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Forums > Submission Feedback > turducken's Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles review

This thread is in response to a review for Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles on the DS. You are encouraged to view the review in a new window before reading this thread.

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Author: zippdementia
Posted: January 09, 2011 (08:29 PM)
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This is my favorite review of the tournament.

Note to gamers: when someone shoots you in the face, they aren't "gay." They are "psychopathic."

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Author: overdrive (Mod)
Posted: January 09, 2011 (08:50 PM)
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No. Mine is.

All "jokes" (the quotation marks are my subtle way of declaring I'm really not joking) aside, this was a very fun review to read that did have me chuckling a few times. You definitely have a knack for skillfully and cleverly illustrating a game's flaws. If I was judging this thing, you'd be getting a very good score. Fortunately for me, the people who are judging have already been paid off!

I'm not afraid to die because I am invincible
Viva la muerte, that's my goddamn principle

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Author: zippdementia
Posted: January 09, 2011 (09:24 PM)
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For the record, Overdrive's review is my "least favorite" review of the tournament.

Note to gamers: when someone shoots you in the face, they aren't "gay." They are "psychopathic."

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Author: jerec
Posted: January 09, 2011 (09:56 PM)
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I like all the reviews that don't beat mine. So for now, I like this one.

I can avoid death by not having a life.

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