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Of recent work and stuff.....
July 08, 2009

Today: Drakan: The Ancients' Gates

Monday....or was it Sunday?: Robodemons

Robodemons was written to whet my creative juices and hopefully Drakan was a good example of said juices. As to what's next for me, I haven't a clue. With it being TT time and with me liking to have new stuff up at least every other week, I'll want to get a new review up soon, but at the moment, I have next to no clue as to what I'll be playing.

Most recent blog posts from Rob Hamilton...

EmP EmP - July 08, 2009 (03:41 PM)
I always planned to review Drakken. Safe to say, I liked it a bit more than you. Good stuff all round, old chum.
overdrive overdrive - July 08, 2009 (04:19 PM)
I'd been meaning to review it for a few years, but finally got around to it. Interestingly, my current playthrough knocked at least one point off the final tally, as I really started noticing the dodgy enemy AI this time through.

I'm not sure how overly fair that is, as I've played through the first half of the game (I think) four times and, so it might be my familiarity with the monsters leading to me noticing that stuff.....but when it's the main thing on my mind when I play, it's hard not to focus on it.

The sad thing is that I had to cut out stuff I'd have liked to talk about re: atmosphere just to not bloat the review. Like the skeleton boss' Clive Barker-esque lines about how the bones are forced to bow to the desires of the he'll carve your flesh off to free the bones AND the creepy nature of the dark crypt in the Northlands, where oftentimes you need to watch for skeleton eyes just to know you're in danger.

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