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April 11, 2006

Took a week off (kind of) for some personal stuff, and DAMN, did I miss a lot.

I won't say anything on all the...stuff, I suppose; it's not really my place (though, I will say that I consider DarkFact to be a dick. That perception has nothing to do with HG, though) I've already talked to everyone I need to talk to on the matter, and I'm not taking sides or anything. I will say that it does sadden me to see my reviewing buddies leave...well, 'leave' is kind of a weak term; I see plenty of them outside of HG, but it does kind of suck, still. Feel kind of lonely, now. But, for the record, I will say that I have no intention of leaving. Not that anyone really cares much either way, but eh.

On that note, I'll have a review for Kingdom Hearts II coming this afternoon, which people like Bluberry and Scott will no doubt use an excuse to call me homosexual in AIM chats because I actually liked the game. It's not my favorite game ever, but it's pretty good, and it's so much better than the first you have to give props.

Also, something I started wondering this morning: Anyone know just how successful telemarketers are? Does anyone actually ever buy the crap that they try to sell off?

Telemarketer: Hi, I'm interupting your important life so I can sell you a useless foot sponge that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Customer/Victim: Well, GOOOOOOOLLLLYYY. Let me put my personal life on hold and let my dinner get cold so I can purchase this!


Most recent blog posts from Zack Little...

tristis_iranica tristis_iranica - April 11, 2006 (07:19 AM)
You don't have to feel too lonely. I'll make sure to bug you more on AIM from now on.
janus janus - April 11, 2006 (09:08 AM)
That's an awesome song.
galactus21 galactus21 - April 11, 2006 (05:36 PM)
Gald you're not leaving. I personally enjoy your reviews quite a bit.
Genj Genj - April 11, 2006 (07:40 PM)
I wrote a review today. BUT I'M STILL RETIRED!!! It really sucked so I deleted it. I will come out of retirement when I play something that I feel like reviewing.
draqq_zyxx draqq_zyxx - April 12, 2006 (01:08 AM)
If you're homosexual, then I must be Superman in mauve spandex and leather pants watching Sex in the City in Soho drinking White Zinfandel on a tiled porch with a white pug as a companion.

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