends a good deal of her time personally visiting colleges and evaluating them.

Guess where she's going next week.

Western Michigan?

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