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Top 3 Publishers' Games I Would Play Until The End of Time
May 31, 2011

1. Namco
2. Sega
3. Nintendo

I find I am constantly playing Namco Museum, Genesis games, and classic NES games and I still enjoy them to this day, so if I could only get games from these publishers, I'd still be a happy gamer.

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honestgamer honestgamer - May 31, 2011 (06:38 PM)
Nintendo would definitely make my list, too. Capcom is another one that you'd see on the list. As for a third, that's really hard to say. Most of the standard answers have fallen away. I'd probably go with Square-Enix, if only reluctantly, because the company isn't as likely to bottle magic these days as it once was. Still, there's hope. Other close contenders are Konami and Electronic Arts. Atlus isn't bad, either. I wish it were as easy for developers to stand out from the crowd as it was during the NES days. I miss those days. *sigh*
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - May 31, 2011 (09:28 PM)
Every time I mention any such developer or publisher, they go out of their way to disappoint me after the fact. Square did it, as did Enix, Atlas, and Nippon Ichi. I don't believe in jinxes, but this seems "jinxy" enough that I'll refrain.
honestgamer honestgamer - May 31, 2011 (10:02 PM)
When did Atlus disappoint you, Joe? I see now that this topic was about top publishers, not developers. I consider the question of publishers irrelevant, because publishers just stick their name on something other people created. There's an art to that, but a publisher isn't going to be as consistent over time as a developer likely will.
JoeTheDestroyer JoeTheDestroyer - May 31, 2011 (10:18 PM)
I don't remember exactly where Atlus failed me, so I'll have to think back on it. I still buy their merch, as well as Square and others, but I'm more wary about it these days.
overdrive overdrive - June 01, 2011 (01:11 AM)
When did Atlus disappoint you, Joe? I see now that this topic was about top publishers, not developers.

While I'm not Joe, I look at Atlus as a company where if you keep to the main titles, you're good...but if you get fired up by how good Nocturne or Persona 3 was and decide you're going to follow them till the end, you'll be disappointed (which is why ANY company will end up disappointing you, as no one hits a home run every time).

With review copies I've gotten, I've played blah-to-poor games like Metal Saga and Rule of Rose and average ones like Raidou Ku....whatever vs. the whatever action-RPG combo of Parasite Eve and a SMT game.

Or in reverse...Vesperia and Abyss have made me a HUGE fan of Namco's Tales team. Almost enough to forget that games like Destiny and Legendia were somewhat less than inspiring. Almost...
qxz qxz - June 03, 2011 (02:42 PM)
My three choices:

1. Atari (arcade games pre-1990)
2. Nintendo (NES, SNES, and N64 pre-1998)
3. Compile
4. If I can't use Compile, I'm choosing Konami for their arcade games.

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