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August 18, 2006

Under 500 Words. Good enough for HGM? Or am I too pissed off? :)

Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

Most recent blog posts from Nicholas Tan...

zigfried zigfried - August 18, 2006 (06:11 PM)
What's HGM?

I think you make an interesting point about the lack of evolution, but I disagree with it. Although cool when it was new, Street Fighter Alpha was horribly underdeveloped. Alpha 2 added a few key characters, improved on the mechanics a bit, and GREATLY improved on the presenation, demonstrating how amazing Alpha could (should) have been from the very beginning.

Alpha 3 was an entirely different beast altogether, scrapping much of what made Alpha 2 awesome and replacing it with a ridiculously overwrought ISM system that stomps on the series' once-fine name. Unlike Alpha 2's added characters, most of the additions to part 3 are either (A) stupid, or (B) sacrilege.

Although I disagree, I think it's a nice piece of writing.

draqq_zyxx draqq_zyxx - August 18, 2006 (08:35 PM)
HGM is Hardcore Gamer Magazine.

I feel that while Alpha 2 upped the refinement and smoothed out the mechanics (and added those custom combos), I still felt it was more similar than different. For me, it was just polish.

If I was reviewing Alpha 2 during its time and not as a part of an anthology, I would have probably given it more props.

I do have to say that things like Guard Crush and V-ism is quite silly in Alpha 3, but I felt that a risk reward was in order. At that point in the series and in this anthology, anything new was amazing even if it had some issues.
honestgamer honestgamer - August 18, 2006 (08:51 PM)
I liked Alpha 2 for its gameplay and Alpha 3 for the expanded roster of characters (and return of Cammy's fine ass).
Genj Genj - August 18, 2006 (09:21 PM)
Cammy looks about 12 years old in Alpha 3 so that's just gross, Jason. No! Just no!

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