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Below, you can see the 20 most recent posts in the forums, starting with the most recent post first and working backwards. Signatures, avatars and other related information have been stripped so that the page will load quickly. Each post contains a link to the thread where it was posted so you can click to see it in its original context.

Title: Pacific Drive
Platform: PS5

Added. (Sorry about the slow response.)


Looking at site reviews for Phelios, you had it at 3/5, Marc had it at 2.5/5 and I had it at 2/5, so yes, you did enjoy it more than I did! But, yeah, Sylphia is a good amount of fun and a lot of imagination went into crafting it. Seemed like every level had its own particular enemies where some might get repeated, but you saw stuff in each level you wouldn't see in any others. And in shooters, that isn't something you can count on happening regularly.

Great review here, but... Phelios shade noticed! I don't recall loving that other game, but I think I enjoyed it more than you. Either way, you've made Sylphia sound like I need to find time to play it.

I don't dislike Jesper Kyd's music in the game, but I do question its stark contrast to the animated show's music. Was Jesper unaware? Or did he just do his own thing regardless?

The game itself is unfortunate from a gameplay standpoint, so it's a shame the visual "tricks" used here were wasted on something like this.

Yeah, SNES Wolfenstein 3D was able to vault the impossibly low bar that is SNES Doom and do so by a lot. Which still didn't make it good whatsoever, but at least it wasn't comically inept.

SNES Doom is so bad that we need an old-timey comedian here to generate a never-ending stream of "It's so bad that..." jokes to do justice to just how bad it is.

This game was such a letdown, especially compared to the SNES game which was actually true to the wonderful TV series!

And how ironic that the future great composer, Jesper Kyd, could not have been more out of step with the series' music style if he had tried.

I never played the SNES version, and I'm honestly afraid to. I've heard it's less of a catastrophe than SNES Doom, but that isn't much of a feat. I've taken punches to the groin that were more pleasant than SNES Doom.

Sorry, I'm notoriously bad about responding to things, especially lately.

Yeah, I feel the age setting in for sure. I'm getting to the point where even stuff that's newer in my head is considered old by young'uns these days. I mention something from early PS4 or late 3, and they're like, "Who still plays old school stuff like that?"

Old school? OLD SCHOOL? You know what's old school? Asteroids. Super Mario Bros. Hang-On. Those are old school. These kids make me feel old every time they call the Wii a retro system.

Thanks for reading!


Please Add This Game:

Title: Relayer Advanced
Platform: PC
Release Date: GOG: November 10, 2022 Steam: October 26, 2022
Developer: Dragami Games
Publisher: Dragami Games

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Edit: Thank you very much!

Title: Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
Platform: PC
Release date: NA: Aug 13, 2003 / EU: Aug 29, 2003
Developer: Reflexive Entertainment
Publisher: Black Isle Studios / Interplay Entertainment
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No apology needed--nice review!

Man, there's 21 years between yours and mine. We're all getting so old.

Ah, for a long time, I had just put all my stuff as staff and one day, Jason said there should be only one staff, so I stopped. But still probably have a few dozen, if not more, staff reviews that were the second or third of those. So no biggie. At least I never took it as such!

Good review. After playing the "meh" SNES port of this game, the main thing that struck me was how repetitive the game was, where the only really thrilling levels were the boss ones, as you just might release a boss into a level still filled with regular soldiers if you went through the wrong door at the wrong time. But other than that, it just droned on and on. But, since it was the SNES port and that system totally botched Doom, I never was sure if it was just really chopped down and butchered. And now I know that it might have been inferior, but it was at least true to the original.

Doh! I didn't want to do this as a staff review. Sorry, Marc. Sorry, everyone.

Me, every day at 9 PM:
I'm going to read, write, and fulfill hut's request.

Me, every day at 11 PM:

Anyway, it's been added.

Title: Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Platform: PS5

Edit: Thanks, Joe.

Look what I've done.

Title: Operation Wolf Returns: First Mission
Platform: PS4



Sounds like the recipe for a stiff challenge factor.

It does sound like you had a hard time with it!

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