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The Most Hated or Disliked Video Games I LIke
August 23, 2011

Cosmic Carnage
Perfect Dark Zero
The Granstream Saga
Urban Champion

Most recent blog posts from Philip Hanan...

Masters Masters - August 23, 2011 (07:13 AM)
Perfect Dark Zero IS lame... but you're not alone in liking it--Emp thinks it's wonderful.
EmP EmP - August 23, 2011 (08:46 AM)
It's a lot more fun in multiplayer. besides, what do you know. You pass over games if the tutorial section isn't rocking.

Is Granstream unliked? I've not spoken to anyone about that title who didn't like it.
fleinn fleinn - August 23, 2011 (02:24 PM)
Hm. I don't know.

Arx Fatalis? The spell-system is made of pure win. Same with stats actually having an effect on your body and appearance, and so on. Backstory is neat as well.

Might and Magic: Dark Messiah. That was awesome. Everyone I know of, and have heard of since hates it. Even if they actually think Oblivion is a good game, they somehow hate Dark Messiah.

Grandia 2. "Fiiiireee---ballll!!!". And "This is My Ultimate Attack: Dragon Horde Slash!!!". Best way to do translations, imo.
SamildanachEmrys SamildanachEmrys - August 23, 2011 (06:18 PM)
Is Granstream unliked? I've not spoken to anyone about that title who didn't like it.

I've never heard of it before, but a quick glance reveals that HG has two reviews of it, and both reviewers hated it (though I must say, the staff review is a pretty shoddy excuse for a review. I assume it's old).
Leroux Leroux - August 23, 2011 (07:59 PM)
Altered Beast is hated but I think that game has a lot of balls.

I understand and agree with Bloomer's take on Bokosuka Wars.

TMNT on the NES gets pretty diverse opinions, but mine leans toward the most positive of them.

But not a lot of other good examples come to mind.
honestgamer honestgamer - August 23, 2011 (08:46 PM)
I like:

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (SNES)
Unlimited SaGa (PS2)

There are probably a number of other titles that I just don't realize are as loathed as they are. The problem with a number of older games is that people sometimes hate them for being old, not necessarily for being bad. I tend to discount hatred for those games unless they were widely hated even around the time of their release. And of course, it's hard to know with NES games and such because I lived out in the sticks and the Internet didn't exist. The Internet makes the hate a lot more evident now than it ever was back in ye olden days when gamers tended to be a lot more satisfied.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 23, 2011 (11:03 PM)
I also liked Granstream Saga and FF Mystic Quest.

Some others:
Jade Cocoon
SaGa Frontier
FarCry: Vengeance
Power Blade
honestgamer honestgamer - August 23, 2011 (11:13 PM)
If you liked SaGa Frontier, Joe, you really might want to try Unlimited SaGa. I believe it's cheap anywhere you can still find it. I really found it refreshing and different.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 23, 2011 (11:14 PM)
I've been hesitant to try Unlimited, but I have been curious about it. Perhaps I will have to track it down some time.
Masters Masters - August 24, 2011 (06:55 AM)
I agree that Thunder Force II is ass. Leroux is the only person who likes it. In the world.

Venter: I liked me some Final Fantasy Mystic Quest too, I'm not gonna lie.
zippdementia zippdementia - August 24, 2011 (07:24 AM)
I'll say that I liked Mystic Quest, too. I also loved Secret of Evermore. Those two are the first that come to mind. Does Heavy Rain count, hah...
threetimes threetimes - August 24, 2011 (08:11 AM)
Some of my favourite games already listed: Grandia 2, Unlimited Saga, Jade Cocoon, and Evermore and I enjoyed Mystic Quest too. But out of those only US seems to get nearly unlimited hatred which I've never understood.

I'll add a few more: Koudelka, Shadow Madness and Fifth Element. All the criticisms are true but I still liked them. A more recent one that get a lot of flak is Sands of Destruction.
overdrive overdrive - August 24, 2011 (09:06 AM)
If Secret of Evermore was disliked, that's the first one on this list that I can say I liked. I'll at least give Saga Frontier a middle-of-the-pack half-thumbs-up sort of thing. It was good in small doses...just doing the same quests over and over with every character got tiring.

I'm giving Rogue Galaxy a second chance after I gave it a mediocre/bad rating and I might be a bit more in favor of it. But I'm in the early stages of the game when I liked it initially. It was around the fifth or sixth chapter when I got sick of it.

Masters gave Faxanadu a blah rating and I love that game, so does that count?
Masters Masters - August 24, 2011 (11:22 AM)
Faxanadu is WAY better than Simon's Quest--I'll give it that much. =D
overdrive overdrive - August 24, 2011 (11:41 AM)
Simon's Quest was made by guys who had this idea on how to make a killer game, but weren't quite sure how to put it into play.

PROTIP: Three lame bosses, transparent blocks over spikes and "puzzles" you need a guide to solve SHOULD have been on the "don't implement" list.
dementedhut dementedhut - August 24, 2011 (12:04 PM)
I enjoy Virtua Fighter 2 for what it is. The Genesis version, I mean.

I really don't understand the hate around it.
SamildanachEmrys SamildanachEmrys - August 24, 2011 (04:13 PM)
I also loved Secret of Evermore

Is Evermore hated? I think my sense of the general opinion on SNES/MD-era games comes from reviews I read at the time. Evermore scored somewhere in the 90s, as did other games that ROM-centric 'retro' gamers today seem to hate, such as Kabuki Quantum Fighter and Star Wars on NES.
zigfried zigfried - August 24, 2011 (05:21 PM)
Perfect Dark Zero - Not a bad game.
The Granstream Saga - Very cool, especially that shower scene.
Urban Champion - Sucked hard.
Arx Fatalis - Awesome stuff.
Might and Magic: Dark Messiah - Never played, so I don't hate it.
Grandia 2 - I was told to stay away!
Altered Beast - Rules. I like playing as a beefy dude who collects balls.
Bokosuka Wars - Have not played... yet.
TMNT on NES - Never really cared about the Turtles, so didn't do much for me.
Thunder Force II - Bad game! Bad game!
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - No one likes this game.
Unlimited SaGa - Never played, but I liked Saga Frontier.
Jade Cocoon - People seem to love this game, but I haven't played it.
SaGa Frontier - Cool people dig it.
FarCry: Vengeance - I'm sure I'd hate it.
Power Blade - I don't even know what this is.
Secret of Evermore - Got good reviews because it was Square, but people actually hated it at the time.
Koudelka - Bloomer reviewed it once. I still need to play this.
Shadow Madness - Is this the one with the awesome cover art?
Fifth Element - Cool movie.
Sands of Destruction - Haven't played.
Rogue Galaxy - I heard this game was awesome?
Faxanadu - Only the antichrist would diss on Faxanadu.
Simon's Quest - Terrible. Glad no one in this thread is defending it.
Virtua Fighter 2 (GEN) - A pretty good fighter, actually.
Kabuki Quantum Fighter - Classic stuff.
Star Wars (NES) - I have no interest in trying this.

JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 24, 2011 (05:23 PM)
I also like Secret of Evermore. I should play it again soon.
Masters Masters - August 24, 2011 (05:31 PM)
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - No one likes this game.

Except everyone in this topic! =D

Wow, I really didn't enjoy Secret of Evermore, if it's the game I'm thinking of. A little boy running around in slime beating up on slugs for three hours at the start?
honestgamer honestgamer - August 24, 2011 (05:38 PM)
Secret of Evermore was the first title Square developed in North America, as I recall, and was intended to be the spiritual successor to Secret of Mana. A lot of people expected that, and Nintendo Power also hyped its heavily, but the general response after the game actually arrived was an air of general disappointment. I've never played it, myself.
Suskie Suskie - August 24, 2011 (06:12 PM)
Alpha Protocol was cool.
dementedhut dementedhut - August 24, 2011 (06:18 PM)
There also seems to be this disdain for Secret of Evermore because some people like to think the latest Mana game at the time was passed over for this.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 24, 2011 (10:33 PM)
I'm going to rip-off Zig. Screw originality.

Perfect Dark Zero - Never played it, but I've wanted to despite the lackluster reception.
The Granstream Saga - Awesome. One of the few games on PSX with worthwhile anime cutscenes.
Urban Champion - Never played it, never wanted to.
Arx Fatalis - I didn't care for it, but I may try it again in the future.
Might and Magic: Dark Messiah - I've wanted to play it.
Grandia 2 - Loved it.
Altered Beast - I'm also one of the few who enjoy this game. I agree 100% with Leroux's review.
Bokosuka Wars - I also agree with Bloomer. I was going to review this until I saw his review. It pretty much blew my argument out of the water. I'm holding off on reviewing it, or possibly not doing a review at all. It'd pretty much mirror what Bloomer already covered.
TMNT on NES - Meh. It's not as horrible as people say it is, but I still don't are for it.
Thunder Force II - Never played it.
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - I like it for what it's worth, but it's a tad too repetitive. I do like that you can basically make it as easy or difficult as you want by neglecting to fight battles.
Unlimited SaGa - Want to play it, actually.
Jade Cocoon - I enjoyed it.
SaGa Frontier - Good stuff.
FarCry: Vengeance - I like it better than most people, but partially for the wrong reasons (like a really bad scene in the beginning when an enemy calls you a "bastard guy").
Power Blade - Zig: You're probably not missing much. It's basically Mega Man meets Castlevania, which is where most people rip on it. I enjoy it, but it's nothing great.
Secret of Evermore - I liked it, mostly because of its b-movie references.
Koudelka - I also liked this.
Shadow Madness - I keep hearing this game didn't deserve the negative reviews. I do want to try it.
Fifth Element - Never played it. Never saw the movie. Not interested in the game, but maybe one day I'll watch the movie.
Sands of Destruction - Never heard of it.
Rogue Galaxy - Only played a few minutes of it, but I do eventually want to go through it.
Faxanadu - My opinion on it changes every time I play it. I need to play it one final time and have an ultimate opinion.
Simon's Quest - Fuck this game. I'm planning on reviewing it in October.
Virtua Fighter 2 (GEN) - Never played it.
Kabuki Quantum Fighter - Great stuff.
Star Wars (NES) - Which version? The US version looks crappy, so I'm not too interested. The Japanese version looks even worse. Darth Vader turns into a shark at one point in the game. I shit you not. And it still looks godawful.
Alpha Protocol- Downloaded it for PC just before the damn thing started pulling its bullshit. It's on the shelf for a while, but I do want to play it.


Dark Cloud 2- I like this game. So there...

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance- I also like this game.
jerec jerec - August 25, 2011 (04:34 AM)
I like Dragon Age 2.
jerec jerec - August 25, 2011 (04:34 AM)
I like Dragon Age 2.
fleinn fleinn - August 25, 2011 (06:42 AM)
:D lol.. sooner or later someone is going to say they liked Loom. And they're going to go: "Ask me about Loom! Ask me now!".
Masters Masters - August 25, 2011 (06:53 AM)
Super Adventure Island.

Yes, I said it.
SamildanachEmrys SamildanachEmrys - August 25, 2011 (08:05 AM)
There also seems to be this disdain for Secret of Evermore because some people like to think the latest Mana game at the time was passed over for this. Dunno if this was true or not.

Fair point. I don't know if Seiken Densetsu 3 being passed over was anything to do with Evermore, but I can certainly see how people would see it that way. Mana fans (including me) would have loved to get the next game in that series. That's why I didn't like Evermore at the time, but I think if you go into it not expecting Secret of Mana, it's a decent game.

Wow, I really didn't enjoy Secret of Evermore, if it's the game I'm thinking of. A little boy running around in slime beating up on slugs for three hours at the start?

Ha, yes, that's the one. That first section was a bit of a chore. A poor choice for the opening section, I think.

sooner or later someone is going to say they liked Loom. And they're going to go: "Ask me about Loom! Ask me now!"
Ha! Nicely done. For that, you get a golf clap.
fleinn fleinn - August 25, 2011 (08:16 AM)
Good gods :D

..I liked Yager and Vexx. People were playing Halo, and I played Yager. "But look, you can fly! The animation is awesome! It's almost like Cyberia..."..
overdrive overdrive - August 25, 2011 (09:19 AM)
From some of the ones on Joe's list:

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - I DON'T LIKE IT!!! It's not atrocious and I guess it'd be a good RPG for fourth graders, but I prefer something with a bit more difficulty that I won't cruise through in a couple days. Speaking of which, I'll be typing my Bonded Realities (XBox Indie) review today to put up on Sunday or Monday (so it won't interfere with my RotW doing).

Power Blade - I bought this game discount and beat it a long time ago. I don't remember it well enough to review it, but have no real desire to play it again. One of the many playable, but unexceptional, action titles of that time.

Secret of Evermore - Another thing that might have rubbed players the wrong way was how the ending seemed really rushed after three good (at least after the slug-killing wars of the first part's beginning, as mentioned earlier) areas. The future world just seemed thrown together with an anti-climactic boss rush bit at the end.

Rogue Galaxy - In my replay, I'm to the beginning of Chapter 4. As I recall, I'm in for pure hell now, as the enemies take a major jump forward in difficulty and until my secondary characters adapt and build up their weapons, it's a major challenge just to keep things under control. I'm doing a bit more grinding this time in hopes of keeping ahead of the curve building up weapons (and to get more bounty hunter points for monster quotas), so I'm hoping this time, things are a bit more routine.

Kabuki Quantum Fighter - One of these years, I have to play this and Shatterhand. I've thought both look intriguing for many years, but never got around to either.

Dark Cloud 2- People dislike this game? Yeah, it does get repetitive at times, but it's a fun game. It's in my list of "beat, but not truly beat" games like most Star Oceans. Where I've beat the game, but not all the post-game optional dungeon stuff. Think I've done the first few rooms of the post-game dungeon, but I have a long ways to go there.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 25, 2011 (12:09 PM)
Could just be me with Dark Cloud 2. I've heard a fair amount of people trash on it.
honestgamer honestgamer - August 25, 2011 (02:28 PM)
When Dark Cloud 2 came out, it became an obsession at my apartment. I was living with a few people at the time, and we wound up with two copies circulating. I think everyone played it--religiously--except me. I watched people play and it looked incredible, but I was busy and when I had time, someone else was usually on the TV.
Genj Genj - August 25, 2011 (05:16 PM)
Comments on a few:

Grandia 2 - I was a big fan of the original and I remember being so disappointed after playing it since it was one of my big reasons behind buying a Dreamcast. Skies of Arcadia made me feel better afterwards.

Alpha Protocol - This game is an unfinished mess but it's somehow enjoyable in spite of it. Not enough for me to stomach a replay though.

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - The soundtrack is pretty good. The rest of the game is not.

Altered Beast - I feel like the voice samples for the game are iconic and the gameplay not so much.

TMNT on NES - I think I got this game for my birthday when I was like 6 years old. The dam level can go fuck itself.

Simon's Quest - No one likes this game and if you do, you're lying.

The closest thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is Killer7, but after writing up a description of the game for here, the more I think of it as more of a cult game rather than a disliked one that I enjoyed a lot.
zigfried zigfried - August 25, 2011 (07:31 PM)
Shatterhand is awesome and universally beloved.

qxz qxz - August 25, 2011 (10:19 PM)
The only "I like it regardless what everyone else says" that comes to mind right now is Wizards & Warriors on the NES. This was chosen because those who had either rated and/or reviewed W&W have given it a reception as cold as an Alaskan January.

I'm well aware the W&W has rather dubious gameplay quirks. Why is a special set of boots required to kick open treasure chests? How is it that bees can injure a knight who is clad in armor? Whose bright idea was it to require 100 gems in the final level when only 60 or so are readily available?

Despite these oddities, I still like -- not love -- Wizards & Warriors. The controls work well, there's no need for precision jumping, about 99% of the game's platforms can be reached without much difficulty, and it's one of those games that does not require me to put too much time into for me to enjoy.

Or, for those who want a concise answer, Wizards & Warriors is 8-bit comfort food.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 25, 2011 (10:43 PM)
Shatterhand is pretty badass. I need to play that and Kabuki: Quantum Fighter again.

Some more I've dredged up:

Final Fantasy Legend III- Mediocre to most, but I loved it back in the day. I want to replay Legend II, because everyone seems to love it (except me).

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Whomp 'Em

Legend of Mana
qxz qxz - August 25, 2011 (11:43 PM)
Yeah, Guerrilla War is good stuff. Strangely, I never got to play it -- NES or otherwise -- before 2004 or so.
overdrive overdrive - August 26, 2011 (09:10 AM)
Wizards and Warriors was great fun when I was young. Then I tried playing it a few years ago and the magic was gone.

Still, it got a lot more NES-time from me than Ironsword (beating the final boss was exhausting enough that I haven't played it since...occasionally I'll YouTube the music for that final area because it's awesome, but that's it) and the third one (rented once, got pissed, the end).
SamildanachEmrys SamildanachEmrys - August 29, 2011 (01:52 PM)
Hyrbid Heaven, on N64.

Not that I loved it or anything, but I quite liked it, mainly because of the unusual combat system. The general consensus, in contrast, seems to be that it was bad.
honestgamer honestgamer - August 29, 2011 (04:08 PM)
I thought of a game I like that other people seem to hate: Yo! Noid (NES). I really like that game, but even here it has scores of 6 (aschultz) and 3 (johnny_cairo). I like it more than both of those fellows. I still get some of the music stuck in my head.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - August 31, 2011 (05:07 AM)
I need to replay Yo! Noid. I always thought it was a decent platformer.
fleinn fleinn - August 31, 2011 (08:21 AM) er.. rapper-aliens from outer space invading earth..? :p's another game I liked that.. probably sold three copies. Aiken's Artefact. With Ice-T doing the voice. Top down perspective, running around with psycho-powers. Boom. Fry, ****hole!

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